frames- They say 0 greedy market manipulators have made a shambles of the nation 's free-enterprise system , *-1 turning the stock market into a big gambling den , with [ARG1 the odds] [ARGM-MNR heavily] [rel stacked] *-2 against [ARG2-against the small investor] .
- `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that [ARG0 Wall Street] is [rel stacking] [ARG1 the deck] against [ARG2-against them] , and these wide swings are scaring them to death , '' says *T*-1 Raymond A. Mason , chairman of regional broker Legg Mason Inc. in Baltimore .
- Many of the letters maintain that investor confidence has been so shaken by the 1987 stock market crash *RNR*-1 -- and [ARG1 the markets] [ARGM-TMP already] [ARGM-ADV so] [rel stacked] *-3 against [ARG2-against the little guy] [ARGM-ADV *RNR*-1] -- that any decrease in information on insider-trading patterns might prompt individuals to get out of stocks altogether .
- But in recent years , the market has moved toward less expensive `` mini-component '' sets , [ARG1 miniaturized amplifiers and receivers and software players] that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] be [rel stacked] *-1 on [ARG2-on top of each other] .
- Mr. Lauder also attacked what he sees *T*-1 as the wide imitation of Elle , a fashion magazine published * by Diamandis Communications Inc. , and criticized the practice of [ARG0 *] [rel stacking] [ARG1 ads] [ARGM-LOC at the front of magazines] .
- Mr. Mason says 0 he 's convinced 0 the public still wants *-2 to invest in common stocks , even though they believe 0 [ARG1 the deck] is [rel stacked] *-1 against [ARG2-against them] .
- So why [ARG0 *] even consider *-1 [rel stacking] [ARG1 freeways] [ARGM-TMP now] ?
- A study by Safeway 's Scanner Marketing Research shows 0 soap sales climbed 5 % when [ARG1 bars] were [ARGM-MNR neatly] [rel stacked] *-1 on [ARG2-on shelves] instead of dumped *-1 in a wire basket *T*-2 ... .