frames- Whereas [ARG1 conventional securities financings] are [rel structured] *-3 [ARG2 to be sold *-1 quickly] , Wall Street 's new penchant for leveraged buy-outs and junk bonds is resulting in long-term lending commitments that *T*-2 stretch out for months or years .
- A Coca-Cola spokesman said 0 it is too early * to say [ARG2 how] [ARG1 the joint venture] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel structured] *T*-1 , or how much the company would invest *T*-3 in the transaction .
- [ARGM-CAU Due to the Treasury 's need * to raise funds quickly before the current authority * to issue debt expires at midnight tonight] , [ARG1 yesterday 's auction] was [rel structured] *-1 [ARG2-MNR differently from previous sales] .
- [ARG0 Jaguar and GM] hope *-2 to win Jaguar shareholders approval for the accord partly by *-3 [rel structuring] [ARG1 it] in [ARG2-in a way that *T*-1 would n't preclude a full Ford bid once the golden share expires] .
- The companies said 0 [ARG1 the transaction] is being [rel structured] *-1 [ARG2-MNR this way] [ARGM-CAU because the laws of the Netherlands Antilles , under which Erbamont is organized *-2 *T*-3 , do n't provide for merger transactions] .
- `` I 'm not saying 0 they 've stopped altogether , but [ARG1 future deals] are going *-2 to be [rel structured] *-1 [ARG2-MNR differently] and bids probably wo n't be as high . ''
- [ARG1 Other aspects of the bill] , [ARGM-DIS however] , are [ARGM-DIS either] [rel structured] *-2 in [ARG2-in ways that *T*-1 create unnecessary burdens for the industry] or actually are harmful to the exchanges , the industry and ultimately the general public .
- Adding to the junk market 's jitters were *T*-3 reports that [ARG0 Donaldson , Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp.] is having trouble *-2 [rel structuring] [ARG1 a $ 1.6 billion *U* offering for TW Food Services Inc.] and will postpone *RNR*-1 or even cancel *RNR*-1 the issue .
- [ARG1 Schools] that *T*-2 are [rel structured] *-1 in [ARG2-in this way] produce students with higher morale and superior academic performance .
- Though the ink *ICH*-2 is barely dry on its new , post-bankruptcy law structure , Bill Bullock , Manville 's head of investor relations , says 0 the company is continually pondering `` whether there is [ARG2-MNR a better way] 0 [ARG1 *] to be [rel structured] *-1 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARG0 Budget Director Richard Darman] [rel structured] [ARG1 the $ 16.1 billion *U* spending reduction , half of which *T*-1 must come from defense ,] [ARG2 *-2 to `` impose a little bit more discipline '' by * applying cuts to each individual program , project or activity in the budget] .
- There are all sorts of variations on term insurance : [ARG1 policies] [rel structured] * [ARG2-PNC *-1 to pay off your mortgage debt] , term riders tacked on to permanent insurance , and many others .
- Yes , he says 0 *T*-4 , [ARG1 premiums on such variable-rate coverage] [ARGM-MOD can] be [rel structured] *-2 [ARG2 *-3 to `` vanish '' after a certain period] -- [ARGM-ADV but usually only if interest rates stay high enough * to generate sufficient cash 0 *T*-1 to cover the annual cost of insurance protection] .
- In the current-coupon sector , a shift in the Treasury yield curve resulting from the better performance of long-dated issues over short-dated securities hurt major coupons because it *EXP*-1 will become more difficult [ARG0 *] to [rel structure] [ARG1 new derivative securities offerings] .
- While Remic issuance may slow in the coming days because of the shift in the Treasury yield curve , underwriters continued *-1 to crank out [ARG1 new real estate mortgage investment conduits] [rel structured] * [ARGM-TMP when the yield curve was more favorable *T*-2] .
- Dealers noted that [ARG0 it *EXP*-1] 's difficult * to [rel structure] [ARG1 new Remics] when prices are moving widely *T*-2 .
- In October 1987 , just after the market drop , Washington was awash in talk of sweeping changes in [ARG2 the way] 0 [ARG1 the financial markets] are [rel structured] and regulated *T*-1 .