frames- [ARG1 The Sidley-Ashurst venture] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-DIS also] be [rel staffed] *-211 by [ARG2-by another Sidley partner specializing in corporate law , a partner from Ashurst concentrating on acquisitions and a Japanese attorney] .
- *-1 To help residents in Northern California rebuild , [ARG0 FEMA] intends *-1 to set up 17 disaster assistance offices in the earthquake area in the next several days and to [rel staff] [ARG1 them] with [ARG2-with 400 to 500 workers from various agencies] , said 0 *T*-2 Robert Volland , chief of the agency 's individual assistance division .
- [ARG1 Many U.S. trading operations , wanting * to keep a watchful eye on Japanese trading as an indication of where U.S. trading would begin *T*-2 ,] were [ARGM-MNR fully] [rel staffed] *-1 [ARGM-TMP during the Tokyo trading session] .
- To the extent 0 we lack [ARG2 manpower] 0 *T*-3 to [rel staff] [ARG1 menial jobs in hospitals] *T*-2 , for example , we should raise pay , pursue labor-saving technology , or allow more legal immigration , rather than overpay high school graduates as short-term workers and cause resentment among permanent workers paid * lesser amounts *-1 to do the same jobs .
- Enthusiasts assume that national service would get important work done cheaply : forest fires fought *-1 , housing rehabilitated *-2 , students tutored *-3 , [ARG1 day-care centers] [rel staffed] *-4 .