frames- [ARG2 Panama] was [rel stripped] *-8 of [ARG1-of this right] [ARGM-CAU because of U.S. differences with the Noriega regime] , but the Central American country would have received a quota of 30,537 metric tons over a 21-month period ending Sept. 30 , 1990 .
- [ARG0 The 1990 appropriations legislation] attempts *-1 to [rel strip] [ARG2 the president] of [ARG1-of his powers * to make certain appointments as * provided *-2 by Article II] .
- Although the action removes one obstacle in the way of an overall settlement to the case , it also means that [ARG2 Mr. Hunt] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel stripped] *-165 of [ARG1-of virtually all of his assets] [ARGM-ADV if the Tax Court rules against him in a 1982 case heard * earlier this year in Washington , D.C] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 they] were [rel stripped] *-242 from [ARG2-from the Senate bill] [ARGM-TMP after staffers estimated 0 penalty revenue would fall by $ 216 million *U* over five years] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-LOC on a 53-45 roll call] [ARG1 this provision] was [rel stripped] *-1 from [ARG2-from the bill] [ARGM-TMP last night] [ARGM-TMP after Foreign Relations Chairman Claiborne Pell -LRB- D. , R.I . -RRB- complained that it was an intrusion on exclusive powers vested * in his panel for more than three decades] .
- And on back-to-back roll calls , 206-199 and 223-178 , the Appropriations Committee leadership turned back efforts [ARG0 *] to weaken or [rel strip] [ARG1 the proposed restrictions] first added * by Sen. Warren Rudman -LRB- R. , N.H. -RRB-
- The House agreed *-1 to defer for a year a scheduled 50 % increase in the required state matching funds for law-enforcement grants but , [ARGM-MNR by a 287-123 margin] , [ARG0 the chamber] [rel stripped] [ARG1 a Senate initiative * to raise the minimum grant for smaller states , such as New Hampshire and Delaware , to $ 1.6 million *U* from $ 500,000 *U*] .
- Earlier this month , the White House endorsed [ARG0 *] [rel stripping] [ARG1 the controversial tax measure] from [ARG2-from the bill] so that Congress could pass quickly a `` clean '' bill containing only provisions specifically designed * * to meet federal budget targets under the Gramm-Rudman act .
- Critics have complained that [ARG0 the law] [ARGM-MNR unfairly] [rel strips] [ARG2 defendants] of [ARG1-of assets] [ARGM-TMP before a jury determines 0 they have committed a crime] and that aggressive use of the forfeiture provisions can ruin corporate defendants or force them into unfavorable plea bargains .
- Republicans as well as Democrats were angered *-1 by the budget director 's rejection of [ARG0 Speaker Foley 's] effort * to expedite a deficitcutting measure by *-2 [rel stripping] [ARG2 it] of [ARG1-of the capital-gains tax cut as well as pet Democratic projects] .
- An estimated $ 1.32 billion *U* *ICH*-2 is provided *-1 for next year 's census , and [ARG0 negotiators] [rel stripped] [ARG1 a Senate-passed rider seeking * to block the counting of illegal aliens] .
- And [ARG0 a squad of influential former Senate aides employed * by the Wall Street firm Salomon Brothers] came to the Capitol in a vain attempt * to [rel strip] [ARG1 the provision] .
- In fact , Aer Lingus started *-1 ferrying Russians from Shannon to New York when [ARG0 Washington] [rel stripped] [ARG2 Aeroflot] of [ARG1-of its U.S. landing rights] *T*-2 .
- The games 0 [ARG0 Bronx children] played *T*-1 -LRB- * holding kids down and [rel stripping] [ARG2 them] , for example -RRB- seem tame by today 's crack standards , but Ms. Cunningham makes it all sound like a great adventure .
- Late Friday night , the Senate voted 87-7 *-1 to approve [ARG2 an estimated $ 13.5 billion *U* measure] that *T*-2 had been [rel stripped] *-8 of [ARG1-of hundreds of provisions that *T*-9 would have widened , rather than narrowed , the federal budget deficit] .
- One obvious place 0 * to attach a capital-gains tax cut , and perhaps [ARG1 other popular items] [rel stripped] * from [ARG2-from the deficit-reduction bill] , *T*-1 is the legislation 0 *T*-2 to raise the federal borrowing limit .
- When an agreement *ICH*-1 was reached *-3 [ARG0 *] to [rel strip] [ARG1 capital gains] from [ARG2-from the legislation] *T*-2 , Oregon Sen. Bob Packwood , the ranking GOP member of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee , hailed it .
- `` The market needs a strong signal that we 're serious about deficit reduction , and the best way 0 * to do that *T*-1 is for [ARG0 the House of Representatives] to [rel strip] [ARG2 their bill] '' of [ARG1-of similar provisions] , Sen. Warren Rudman -LRB- R. , N.H . -RRB- . said 0 *T*-2 yesterday .
- There were also calls 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel strip] [ARG2 the stock markets] of [ARG1-of `` derivative '' products , such as stock-index futures and options , which Federal Judge Stanley Sporkin , for example , likened *T*-1 to `` barnacles attached to the basic market] *T*-2 . ''
- [ARGM-TMP An hour before Friday 's plunge] , [ARG1 that provision] was [rel stripped] *-1 from [ARG2-from the tax bill] , [ARGM-ADV * leaving it with $ 5.4 billion *U* in tax increases without a capital gains cut] .
- There is a great deal 0 *T*-2 to be said *-1 , * to be sure , for [ARG0 *] [rel stripping] [ARG1 the garbage] [ARG2 out of the reconciliation bill] .