frames- *-1 Applying prowess gained * during earlier stints at appliance maker AB Electrolux , [ARG0 Mr. Andersson and a handful of loyal lieutenants] [ARGM-MNR aggressively] [rel stripped] away [ARG1 dead wood] -- and got quick results .
- [ARGM-DIS * To be sure] , [ARG0 the full Senate] , [ARGM-ADV *-3 facing a fast-approaching budget deadline] , [ARGM-TMP last Friday] [rel stripped] away [ARG1 all of the tax breaks that *T*-2 were contained *-1 in the Finance Committee bill] .
- Presidents Kennedy and Johnson were both big users of the impoundment power , but [ARG0 Congress] saw its chance against a weakened President Nixon and [rel stripped] [ARG1 it] away .
- The insurance brokerage agency , just a fragment of Helmsley 's vast empire , would be [ARG1 the first piece] of the company 0 *T*-3 to be [rel stripped] *-1 away since last summer when Mr. Helmsley 's wife , Leona Helmsley , was found *-2 guilty of tax evasion *T*-4 .
- Mr. Heinemann said 0 the changes represent a new focus in the magazine industry : a magazine 's net revenue per subscriber , or the actual revenue from subscribers after [ARG1 discounts and the cost of premiums] have been [rel stripped] *-1 away .