frames- [ARG0 The State Department] [rel stressed] [ARG1 the pre-1933 debts] as [ARG2-as the key to * satisfying the Johnson Act] .
- Critics say 0 [ARG0 South Carolina] is paying a price by * [rel stressing] [ARG1 improved test scores] [ARGM-MNR so much] .
- Earlier this week , [ARG0 Dr. Sullivan] tried *-1 to defuse these charges by *-4 [rel stressing] [ARG1 that candidates 0 *T*-2 to head the NIH and the CDC will be judged *-3 by `` standards of scientific and administrative excellence , '' not politics] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Syracuse , N.Y. ,] [ARG0 DyDee Service 's new marketing push] [rel stresses] [ARG1 environmental awareness] .
- It [ARGM-MOD should] be [ARGM-TMP constantly] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that Poland 's farmers mostly need a real market for their products] .
- [ARG0 Allianz 's statement] [rel stressed] [ARG1 the company 's previously announced position that Paribas 's offer price is too low] .
- Still , without many actual deals 0 * to show *T*-1 off , [ARG0 Kidder] is left *-2 to [rel stress] [ARG1 that it finally has `` a team '' in place , and that everyone works harder] .
- [ARGM-LOC Everywhere] , [ARG0 Kidder] [rel stresses] [ARG1 the `` * always working '' theme] .
- [ARG0 The Manhattan U.S. attorney 's office] [rel stressed] [ARG1 criminal cases] [ARGM-TMP from 1980 to 1987] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 averaging 43 for every 100,000 adults] .
- [ARG0 They] are [rel stressing] [ARG1 that the best way 0 for the West to help the East *T*-1 is * to move faster towards Western European economic and monetary unity] .
- The funds received * from pharmaceutical firms are used *-1 * to offset physician symposiums , and [ARG0 these symposiums] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel stress] [ARG1 any particular medication or manufacturer] .
- [ARG0 Both companies] [rel stress] [ARG1 that employees know 0 they are being recorded *-1 and that customer conversations are n't taped *-2] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although Paribas Chairman Michel Francois-Poncet would n't rule out * eventually selling all of Navigation Mixte 's insurance operations to Allianz] , [ARG0 he] [rel stressed] [ARG1 the potential *ICH*-1 for the two groups * instead to cooperate] .
- [ARG0 The official] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the PLO has n't rejected the five-point formula] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARGM-LOC in interviews] [ARGM-TMP later] , [ARG0 both ministers] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that they expect future OPEC quotas to be based *-2 mainly on the production capacity and reserves of each member] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Cane] [rel stresses] [ARG1 that he is n't using the telephone *-1 to lure clients to his doorstep] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the chairman and other committee members] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the notification guideline was n't imposed *-1 on the White House by a meddling Congress] .
- '' -LRB- [ARG0 Investigators] [rel stress] [ARG1 that building owners are victims , too , since boiler rooms often leave without *-1 paying rent] . -RRB-
- [ARG0 The transmogrified brokers] never let the C-word cross their lips , *-2 [ARGM-DIS instead] [rel stressing] [ARG1 such terms as `` safe , '' `` insured '' and `` guaranteed ''] -- [ARGM-ADV even though these terms may be severely limited *-1 in their application to a particular new financial product] .
- [ARGM-MNR Of his successes in Washington] , [ARG0 Mr. Bennett] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that existing federal prisons have taken custody of 375 local inmates] .
- And deposits at NCNB Texas National Bank , a unit of NCNB Corp. , Charlotte , N.C. , have increased $ 2 billion *U* since last year after [ARG0 heavy advertising] [rel stressing] [ARG1 commitment to Texas] .
- The ad campaigns usually follow one of three tracks -- [ARG0 *] [rel stressing] [ARG1 the company 's ` Texasness] , ' pointing out the competition 's lack thereof , or trying *-2 to be more Texan than Texans .
- The foes of abortion hold the strong whip hand in Pennsylvania , where abortion-rights activists are so much *ICH*-1 on the defensive that their strategy is less *ICH*-4 * to fight the proposed legislation than [ARG0 it] is * to [rel stress] [ARG1 how the state legislature does n't reflect the viewpoints of the state 's citizens *T*-2] *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 The earlier generation of `` our crowd '' bankers -- Belmonts , Warburgs , Lehmans , Baches and Schiffs --] had [rel stressed] [ARGM-MNR above all] [ARG1 probity , tradition , continuity and reputation] .
- [ARGM-DIS However] , [ARG0 he] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the improvement depends on a continued reduction in smoking] .
- She notes that [ARG0 she] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel stresses] [ARG1 professionalism] [ARGM-TMP during her weekly visits] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Oberstar and other committee members] [ARGM-TMP repeatedly] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the legislation was n't a response to any particular market situation] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 she] [rel stressed] , [ARG1 0 `` I am against managed trade] .
- But [ARG0 Mrs. Hills] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 speaking at a breakfast meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan on Saturday] , [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the objective `` is not * to get definitive action by spring or summer , it is rather * to have a blueprint for action] . ''
- [ARG0 Mr. Lichtblau] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the delay of Interprovincial 's proposed expansion wo n't by itself increase U.S. dependence on offshore crude , however , since Canadian imports are limited *-1 in any case by Canada 's falling output] .
- [ARG0 Many of them] [rel stress] [ARG1 that the selling can be orderly , gradual , and done when stock prices are rallying *T*-1] .
- Lawyers are worried about the ruling 's implication in other shareholder suits but pointed out that [ARG0 the court] [rel stressed] [ARG1 that the ruling should be regarded *-1 as very specific to the Apple case] .
- [ARGM-DIS Although] [ARG0 the manufacturers] [rel stress] [ARG1 that production has n't been affected *-1 by China 's political turmoil] , they are looking for additional sites .