frames- The fact that a vast majority of fundamentalist money managers fail *-1 to beat the S&P 500 may contribute to [ARG1 the hysteria] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the issue] .
- [ARG1 Volatility] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 his trades] occurs not because of index arbitrage , but because his is a large addition or subtraction to a widget market with finite liquidity .
- Amid [ARG1 the swirl] of punitive rhetoric [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the issue] , one critical question involves whether a federal death penalty , on top of existing state laws , would deter any would-be criminals .
- [ARG2 *-2] [rel Surrounded] *-1 by [ARG1-by stacks of paper , two computers and photos of himself boating and flying] , Mr. Phillips laid out several changes 0 he hopes *-3 to make *T*-4 at the agency .
- He had been summoned *-1 to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party , after he finished his lunch at the Savoy Hotel , an unlikely prelude to a bureaucratic brow-beating : [ARG2 Eight-foot-tall Rubenesquely naked ladies] float on their canvases toward a ceiling teeming with cherubs , all [rel surrounded] * by [ARG1-by gilt laid * on with a pastry chef 's trowel] and supported * by marble corinthian columns whose capitals *T*-2 are fluting fountains of gold .
- The former Wall Street executive refused *-2 to offer an opinion on [ARG1 the controversy] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 program trading , which *T*-1 has recently become a larger part of the trading in the market and has been blamed *-3 for * accelerating the drop two weeks ago] .
- A lavish white portico with a stained-glass window towers over [ARG1 the brick wall] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 his property] .
- Mr. Glazer expects Xerox to experience tough sledding , though , in financial services because of rate pressures and [ARG1 uncertainty] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 tax treatment of capital gains] .
- `` There is strong indication that ` Teddy Z ' is not compatible with [ARG2 the shows] 0 [ARG1 it] is [rel surrounding] *T*-1 , '' said *T*-2 John Sisk , senior vice president at J. Walter Thompson Co. , a unit of WPP Group PLC .
- That range was quickly narrowed *-2 to $ 145 to $ 155 *U* , although [ARG1 traders] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the post] were told *-1 that $ 148 to $ 150 *U* would be the likely target .
- *-1 Sandwiched between desks , underwriters sit on [ARG2 benches] [rel surrounded] * by [ARG1-by stacks of policies] .
- Bradford Crowe , director of the mayor 's City Economic Development Office , says : `` There is no question that Vermont-Slauson had a halo effect on the [rel surrounding] [ARG1 neighborhood] .
- [ARG1 The long-running scandal] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano] was reignited *-1 by the arrest last week of Rome businessman Flavio Carboni on fraud charges .
- Britain 's Serious Fraud Office said 0 it will investigate [ARG1 the circumstances] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 alleged phantom contracts at Ferranti International Signal PLC 's International Signal & Control unit] .
- One reason 0 [ARG1 questions] [rel surround] [ARG2 the heat experiments] *T*-1 is that they involve unusually meticulous measurements .
- And most of the truly big scams in Orange County seem *-3 to originate in Newport Beach or one of [ARG1 the other well-heeled communities] that *T*-1 [rel surround] [ARG2 this sliver-like city that *T*-2 hooks around a point of land] on the California coast south of Los Angeles .
- But the plan only threatens *-3 to heighten [ARG1 the tension and confusion] [ARGM-TMP already] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the cases that *T*-2 were filed *-1 in September 1988] .
- Michael Burns , president of Telesystems , says 0 his concern has only benefited from [ARG1 the publicity] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the case] , *-2 noting that three other charities have signed on as clients because they were impressed *-1 with the amount 0 he raised *T*-3 for National Children 's .
- After Mr. Sullivan waffled on abortion last year , [ARG0 the White House] appeased right-to-lifers by *-1 [rel surrounding] [ARG2 him] with [ARG1-with pro-life deputies] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP now] , an official says 0 *T*-3 , [ARG2 he] is `` [rel surrounded] *-1 by [ARG1-by right-to-lifers , '' who *T*-2 contend that any breakthroughs in fetal-tissue research could increase the demand for abortions] .
- From what he saw *T*-2 on television , Mr. Chesley points out that Interstate 880 , which *T*-1 collapsed and killed more than 200 commuters , suffered serious damage while [rel surrounding] [ARG1 buildings] appeared *-3 to sustain no damage whatsoever .
- Adverse publicity from [ARG1 the scandal] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 its founder 's wife] and related management strife have put pressure on the entire Helmsley organization .
- [ARGM-LOC Down the street] , [ARG2 a car] pulls into the Shell station and is [rel surrounded] *-1 by [ARG1-by black attendants] .
- The panel 's action occurs in [ARG1 a politically charged atmosphere] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 recent buy-out proposals , their apparent collapse and the volatile conditions in the stock market] .
- The short-term shift in [ARG1 the political climate] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 abortion] reflects two factors that *T*-1 are likely *-3 to govern the debate in the next several months : the reawakening of the abortion-rights movement as a potent force after years of lassitude , and the ability *ICH*-2 of each side * to counter the other 's advance in one arena with a victory of its own elsewhere .
- As the citizens of San Francisco and [rel surrounding] [ARG1 communities] began *-1 assessing the damage from Tuesday 's devastating earthquake , NBC News began *-2 assessing the damage from what some said 0 *T*-4 was a failure * to provide comprehensive coverage in the earthquake 's initial moments .
- After [ARG1 the confusion] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the change of the Coke formula] [ARGM-TMP in 1985] , Coca-Cola was reluctant *-1 to clutter the Classic name with a brand extension .
- Morgan Grenfell had advised Guinness on [ARG2 the bid] , which *T*-2 was [rel surrounded] *-1 by [ARG1-by allegations that Guinness used artificial means *-3 to support the bid 's value] .
- The book also recounts [ARG1 the not dissimilar maneuvers] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 the changing of the guard at Lehman Bros. and other grand old firms] .
- Roberto Morelli , Italy analyst for County Natwest Securities in London , said that right now `` the market is n't being influenced *-1 by that kind of news , '' * referring to the conditional nature of the talks mentioned * by Mr. Reuter and by [ARG1 the uncertainty] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 world stock exchanges] [ARGM-TMP this week] .
- But this year , when [ARG1 the hullabaloo] [rel surrounding] [ARG2 its centennial] died *T*-1 , so too did *T*-2 some advertiser interest .
- And [ARG2 they] have grown up in unprecedentedly grim circumstances , among family structures breaking down , *-1 [rel surrounded] by [ARG1-by self-destructive behaviors and bleak prospects] .
- Both Paribas and AGF have been increasing their stakes in Navigation Mixte recently for what they have termed *T*-2 `` investment purposes , '' although [ARG2 the issue] has been [rel surrounded] *-1 by [ARG1-by takeover speculation] in recent weeks .