frames- Mr. McGovern himself had said repeatedly that [ARG1 he] intended *-1 to [rel stay] on [ARGM-TMP until he reached the conventional retirement age of 65 in October 1991] , `` [ARGM-ADV unless I get fired] . ''
- It received more offers , but the auction was surprisingly won *-2 by IMA , which *T*-1 bid $ 28 *U* a share and asked [ARG1 Mr. Gilleland] *-3 to [rel stay] on [ARGM-MNR as an equity participant] .
- Later in the day , according to the source , the board reversed itself , decided *-1 to file for bankruptcy protection , and asked [ARG1 Mr. Evans] *-2 to [rel stay] on .
- [ARGM-TMP Often] , [ARG1 developers] [rel stay] on [ARGM-MNR as property manager] .
- Some note that Sony might have saved itself some trouble by *-1 just hiring Mr. Guber and letting [ARG1 Mr. Peters] [rel stay] on [ARGM-PNC *-2 to fulfill the Warner contract] .