frames- It is [ARG1 a passion] that *T*-227 [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel stays] [ARGM-LOC in the tower] , [ARGM-DIS however] .
- Mr. Bernstein said 0 [ARG1 he] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARGM-TMP until Dec. 31] and work with his successor , who *T*-36 is *-1 to be named *-43 soon .
- Program trading is here *-1 to stay , and [ARG1 computers] are here *-2 to [rel stay] , and we just need *-3 to understand it . ''
- [ARG1 Program trading] is here *-1 to [rel stay] , and computers are here *-2 to stay , and we just need *-3 to understand it . ''
- [ARG1 Consumer confidence] [rel stayed] [ARG3 strong] [ARGM-TMP in October] , [ARGM-ADV despite the unsettling gyrations of the stock market] .
- But it said that severance payments to [ARG1 those executives] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel staying] with [ARG3-with the company] will reduce First of America 's operating results for 1989 by $ 3 million *U* to $ 4 million *U* , or 15 cents to 20 cents a share .
- And it *EXP*-2 is n't clear that [ARG1 the Soviet Union] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] on [ARG3-on its record buying pace] .
- [ARG1 We] can see plenty of reasons 0 * to [rel stay] [ARG3 out] *T*-1 , and none 0 * to rejoin UNESCO *T*-2 .
- But [ARG1 we] can think of many reasons 0 * to [rel stay] [ARG3 out] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP for the foreseeable future and well beyond] .
- `` It does n't replace * pitching in the majors , but it proves to me that I would have been able *-2 to play if [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MOD 'd] [rel stayed] [ARG3 healthy] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- First , he said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG1 domestic interest rates] are likely *-2 to [rel stay] at [ARG3-at higher levels] as increased anticipation of inflation followed rising consumer prices reported * last week .
- THE MILEAGE RATE allowed * for business use of a car in 1989 has risen to 25.5 cents a mile for the first 15,000 from 24 cents in 1988 , the IRS says 0 *T*-1 ; [ARG1 the rate] [rel stays] [ARG3 11 cents for each added mile] .
- Meanwhile , Shearson Lehman 's Mr. Devario said that , [ARG1 *-1] to [rel stay] [ARG3 competitive] , the U.S. paper industry needs *-1 to catch up with the European industry .
- The agency said 0 it monitored Newmark & Lewis 's advertised prices before and after the ad campaign , and found that [ARG1 the prices of at least 50 different items] either increased or [rel stayed] [ARG3 the same] .
- It *EXP*-1 is insulting and demeaning * to say that scientists `` needed new crises * to generate new grants and contracts '' and that [ARG1 environmental groups] need them *-2 to [rel stay] in [ARG3-in business] .
- Thus , [ARG1 Mr. Sinyard 's company] must innovate more than ever *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 ahead of them] , by *-1 developing new products specifically for mountain biking .
- [ARG1 *-2] Hoping *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 ahead of the pack] , the company is emphasizing innovation .
- A spokeswoman adds , however , that the group is considering *-2 offering `` a behavior-modification course , similar to a smoking-cessation program , 0 *T*-3 to teach [ARG1 people] ways 0 * to [rel stay] with [ARG3-with it] *T*-1 . ''
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 *] [rel stay] [ARG3 tuned] .
- `` Depending on the president , [ARG1 we] [ARGM-MOD could] either be a trillion-dollar economy by the end of the century or [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC where we are *T*-1] , '' says *T*-2 political scientist Amaury de Souza .
- The specialists , a trader said 0 *T*-1 , were `` livid '' about Mr. Phelan 's recent remarks that [ARG1 sophisticated computer-driven trading strategies] are `` here *-2 to [rel stay] . ''
- Meanwhile , as [ARG1 the Sunday evening show] struggles *-2 to [rel stay] [ARG3 afloat] against the tough competition of `` Murder , She Wrote *-3 , '' the grapevine idea is threatening *-1 to turn into a weed : The tactic apparently has inspired sample viewings , but accolades are slow in * coming .
- No , but he 's endangered all the same : [ARG1 His new sitcom on ABC] needs a following *-1 to [rel stay] on [ARG3-on the air] .
- `` [ARG1 I] am [rel staying] [ARG3 my own sweet , reasonable self] .
- Nippon Kangyo 's moves puzzled traders and created confusion among [ARG1 potential investors] , many of whom *T*-5 decided *-6 to [rel stay] [ARG3 out of the market] .
- Then maybe [ARG1 I] could stay home and have seven children and watch Oprah Winfrey , like Beulah in the article , instead of *-2 having one child and working constantly *-1 [ARGM-MOD just] to [rel stay] above [ARG3-above water] , like so many families in this country .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARGM-ADV maybe] [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC home] and have seven children and watch Oprah Winfrey , [ARGM-MNR like Beulah in the article] , [ARGM-ADV instead of *-2 having one child and working constantly *-1 just to stay above water , like so many families in this country] .
- Funds for drilling may inch up more next year if [ARG1 oil prices] [rel stay] [ARG3 stable] .
- `` [ARG1 A lot more of our customers] are [rel staying] [ARGM-TMP until our 10 p.m. closing time] , '' says *T*-2 Christopher Brown , managing director of Corney & Barrow Restaurants Ltd. , which *T*-1 runs five tony wine bars in the district .
- [ARG1 My wife and I] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARGM-TMP through the skiing season , or until the money runs out -- whichever *T*-1 comes first] .
- `` We all did what [ARG1 we] had *-1 to do *T*-2 *-1 to [rel stay] within [ARG3-within sight of them] . ''
- Japan 's objections to the U.S. plan center around [ARG1 its] desire * to [rel stay] [ARG3 self-sufficient in rice , a staple food ,] [ARGM-ADV even though foreign producers are far more efficient] .
- I promise 0 [ARG1 you] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARG3 awake] [ARGM-TMP through this intriguing documentary about the science of sleep] .
- [ARG1 Mr. Evans] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARGM-TMP until a successor is found *-1 , but not later than the end of the year] , the company said 0 *T*-2 .
- Large Digital buyers say 0 the new VAX will let [ARG1 them] [rel stay] with [ARG3-with Digital] [ARGM-TMP when they need the power of a mainframe *T*-1] , [ARGM-ADV instead of * turning to IBM] .
- [ARG1 The builders] are more willing *-1 to give up some equity and rely on management and consulting fees *-2 to [rel stay] [ARG3 afloat] [ARGM-LOC in the soft market] .
- [ARG1 Some men] [rel stay] , [ARGM-ADV their best friend a bottle of vodka] , but two million acres have gone fallow .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP until then] [ARGM-TMP , and probably long afterward ,] [ARG1 the Communists ' apparat of obstruction -- from the head of the dairy co-op to the village bank manager --] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARG3 *-2 planted *-1 in the Polish countryside] .
- [ARG1 The farmers] [rel stayed] [ARG3 angry] .
- Within the appropriations process , the situation is even more difficult since the costs will be counted *-1 against the share of funds 0 *T*-4 to be allocated *-2 to [ARG1 those subcommittees] that *T*-3 recently have had the greatest difficulty in * [rel staying] within [ARG3-within the budget] .
- Meanwhile , SCI TV can barely pay its cash interest bill , and [ARG1 *-2] to [rel stay] out of [ARG3-of bankruptcy court] it must soon reschedule a lot of bank loans and junk bonds that *T*-1 have fallen *-3 due .
- [ARG1 Volatility] is here * to [rel stay] . ''
- UAL 's stock regained most of an early loss amid speculation 0 one or more investors may challenge [ARG1 the airline 's] decision * to [rel stay] [ARG3 independent] .
- [ARG1 Americans] [rel stay] [ARG3 longer *ICH*-1] with Japanese firms than American companies .
- I think 0 [ARG1 a lot of people] got scared and [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC home] . ''
- Officials also suspect that traffic benefited from steps by major employers 0 *T*-1 to get workers to come in at odd hours , or that [ARG1 many workers] are [ARGM-TMP still] [rel staying] [ARGM-LOC at home] .
- Takeover stock traders , *-1 focusing on [ARG1 the company 's] intention * to [rel stay] [ARG3 independent] , took the announcement as bad news .
- [ARGM-TMP Once they are in the building] , [ARG1 they] [rel stay] .
- But Mr. Roman flatly denied the speculation , *-1 saying 0 Mr. Sorrell had tried several times *-2 to persuade [ARG1 him] *-3 to [rel stay] , *-2 offering various incentives and in one instance sending a note with a case of wine -LRB- The wine , naturally , was Seagram 's brand , an Ogilvy client -RRB- .
- Paribas is Allianz 's main French bank , and the Munich-based group said 0 [ARG1 it] intends *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 neutral] .
- [ARG1 Developing countries such as India] , some analysts said *T*-1 , seem *-2 to have made it *EXP*-3 a point * to [rel stay] [ARG3 away] [ARGM-TMP whenever sugar reached the top of its trading range , around 14.75 cents , *T*-4] and wait for prices to return to the bottom of the range , around 13.50 cents .
- `` I guess 0 I might have asked Beauregard *-1 to leave , but he drops so many good names , 0 we decided *-2 to let [ARG1 him] [rel stay] , '' says *T*-3 Steven Greenberg , publisher of Fame .
- [ARG1 They] ca n't afford *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 out of HDTV] . ''
- `` [ARG1 She] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC there] [ARGM-MNR with no heat] , but for a parakeet , that can be deadly , '' says *T*-1 Daralee Konowitch , animalcare services manager for the SPCA .
- He said 0 Shea & Gould held a number of discussions with the five partners during the past few weeks * to get [ARG1 them] to [rel stay] but that the five were firmly committed to *-1 running their own firm .
- `` [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel stay] with [ARG3-with BART] , '' said *T*-1 one secretary , *-2 swallowing her fears about * using the transbay tube .
- But we 're out there and [ARG1 we] 're going *-1 to [rel stay] in [ARG3-in business] .
- The result is that [ARG1 some franchisees] are running hard *-1 [ARGM-ADV just] to [rel stay] [ARG3 even] , *-1 laying off middle managers and working harder *-2 to make less .
- In any case , [ARG1 many franchisees] , in order *-1 to [rel stay] on [ARG3-on good terms with franchisers] , routinely go along with promotions .
- Yes , he says 0 *T*-4 , premiums on such variable-rate coverage can be structured *-2 *-3 to `` vanish '' after a certain period -- but usually only if [ARG1 interest rates] [rel stay] [ARG3 high enough * to generate sufficient cash 0 *T*-1 to cover the annual cost of insurance protection] .
- A few years ago , parents usually had *-1 to hire a sitter or take turns *-2 skiing while [ARG1 one spouse] [rel stayed] with [ARG3-with the children] .
- `` I was near the top of the stadium , and saw a steel girder bow six feet from where I sat *T*-2 , but [ARG1 I] [rel stayed] [ARG3 put] [ARGM-TMP for 10 or 15 minutes] , '' confessed *T*-1 a friend .
- [ARGM-LOC Here in the Global Village] , [ARGM-DIS though] , [ARG1 folks] do [ARGM-NEG not] [rel stay] [ARG3 uninformed] [ARGM-TMP for long] .
- For [ARG1 the portion] of an investor 's portfolio that *T*-1 [rel stays] [ARGM-LOC in stocks] , professionals have a number of suggestions .
- But several mutual-fund managers , *-3 nervous about the deteriorating quality of their junk-bond portfolios and shy about * buying new issues , said 0 [ARG1 they] 're [rel staying] [ARGM-LOC away from any junk security that *T*-2 is n't considered *-1 first rate for its class] .
- `` [ARG1 We] have *-1 to keep *-2 working at *-3 improving our core business *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 efficient] .
- But I liked the easy friendliness of the people around me , liked it that they 'd brought their children , found it *EXP*-1 charming that , *-2 true citizens of the state of the future , [ARG1 they] had brought so many TVs and radios *-2 to [rel stay] in [ARG3-in touch with electroreality] [ARGM-LOC at a live event] .
- [ARGM-TMP One recent Saturday morning] [ARG1 he] [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC inside the Capitol] [ARGM-ADV *-1 monitoring tax-and-budget talks instead of flying to San Francisco for a fund-raiser and then to his hometown of Chicago for the 30th reunion of St. Ignatius High School] .
- Of the 450 survey respondents , 35 % *T*-1 said 0 they expect *-3 to spend less *ICH*-2 * buying Christmas gifts this year than last year , while 28 % said 0 they expect *-4 to spend more and 37 % said 0 [ARG1 their gift budget] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel stay] [ARG3 the same] .
- [ARG1 Most] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARG3 open] [ARGM-TMP late] [ARGM-TMP Saturday night] and open their doors again Sunday .
- The man who *T*-1 wore out his shoes *-3 wandering around Guadalajara in 1958 *PPA*-4 , *-3 describing in his travel book `` Viaje a la Alcarria '' how [ARG1 he] scrounged for food and [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC in squalid inns] *T*-2 , now tours Spain in a Rolls-Royce .
- The Palo Alto , Calif. , computer maker scrambled *-1 to set up a special phone line 0 *T*-2 to tell [ARG1 manufacturing and support staff] *-3 to [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC home] [ARGM-TMP Wednesday] .
- `` The Fed wo n't be stampeded *-3 into easing , '' Mr. Logan said *T*-1 , *-4 predicting that [ARGM-TMP for now] , [ARG1 interest rates] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC where they are *T*-2] .
- `` [ARG1 Investors] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel stay] with [ARG3-with their stocks] .
- *-1 Summarizing data derived * from a March 1989 survey of 58,000 households , William Butz , associate director of the Census Bureau , said that `` [ARG1 most groups] either [rel stayed] [ARG3 the same] or improved . ''
- Intel Corp. , Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and National Semiconductor Corp. were all up and running yesterday , though [ARG1 many workers] were forced *-1 to [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC home] [ARGM-CAU because of damaged roadways] ; others elected *-2 to take the day off .
- [ARG1 People] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel stay] with [ARG3-with a particular brand] [ARGM-CAU because they want *-3 to be associated *-1 with the image 0 its advertising conveys *T*-2 , whether that 's macho Marlboro cigarettes or Cher 's Uninhibited perfume] .
- Business in the nation 's fourth-largest metropolitan region was nearly paralyzed *-1 ; [ARG1 an estimated one million members of the work force] [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC at home] .
- [ARGM-LOC In West Germany] , [ARG1 investors] [rel stayed] on [ARG3-on the sidelines] [ARGM-TMP as the bond market searched for direction] .
- Commodore had been counting on [ARG1 its consumer business] *-2 to [rel stay] [ARG3 sufficiently healthy * to support its efforts in other areas -- mainly in *-4 getting schools and businesses to use its Amiga , which *T*-1 has slick graphics yet has been slow *-3 to catch on because it is n't compatible with Apple Computer Inc. or International Business Machines Corp. hardware] .
- [ARG1 Many employees] [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC home] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , but customer service was being maintained *-1 .
- KAISER ALUMINUM & CHEMICAL , Oakland , metal and chemical maker , annual sales of $ 2.22 billion *U* , had slight structural damage to its 28-story headquarters building and [ARG1 employees] [rel stayed] [ARGM-LOC home] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to allow crews to clean up] .
- If this version , with its references to Steven Spielberg , Spago and `` thirtysomething '' attracts [ARG1 younger audiences] who *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD might] [rel stay] [ARG3 away from the classical version] , then Messrs. Bartlett and Falls are justified in *-2 abandoning Mr. Wilbur .
- -- If [ARG1 the stock] [rel stays] at [ARG3-at the same price] [ARGM-TMP between now and the put 's expiration date] , the investor 's loss will be limited *-1 to the cost of the put , less any amount realized * from a closing sale of the put .
- Investors believe 0 they can can rely on such derivative securities *-3 to get in *RNR*-1 and out of *RNR*-1 the stock market without *-4 actually selling any stocks ; that is , a way of [ARG1 *] [rel staying] [ARG3 liquid] [ARGM-TMP even when they own stocks *T*-2] .
- And , apparently , [ARG1 it] is here * to [rel stay] .
- Profit from the calls goes to charity , but ABC Sports also uses the calls as a sales tool : After * thanking callers for voting , Frank Gifford offers a football videotape for $ 19.95 *U* , and [ARG1 5 % of callers] [rel stay] on [ARG3-on the line] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to order it] .
- If [ARG1 the caller] [rel stays] on [ARG3-on the line] and leaves a name and address for the sponsor , coupons and a newsletter will be mailed *-1 , and the sponsor will be able *-2 to gather a list of desirable potential customers .
- But right now programmers are figuring that [ARG1 viewers who *T*-1 are busy *-2 dialing up a range of services] [ARGM-MOD may] put down their remote control zappers and [rel stay] [ARG3 tuned] .
- Still , Berbera was the best 0 we could get *T*-1 , so [ARG1 we] [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC in bed] [ARGM-MNR with President Barrah] .
- But South Korean auto makers are confident that the export market will bounce back and that [ARG1 demand in Korea] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel stay] [ARG3 strong] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because mutual fund trades do n't take effect until the market close -- in this case , at 4 p.m. --] [ARG1 these shareholders] [ARGM-ADV effectively] [rel stayed] [ARG3 put] .
- And [ARG1 expenses , up 7.9 % in the quarter ,] have [rel stayed] [ARG3 stubbornly high] .
- The pros strenuously advise [ARG1 individuals] *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 away from the latest investment fad] .
- Today 's Fidelity ad goes a step further , *-1 encouraging [ARG1 investors] to [rel stay] [ARGM-LOC in the market] or even to plunge in with Fidelity .
- He hit a 2-0 pitch from Rick Reuschel into the left-field stands in inning four *-2 to stretch his team 's lead from 2-1 to a decisive 5-1 , where [ARG1 it] [rel stayed] *T*-1 .
- It 's time for [ARG1 the exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Commission] to agree on joint conditions for * halting trading or [rel staying] [ARG3 open] .
- Telephone service *ICH*-3 has been improved *-4 for customers trying * to reach their brokers , and [ARG1 specialists] -- who I believe 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD should] [rel stay] , despite the urgings of some post-crash critics -- have larger capital positions .
- Hong Kong is the region 's next most open market , but [ARG1 many foreign investors] have been [rel staying] [ARG3 away] from it [ARGM-TMP since it plunged in June amid political turmoil in China] .
- [ARG1 Clients] `` are [ARGM-ADV all] [rel staying] [ARGM-LOC out '' of the market] , one Merrill trader says 0 *T*-1 .
- But while the New York Stock Exchange did n't fall apart Friday as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 190.58 points -- most of it in the final hour -- [ARG1 it] barely managed *-2 to [rel stay] [ARG3 this side of chaos] .
- [ARGM-TMP As the Dow average ground to its final 190.58 loss Friday] , [ARG1 the S&P pit] [rel stayed] [ARG3 locked at its 30-point trading limit] .
- But specialists complain privately that [ARGM-ADV just as in the 1987 crash] , [ARG1 the `` upstairs '' firms -- big investment banks that *T*-1 support the market by *-2 trading big blocks of stock --] [rel stayed] on [ARG3-on the sidelines] [ARGM-TMP during Friday 's blood-letting] .
- And [ARG1 they] 're likely *-1 to [rel stay] [ARG3 that way] [ARGM-TMP for months 0 *T*-2 to come] , analysts say 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-DIS For the most part] , [ARG1 what *T*-1 's made *-2 here] [rel stays] [ARGM-LOC here] [ARGM-CAU , and for good reason] .
- In a Madrid hotel room recently , [ARG1 a viewer] caught the end of a badly acted series about a fishing boat on Australia 's Great Barrier Reef , *-2 only to be urged *-6 by the British announcer *-3 to `` [rel stay] [ARG3 *-4 tuned *-5] [ARGM-PNC for the further adventures of Skippy the Kangaroo] . ''
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP even after *-1 losing a spouse] , [ARG1 more of the elderly] are [rel staying] [ARG3 independent] .
- If [ARG1 the dollar] [rel stays] [ARG3 weak] , he says 0 *T*-1 , that will add to inflationary pressures in the U.S. and make it *EXP*-2 hard for the Federal Reserve Board to ease interest rates very much .
- Right now they 're telling [ARG1 me] *-1 to get the hell out and [rel stay] [ARG3 out] .
- In fact , Budget indicated 0 [ARG1 it] saw some benefit to *-1 [rel staying] [ARG3 involved in these programs , in which renters earn frequent-flier miles *T*-2 and fliers can get car-rental discounts *T*-2] .
- One strategy for [ARG1 investors] who *T*-1 want *-3 to [rel stay] [ARG3 in] but hedge their bets is * to buy `` put '' options , either on the individual stocks 0 they own *T*-2 or on a broad market index .
- Under a reform arising from the 1987 crash , trading in the Merc 's stock-index futures will break for 10 minutes if [ARG1 the contract] opens and [rel stays] [ARG3 five points from Friday 's close , a move equal to 40 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average] .
- And that 's why [ARG1 the rules] , [ARGM-ADV for the most part] , [ARGM-MOD must] [rel stay] in [ARG3-in place] *T*-1 , he says 0 *T*-2 .