frames- [ARG1 Mr. Leming] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel surprised] *-1 by [ARG0-by the lower price cited * by NL] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 he believes that $ 55 *U* a share is `` the most 0 you can pay *T*-2 for Georgia Gulf before it becomes a bad acquisition] . ''
- [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MOD would] be [ARGM-EXT very] [rel surprised] [ARG0 if his departure signals any change in strategy or change in profit expectations] . ''
- In a statement , Jaguar 's board said 0 [ARG1 they] `` were not consulted *-2 about the -LRB- Ridley decision -RRB- in advance and were [rel surprised] *-2 at [ARG0-at the action taken *-1] . ''
- But GM officials said 0 [ARG1 they] , [ARGM-DIS too] , were [rel surprised] *-43 by [ARG0-by the move , which *T*-68 left them to `` consider all our options and explore matters further] . ''
- `` [ARG1 We] were [ARGM-ADV just] [rel surprised] , '' says *T*-1 Tad Inada , NASDA 's director for international affairs .
- [ARG0 The tender offer] , which *T*-1 [rel surprised] [ARG1 analysts] [ARGM-CAU because it appeared *-2 to be unsolicited] , could spark a period of industry consolidation .
- [ARG1 Analysts] , [ARGM-DIS however] , were [rel surprised] *-1 [ARGM-CAU because the tender offer appeared unsolicited] .
- `` [ARGM-MOD Maybe] [ARG0 Akzo] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel surprise] [ARG1 the investment world] [ARGM-EXT a bit] , '' said *T*-1 Jaap Visker , an analyst at Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank NV .
- [ARG1 We] 're [rel surprised] .
- [ARG0 BellSouth 's revised proposal] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many industry analysts] , [ARGM-CAU especially because of the company 's willingness * to accept some dilution of future earnings] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP Over the next couple of years] [ARG1 we] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG not] be [rel surprised] [ARG0 *-1 to see Europe and international -LCB- sales -RCB- represent 50 % of the company 's revenues] , '' he said *T*-2 .
- He said 0 [ARG1 he] was [rel surprised] *-1 by [ARG0-by the EC 's reaction] , *-2 calling it `` vehement , even frenetic . ''
- [ARG0 The need for the loan] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many analysts and bond holders who *T*-2 had been told *-1 at the company 's annual meeting in July that there were n't any major problems ahead] .
- [ARG0 The decline] [rel surprised] [ARG1 analysts] and jolted HomeFed 's stock , which *T*-1 lost 8.6 % of its value , *-2 closing at $ 38.50 *U* on the New York Stock Exchange , down $ 3.625 *U* .
- [ARG0 The results] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many analysts] , [ARGM-CAU because USAir has almost no competition in its Pittsburgh hub and has expanded operations by *-1 completing its acquisition of Piedmont Airlines] .
- Jaguar seems *-2 to be losing interest in * giving GM a minority stake , said 0 *T*-3 one individual close to the talks , *-4 adding , `` It [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel surprise] [ARG1 me] [ARG0 if -LCB- Jaguar executives -RCB- want *-5 to wait and see what the color of that -LCB- Ford bid -RCB- is *T*-1 '' first] .
- Mr. Blum added 0 [ARG1 he] was [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel surprised] [ARG0 0 Mr. Koenig resigned] , but his departure was `` nothing that we desired *T*-1 or worked for *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG0 The stock market 's decline , coming after a record weekly gain of 119.88 points ,] [rel surprised] [ARG1 some investors] .
- [ARGM-LOC At the San Mateo Bridge , which *T*-2 connects the San Francisco peninsula with the East Bay ,] [ARG1 police] were [rel surprised] *-1 at [ARG0-at the speed with which traffic moved *T*-3] .
- But investors who *T*-1 bought zero-coupon CDs in the secondary market are n't [ARG1 the only ones] who *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel surprised] [ARG0 *-3 to learn 0 the full amount of their investments is n't insured *-4] .
- [ARGM-ADV While people within Daiwa , particularly internationalists , expected that Mr. Dozen , 52 , would eventually become Daiwa 's president] , [ARG0 the speed of his promotion] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Decker 's resignation] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many industry officials] .
- [ARG0 The rapid advance of the 52-year-old executive] [rel surprised] [ARG1 many at the company] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP last year] [ARG0 Hitachi Ltd.] [rel surprised] [ARG1 Japan 's electronics industry] [ARGM-TMP when it accused Korea 's Samsung Electronics Co. of *-1 using Hitachi technology *-3 to make dynamic random-access memory chips *T*-2] .
- `` I have no reason 0 * to think 0 things will get worse *T*-1 , but [ARG0 this market] has a knack for *-2 [rel surprising] [ARG1 us] .
- [ARGM-ADV While *-1 welcoming Nicholas McInnes 's Sept. 18 letter offering corrections to your `` World-Wide Tax Revolution '' table -LRB- editorial page , Aug. 29 -RRB-] , [ARG1 I] am [rel surprised] *-1 [ARG0 that he neglected other errors that *T*-2 , for some of us , strike close to home] .
- Transportation department officials , however , said 0 [ARG1 they] were [ARGM-EXT as] [rel surprised] as anyone by [ARG0-by the Cypress destruction] .
- [ARG0 The drop in earnings] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel surprise] [ARG1 analysts who *T*-1 said 0 the Pittsburgh glass , coatings and chemical concern had been predicting a slow quarter because of the sluggish construction industry , a major market for the company 's flat glass] .
- `` [ARG1 I] 'm [rel surprised] [ARG0 0 we did n't see more volatility '' in stocks] , said 0 *T*-1 Raymond F. DeVoe Jr. , market strategist at Legg Mason Wood Walker .
- [ARG0 The Commodore 64 and 128 , mainly used * for children 's educational software and games ,] had [rel surprised] [ARG1 market researchers] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 continuing *-2 to produce strong sales even though other low-profit personal computers now operate several times as fast and have much more memory] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lang] [rel surprised] [ARG1 Time] [ARGM-TMP soon after * joining forces] [ARGM-TMP when he said 0 he would negotiate rates individually with advertisers , a practice common in broadcasting but considered * taboo by magazine publishers *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 What] *T*-1 's [rel surprising] is that there is n't more of a conservative outcry as the Bush administration lets the programs slip down the national-priority list .
- That is why [ARG1 everybody] was [ARGM-ADV a little] [rel surprised] *-1 by [ARG0-by the storm of sell orders from small private investors] *T*-2 , '' said *T*-3 Norbert Braeuer , a senior trader for Hessische Landesbank .
- However , Disney specialist Robert Fagenson said : `` [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel surprised] *-1 [ARG0 if Goldman represented 4 % of the opening volume] . ''
- Kenneth Mitchell , director of Dow 's polyethylene business , says 0 [ARG1 producers] were [rel surprised] [ARG0 *-1 to learn how much inventories had swelled throughout the distribution chain as prices spiraled up *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 Fed Chairman Greenspan] was [rel surprised] *-1 by [ARG0-by both stories] , according to knowledgeable sources , and insisted 0 he had n't authorized any public comment .
- [ARG1 Analysts , who *T*-1 were expecting Alcoa to post around $ 2.70 to $ 3 *U* a share ,] were [rel surprised] at [ARG0-at the lackluster third-quarter results] .