frames- [ARG1 South Korea 's economic boom , which *T*-12 began in 1986 ,] [rel stopped] [ARGM-TMP this year] [ARGM-CAU because of prolonged labor disputes , trade conflicts and sluggish exports] .
- He said 0 [ARG0 the ban] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stop] [ARG1 privately funded tissue-transplant research or federally funded fetal-tissue research that *T*-111 does n't involve transplants] .
- The concept begot a slew of copycats , but [ARG0 the banks] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 promoting the packages] .
- SEC Chairman Richard Breeden has said 0 he would be willing *-1 to consider circuit breakers that *T*-215 have preset trigger points , but [ARG0 he] does n't want discretionary power * to [rel stop] [ARG1 programs] .
- [ARG1 The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels] [rel stop] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to chat] [ARGM-LOC at the church door] , [ARGM-ADV as members here always have *?*] .
- -LRB- Morgan Stanley last week joined a growing list of [ARG0 U.S. securities firms] that *T*-255 have [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 doing index arbitrage for their own accounts] . -RRB-
- [ARG1 Your research] [rel stopped] [ARGM-TMP when a convenient assertion could be made *-22 *T*-1] .
- But although he thinks that it is hurting him , he doubts 0 [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel stopped] *-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG1 the practice] [ARGM-MOD should] [ARGM-NEG n't] be [rel stopped] *-1 , he says 0 *T*-2 , [ARGM-CAU because `` even big players are n't immune to the rigors of program trading] . ''
- A nickname for measures 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel stop] [ARG1 the market] from [ARG2-from *-2 plunging too far too fast] *T*-1 .
- `` I feel like a little kid , '' says *T*-1 a gleeful Alex de Castro , [ARG0 a car salesman] , who *T*-53 has [rel stopped] by [ARG1 a workout of the Suns] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to slip six Campaneris cards *ICH*-2 to the Great Man Himself 0 *T*-4 to be autographed *-30] .
- He said 0 [ARG1 summer drought problems that *T*-81 had hit several southern agricultural regions] had [rel stopped] *-1 being a major source of price pressure [ARGM-TMP in September] .
- He sipped tea sweetened with honey from his high-backed leather chair at his bench , while *-1 scribbling notes ordering [ARG1 spectators] to [rel stop] whispering or to take off their hats [ARGM-LOC in his courtroom] .
- And when they lose *T*-1 , then we can expect [ARG0 China] to [rel stop] [ARG1 aid] .
- The devices might someday serve as temporary pacemakers or restarters for [rel stopped] [ARG1 hearts] , says 0 *T*-1 Dr. Tacker , whose prototype *T*-2 was dubbed *-255 the `` Tacker whacker . ''
- Philip Morris Cos. is launching a massive corporate advertising campaign that *T*-58 will put the tobacco giant 's name in TV commercials for the first time since [ARGM-TMP the early 1950s] , when [ARG0 it] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-2 advertising its namesake cigarette brand on television] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 A half-dozen Soviet space officials] , [ARGM-LOC in Tokyo] [ARGM-TMP in July] [ARGM-CAU for an exhibit] , [rel stopped] by [ARGM-PNC *-1 to see their counterparts at the National Space Development Agency of Japan] .
- [ARG0 Even a federal measure in June allowing houses to add research fees to their commissions] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stop] [ARG1 it] .
- [ARG0 IBM] established its standard *-4 to try *-1 to [rel stop] [ARG1 *-3 falling behind upstart Apple Computer] , but NEC was ahead from the start and did n't need *-2 to invite in competitive allies .
- Kidder , Peabody & Co. , a unit of General Electric Co. , announced 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stop] [ARG1 *-1 doing stock-index arbitrage for its own account] , and Merrill Lynch & Co. pulled out of the practice altogether .
- [ARG0 Most Wall Street firms] , [ARGM-MNR in *-1 pulling back] , have [ARGM-ADV merely] [rel stopped] [ARG1 such trading] [ARGM-PNC for their own accounts] .
- `` If they think 0 [ARG0 they] are going *-2 to [rel stop] [ARG1 index arbitrage] by [ARG2-by *-3 causing a few Wall Street firms to quit] , they are crazy , '' Mr. Greenberg said *T*-1 .
- `` [ARG0 It] 's not going *-1 to [rel stop] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-ADV at all] . ''
- But a much smaller mutual fund company , the USAA Investment Management Co. unit of USAA , San Antonio , Texas , said 0 it informed nine national brokerage firms 0 it will cease business with them unless [ARG0 they] [rel stop] [ARG1 index-arbitrage trading] .
- Shelly Hancock , a male county court judge in Houston , refused *-1 to let a woman plead guilty to a drunk-driving charge because [ARG1 her skirt] [rel stopped] [ARGM-LOC three inches above her knees] .
- The woman appeared in court Thursday *-3 to enter her plea , but [ARGM-TMP when she started *-4 to approach the bench *T*-2] , [ARG1 she] was [rel stopped] *-1 by [ARG0-by Judge Hancock] .
- At this point , the options were : [ARG0 *] Crunch money *-1 to [rel stop] [ARG1 the boost in the aggregates] , as Sir Alan surely advised *?* , and * forget the soaring pound .
- But more recently , the pound has been falling with high inflation , which *T*-1 has also seemed almost impervious to the high interest rates 0 [ARG0 Mr. Lawson] deployed *T*-2 *-3 to [rel stop] [ARG1 it] .
- In the affidavits , Mr. Peters says 0 he was `` shocked '' when Mr. Ross refused a meeting and made it *EXP*-2 clear 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stop] [ARG1 them] *T*-1 .
- The gatherings in East Berlin and elsewhere were viewed *-1 as part of a government effort [ARG0 *] to [rel stop] [ARG1 activists] from [ARG2-from *-3 staging protests *-2 to press their demands] .
- U.S. and Soviet officials are *-1 to open a new round of talks today *-4 aimed *-2 at * reducing chemical-weapons arsenals amid superpower differences over whether [ARG0 *] to [rel stop] [ARG1 *-3 making the gases] .
- As * previously reported *-1 , [ARG0 a member of the Philippines ' House of Representatives] has sued *-2 to [rel stop] [ARG1 the plant] .
- `` The Commerce Department says * go , and the Defense Department says [ARG0 *] [rel stop] , '' complains *T*-1 one machine tool producer .
- -LRB- [ARG1 ABC] [rel stops] [ARG2 short of *-2 using an `` applause '' sign and a comic *-1 to warm up the audience] .
- [ARG0 It] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 selling a standard personal computer] [ARGM-TMP a while ago] .
- [ARGM-TMP A few years ago] , [ARG0 State Farm , the nation 's largest home insurer ,] [rel stopped] [ARG1 buying] reinsurance [ARGM-CAU because no one carrier could provide all the coverage that it needed *T*-2] and the company found it *EXP*-1 cheaper * to self-reinsure .
- We even invited [ARG0 the public] *-1 to [rel stop] by and see the program , but there was n't much interest . ''
- But when Betsy Engelken wrote him , *-1 saying 0 [ARG1 she] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel stop] [ARGM-LOC near his New Jersey home] *T*-2 , it seemed different .
- But Mrs. Park acknowledges that even if [ARG0 the policies] work *-1 to slow or [rel stop] [ARG1 speculation] , apartment prices are unlikely *-2 to go down .
- Critics have said 0 the payment looked like an attempt *ICH*-3 by the Dinkins camp * to get [ARG0 Mr. Carson] to [rel stop] [ARG1 *-1 leading confrontational demonstrations protesting the Bensonhurst murder -- protests 0 the campaign may have feared 0 *T*-2 could cause some white voters to turn from a black candidate] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last Sunday] , [ARG0 Ms. Johnson] finally got a chance *-1 to water her plants , but [rel stopped] [ARGM-MNR abruptly] .
- [ARG0 He] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stop] [ARGM-TMP until he got to Jackson Hole , Wyo] .
- As the market tumbled , disorderly market conditions prevailed : The margins between buying bids and selling bids widened ; * trading in many stocks was suspended *-2 ; orders took unduly long *-4 to be executed *-1 ; and [ARG0 many specialists] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-3 trading altogether] .
- [ARG0 *-1] Unable *-2 to [rel stop] [ARG1 his accelerating descent] , he crashes .
- *-2 Asked *-3 whether there is anything 0 Congress should do *T*-1 *-4 to curb the LBO boom , Mr. Brady responded , `` I think 0 the LBO phenomenon , -LRB- while -RRB- [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stop] [ARGM-MNR completely] , will be a thing of the past . ''
- *-2 Faced *-1 with the virtually impossible task of *-1 supervising the execution of each trade , [ARG0 many commodity brokerage firms] are likely *-2 to [rel stop] [ARG1 *-3 doing business with independents] and instead hire their own salaried floor brokers .
- The efforts * to get to the people who *T*-3 are addicted , try *-1 to rehabilitate them ; [ARGM-ADV if they can not be rehabilitated *-2] , at least * to contain them ; * to educate people , * to strongly discourage use of drugs by people who *T*-4 are casual users and first users , [ARG0 *] to [rel stop] [ARG1 this process] [ARGM-LOC among the young] -- all of these things I think 0 *T*-5 are extremely important .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 he] [rel stops] [ARGM-LOC there] .
- For a cloture vote [ARG0 *] to [rel stop] [ARG1 the filibuster] , Republicans must muster at least 60 votes .
- [ARGM-TMP After August] [ARG0 the Fed] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 sterilizing] , but it *EXP*-3 's hard * to see much impact on the dollar .
- The agency has since acted *-1 to remove Alar from the nation 's grocery shelves by May 31 , 1991 , and the apple industry has said that [ARG0 growers] [ARGM-TMP already] have [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-2 using the chemical] .
- So much of the stuff *ICH*-1 poured into its Austin , Texas , offices that [ARG0 its mail rooms there] [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-2 delivering it] .
- [ARGM-TMP As of March 1] , [ARG0 its Flint office , with about 2,500 employees ,] [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 delivering bulk mail and non-subscription magazines] .
- [ARG0 Canadian Indians] are taking five countries to court in a bid * to [rel stop] [ARG1 low military flights over their homes] , the Dutch Defense Ministry said 0 *T*-1 .
- Alarmed councilors say 0 the project could jeopardize costly [ARG0 efforts] * to [rel stop] [ARG1 *RNR*-2] , or slow down *RNR*-2 , the subsidence that *T*-1 makes Venice subject to regular and destructive flooding .
- `` [ARG0 We] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stop] [ARG1 index arbitrage] [ARGM-TMP when the market is under stress *T*-1] , and we have *?* recently , '' he said *T*-2 , *-3 citing Oct. 13 and earlier this week .
- And now that the price has fallen below $ 19.65 *U* , which many had said 0 *T*-1 showed considerable resistance , some traders and analysts figure 0 there 's [ARG0 little] 0 *T*-2 to [rel stop] [ARG1 the price] from [ARG2-from *-3 going lower on technical decisions] .
- [ARG0 Kemper Financial Services] has [rel stopped] [ARG1 *-1 executing its stock trades through four big securities firms] [ARGM-CAU because of their involvement in program trading , which Kemper and others say 0 *T*-2 is ruining the market] .
- [ARG0 It alone] is n't likely *-1 to [rel stop] [ARG1 a station] from [ARG2-from *-2 dumping CBS shows] .
- [ARGM-TMP A few years ago] , [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MNR voluntarily] [rel stopped] [ARG1 selling `` The Big Ear , '' a powerful microphone] .
- `` If the dialogue was based *-1 on the assumption that [ARG0 Arafat or the PLO] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stop] [ARG1 terrorism] , and we have evidence of continued terrorism , what *T*-2 would be the logical conclusion ? '' Mr. Carmon asked *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 National leaders] [rel stopped] [ARGM-LOC by his stand] [ARGM-LOC *-1 to commend his achievements] .
- [ARG0 Such concerns] , [ARGM-DIS however] , have [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stopped] [ARG1 asset-backed securities] from [ARG2-from *-1 becoming one of Wall Street 's hottest new products] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 that] [ARGM-MOD wo] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel stop] [ARG1 plaintiffs ' lawyers] from [ARG2-from *-1 seeking a little room for maneuvering] .