frames- '' Or [ARGM-LOC the one] in which [ARG1 she and Josh] are [rel stranded] *-1 [ARGM-LOC in the city] *T*-3 , and , after *-2 insisting on separate motel rooms , she knocks on his door *-2 to pour out her feelings about the rape -- *-2 wearing nothing but a mini-slip and a push-up bra *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 Bus schedules] were sometimes in disarray , * [rel stranding] [ARG1 commuters such as Marilyn Sullivan] .
- But [ARG1 the investors] are left *-1 [rel stranded] [ARGM-MNR with money 0 * to reinvest *T*-2] at a time when interest rates are puny *T*-3 .
- After the game -LRB- `` [ARG0 Bluefield] lost , 9-8 , *-2 [rel stranding] [ARG1 three runners] [ARGM-ADV in ... the ninth] , '' he noted *T*-1 -RRB- , trouble began .