frames- [ARG0 Apple II owners] [ARGM-DIS , for example ,] had *-1 to use their television sets as screens and [rel stored] [ARG1 data] [ARGM-LOC on audiocassettes] .
- But [ARG0 the new 1977 PCs] [ARGM-ADV -- unlike earlier built-from-kit types such as the Altair , Sol and IMSAI --] had keyboards and [ARGM-MOD could] [rel store] [ARG1 about two pages of data] [ARGM-LOC in their memories] .
- The Los Angeles County district attorney 's office filed seven felony and five misdemeanor counts charging that [ARGM-TMP late last year and early this year] [ARG0 the Irvine , Calif.-based circuit-board manufacturer] [ARGM-MNR illegally] disposed of acid , caustic and heavy metals into the sewer system , and [rel stored] [ARG1 hazardous materials] [ARGM-LOC in leaky , unlabeled or open-top containers] .
- Although it is not the first company 0 *T*-2 to produce [ARG0 the thinner drives] , which *T*-179 [rel store] [ARG1 information] [ARGM-LOC in personal computers] , MiniScribe says 0 it is the first with an 80-megabyte drive ; the company plans *-1 to introduce a 120-megabyte drive next year .
- The amount of [ARG1 blood] 0 [ARG0 surgical patients] [ARGM-MOD can] donate and [rel store] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP before surgery] can be increased *-3 by the new genetically engineered drug , EPO .
- A new experiment , reported * in this week 's New England Journal of Medicine , involved * giving injections of Amgen 's EPO to [ARG0 23 patients] who *T*-1 wanted *-2 to [rel store] [ARG1 units of their own blood] .
- However , the French merchant has [ARG1 about 200,000 tons of old crop Ivory Coast cocoa] [rel stored] * [ARGM-LOC in the Netherlands] from an agreement 0 it had negotiated *T*-1 with the Ivory Coast last spring .
- In addition to the new mainframe hardware and software , IBM announced [ARG0 a magnetic-tape system] for data storage that it said 0 *T*-1 occupies half as much floor space as older systems but [ARGM-MOD can] [rel store] [ARG1 five times as much data] [ARGM-LOC on a single cartridge] .
- While no figures exist , it *EXP*-2 is thought *-1 that [ARG0 many small investors in Belgium] [rel store] [ARG1 securities] [ARGM-MNR privately] , [ARGM-PNC in some cases *-3 to avoid *-4 paying high inheritance taxes] .
- A Toto spokesman said 0 the toilet not only tests blood pressure , pulse and urine , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel stores] [ARG1 the data] [ARGM-TMP for up to 130 days] .
- TWO COMPANIES plan *-2 to market a new chip with [ARG0 ceramic circuits] that *T*-1 [rel store] [ARG1 data] [ARGM-TMP even when the power is off *T*-3] .
- They 'd determine [ARGM-LOC where] [ARG0 parents] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel store] [ARG1 their kids] [ARGM-TMP during the day] *T*-1 , and they 'd regulate the storage facilities .
- Hunter wants *-1 to concentrate its resources on the insurance business and on [ARG0 a project] 0 *T*-2 to [rel store] [ARG1 hazardous wastes] [ARGM-LOC in salt domes] .
- The university is considering *-1 installing [ARG0 a $ 250,000 *U* system] 0 *T*-2 to [rel store] [ARG1 applications] [ARGM-MNR electronically] .
- He explains that [ARG0 he] was `` [ARGM-DIS merely] [rel storing] [ARG1 the paintings] [ARGM-LOC at home] -- [ARGM-MNR with some display] -- [ARGM-CAU because of the special dehumidified environment '' required * for their safekeeping] , [ARGM-TMP until CenTrust 's new building was ready for them] .
- Elcotel will provide a credit-card reader 0 for [ARG0 the machines] to collect , [rel store] and forward [ARG1 billing data] *T*-1 .
- Operationally , Maxtor benefited from robust sales of [ARG0 products] that *T*-1 [rel store] [ARG1 data] for [ARG2-for high-end personal computers and computer workstations] .