frames- [ARG1 The IRS warnings] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from a 1984 law that *T*-1 requires anyone who *T*-126 receives more than $ 10,000 *U* in cash from a client or customer in one or more related transactions `` in the course of trade or business '' to report the payment on a document known * as Form 8300] .
- [ARG1 The lower figures] , the spokesman said 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from preferred shares being converted *-88 to common stock and the possibility that Sea Containers ' subsidiaries might be required *-2 to place their shares in the open market] .
- The firm also has been hit *-1 with [ARG1 big financial settlements] with the government [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from its guilty plea to six felonies related * to a big insider-trading scandal] .
- Travelers Corp. 's third-quarter net income rose 11 % , even though [ARG1 claims] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from Hurricane Hugo] reduced results $ 40 million *U* .
- He also rejected reports that [ARG1 his departure] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from disappointment 0 the general manager 's post had n't also led to a board directorship at the London-based news organization] .
- Also excluded *-1 will be *T*-2 investments in companies with [ARG1 `` significant '' business] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from weapons manufacture , alcoholic beverages or tobacco] .
- The court often weighs deductions of sideline-business costs : Do [ARG1 they] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from a profit-seeking activity or a nondeductible hobby] ?
- But Japanese investors say that [ARG1 their reluctance * to invest] [rel stems] not only from [ARG2-from concerns about Mexico 's economic outlook , but also reservations about Mexico 's recently revamped investment law] .
- According to individuals familiar with the situation , [ARG1 the Frankfurt loss] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from a computer program for * calculating prices on forward-rate agreements that *T*-11 failed *-2 to envision an interest-rate environment where short-term rates were equal to *RNR*-1 or higher than *RNR*-1 long-term rates *T*-3] .
- In [ARG1 other personnel changes] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from problems in its options unit] :
- Senior members of the House Budget Committee are reduced *-1 in frustration to * raising doomed parliamentary obstacles to individual bills , yet admit that [ARG1 much of the disorder] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from the fiscal legerdemain associated * with their own summit agreement with the White House this past spring] .
- `` Small net inflows into stock and bond funds were offset *-1 by [ARG1 slight declines] in the value of mutual fund stock and bond portfolios '' [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from falling prices] , said 0 *T*-2 Jacob Dreyer , the institute 's chief economist .
- He notes that [ARG1 most of the net sales drop] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from a three-day period following the Friday the 13th plunge] .
- [ARG1 The lawsuits] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from the development of cancer and other problems in the daughters of women who *T*-1 took the drug] .
- [ARG1 The conviction] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from federal charges of consumer fraud for sale of phony infant apple juice between 1978 and 1983] .
- [ARG1 The $ 500 million *U* in notes , the largest chunk of Western Union 's $ 640 million *U* in long-term debt ,] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from the company 's major restructuring in December 1987] .
- The story of tumor-suppressor genes goes back to the 1970s , when a pediatrician named * Alfred G. Knudson Jr. proposed that [ARG1 retinoblastoma] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from two separate genetic defects] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 His doubts] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from the fact that several years earlier a Princeton University researcher , Arnold Levine , had found in experiments with mice that a gene called * p53 could transform normal cells into cancerous ones] .
- [ARG1 The settlement] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from a lawsuit 0 the dealers filed *T*-1 in 1982 when the Times began its own competing direct delivery service *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 The decision in Los Angeles federal court] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from a 1985 Mercury Sable TV ad that Young & Rubicam worked *T*-1 up for Ford Motor Co] .
- Industry analysts speculated that [ARG1 Mr. Price 's sudden departure] [ARGM-MOD may] have [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from conflicts with Mr. Gatward] .
- The Manufacturers Hanover Corp. unit , which *T*-1 is seeking repayment of a $ 36 million *U* loan , has asked the court *-3 to give its claim priority over that of Minpeco , which *T*-2 won a $ 132 million *U* judgment against Mr. Hunt , his brother Nelson Bunker Hunt and other defendants last year in [ARG1 a case] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from their alleged attempts * to corner the silver market in]
- [ARG1 The refund] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from a court ruling that *T*-1 found 0 certain payments by Humana subsidiaries to its insurance subsidiary during fiscal 1977 through 1979 were deductible as premiums for liability insurance] .
- [ARG1 The charges] in the 12-count indictment , which *T*-1 [rel stem] from [ARG2-from events that *T*-2 allegedly occurred in late 1984 and early 1985] , involve enrollment procedures of six students and the preparation of certain reports , Wilfred said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARG1 The yen 's softness] , she says 0 *T*-1 , [ARGM-ADV apparently] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from Japanese investors ' interest in * buying dollars against the yen *-2 to purchase U.S. bond issues and persistent worries about this year 's upheaval in the Japanese government] .
- [ARG1 The reactions] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from the fact that the vaccine contains multiple copies of the whole Bordetella pertussis bacterium , which *T*-1 causes whooping cough] .
- Christopher Castleman , LIT chief executive , said in an interview that [ARG1 the loss] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from the default of three options traders who *T*-1 had bet on a price rise in UAL Corp. shares before Oct. 13] .
- V.H. Van Horn , National Convenience president and chief executive officer , said 0 the move reflects the company 's realization that [ARG1 the industry 's poor performance] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from its failure * to give customers what they want *T*-1] -- rather than from increasing competition from gasoline stations and 24-hour grocery stores .
- [ARG1 The Epilepsy Institute 's reporting of breakthrough seizures] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from concerns about the people 0 we treat *T*-1 and care about *T*-1 daily] .
- [ARG1 The loss] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from $ 357.5 million *U* of write-downs on Columbia 's $ 4.4 billion *U* high-yield investment securities portfolio , which *T*-1 includes about $ 3.7 billion *U* of junk bonds , $ 400 million *U* of preferred stock , and Treasury securities] .
- U.S. District Judge Robert P. Patterson Jr. ordered the FBI *-1 to immediately begin *-2 processing Herman Benjamin Ferguson 's request for [ARG1 documents] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from the agency 's investigation of him during the 1960s] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 trading risk] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from credit risk] .
- Earnings at the consumer-products giant were boosted *-1 by [ARG1 a gain] of $ 125 million *U* , or about 25 cents a share , [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from last month 's settlement of litigation with three of P&G 's competitors over patents on P&G 's Duncan Hines cookies] .
- [ARG1 The dispute] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from pretrial maneuvering in the pending court case , in which prosecutors have been demanding access to a host of internal company memos , reports and documents *T*-1] .
- Apogee said 0 [ARG1 the charge] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from a building supply contract in which the company guaranteed a contractor 's performance *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 Strokes , heart attacks , leg pains -LRB- intermittent claudication -RRB- and other problems] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from clogging of the arteries by cholesterol-rich deposits] .
- The provision will help *-2 provide for [ARG1 tax liabilities] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD may] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from the restructuring] .
- The shipyard disclosed in mid-August that it expected [ARG1 losses] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from a series of unprofitable orders] .
- [ARG1 These] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from a two-year federal investigation of insider trading *RNR*-1 and securities fraud *RNR*-1 on Wall Street] .
- The first two GAF trials were watched *-1 closely on Wall Street because they were considered *-2 to be important tests of the government 's ability * to convince a jury of [ARG1 allegations] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from its insider-trading investigations] .
- Fujisawa continued *-1 to attract investors because of [ARG1 strong earning prospects] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from a new immune control agent] .
- [ARG1 The change in expected cash distributions from the Champs real estate investment trust] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from a revised estimate of administrative costs] , said 0 *T*-1 Jay R. Cohen , Champs executive vice president .
- [ARG1 Much of Bond Corp. 's losses] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from one-time write-downs of the value of some of Bond Corp. 's assets and those of its units] .
- The Better Business Bureau of San Diego and the state Attorney General 's office entered into [ARG1 a settlement] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from an investigation of bureau-sponsored business directories published * by an outside firm , Better Book Inc] .
- [ARG1 The settlement] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from charges that Better Book , now defunct , made misrepresentations in * selling advertising for the directories and memberships in the bureau from 1984 to 1986] .
- [ARG1 AN UNRESOLVED two-year-old dispute] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from an Alaskan oil spill] has helped *-1 spur a drive for tougher federal laws 0 *T*-2 to protect victims of such accidents .
- They concluded 0 [ARG1 the indications of neutrons] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from faults in the detectors rather than from the cold fusion experiment] .
- [ARG1 The Peruvian mineral concern 's $ 251 million *U* claim] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from 1988 jury award in a case stemming from the brothers ' alleged attempts * to corner the 1979-80 silver market] .
- The Peruvian mineral concern 's $ 251 million *U* claim stems from 1988 jury award in [ARG1 a case] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from the brothers ' alleged attempts * to corner the 1979-80 silver market] .
- [ARG1 The disciplinary proceedings] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from trading in April 1987] .
- [ARG1 The high margin] [ARGM-MNR partly] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from continued strong growth in high-yielding consumer loans , which *T*-1 jumped 31 % to $ 17.47 billion *U* from a year earlier , and residential mortgages , which *T*-2 rose 25 % to $ 12 billion *U*] .
- [ARG1 Most of the expenses] [rel stem] from [ARG2-from the company 's huge Mirage resort-casino scheduled * to open next month along the Strip , and an April 1989 financing by units operating the downtown Golden Nugget property] .
- The 1988 results include [ARG1 a $ 10.7 million *U* charge] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from a litigation judgment] .
- Bally Manufacturing Corp. and New York developer Donald Trump have agreed in principle to a $ 6.5 million *U* settlement of [ARG1 shareholder litigation] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from Bally 's alleged greenmail payment to Mr. Trump] .
- The appeals court also said , 0 `` We think 0 an ordinary businessman reading this policy would have believed himself covered for [ARG1 the demands and potential damage claims] '' [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from any cleanup] .
- He says 0 [ARG1 the handful of salmonella cases involving products that *T*-1 may have used eggs broken * by an Egg King] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from a failure * to adequately cook the products] .
- [ARG1 Part of the problem 0 some Europeans have *T*-1 with Turkey] seems *-2 to [rel stem] from [ARG2-from its location] -- Turkey is n't really part of Europe .
- [ARG1 The extent of the disaster] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from years of chicanery and bureaucratic indifference] .
- [ARG1 Most of the telephone problems in the immediate aftermath] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from congestion] .
- `` [ARG1 The main problem] , '' Mr. Reinhold said 0 *T*-1 in an East German radio interview monitored * by Radio Free Europe in Munich , [rel stems] from [ARG2-from the fact that `` the GDR is different '' from other East European states] .
- [ARG1 The jump in imports] [rel stemmed] from [ARG2-from across-the-board increases in purchases of foreign goods] .
- [ARG1 Some early selling] is [ARGM-ADV likely] *-2 to [rel stem] from [ARG2-from investors and portfolio managers who *T*-1 want *-3 to lock in this year 's fat profits] .
- [ARG1 The move] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from lessons learned * in Japan where local competitors have had phenomenal success with concentrated soapsuds *T*-1] .
- CityFed 's president and chief executive officer , John Atherton , said 0 [ARG1 the loss] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from several factors] .
- Mr. King of Robinson-Humphrey and others were quick *-1 to add that they believe 0 [ARG1 the problem] [rel stemmed] [ARGM-EXT more] from [ARG2-from traders ' inability * to handle the volume of calls , rather than a deliberate attempt * to avoid *-2 making trades] .
- [ARG1 The ruling] [rel stems] from [ARG2-from a 1984 suit filed * by shareholders of Apple Computer Inc. , claiming that company officials misled investors about the expected success of the Lisa computer , introduced * in 1983] .
- The National Football League is considering *-1 appealing [ARG1 the ruling] [rel stemming] from [ARG2-from the U.S. Football League 's largely unsuccessful antitrust suit against the NFL] .