frames- PRO BONO VOLUNTARISM : In an effort [ARG0 *] to [rel stave] off [ARG1 a plan that *T*-1 would require all lawyers in New York state to provide twenty hours of free legal aid a year] , the state bar recommended an alternative program 0 *T*-2 to increase voluntary participation in pro bono programs .
- Such news is good for bonds because economic weakness sometimes causes [ARG0 the Federal Reserve] to lower interest rates in an effort * to stimulate the economy and [rel stave] off [ARG1 a recession] .
- [ARG0 China] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel stave] off [ARG1 a crisis] [ARGM-ADV if it acts as forcefully as it did *-1 to arrest the 1985 decline , when Beijing slammed the brakes on foreign-exchange spending and devalued the currency *T*-2] .