frames- Prior to his term , [ARG1 a teacher] bled to death in the halls , *-1 [rel stabbed] *-2 by [ARG0-by a student] .
- When he initially refused *T*-1 , he says 0 *T*-2 , [ARG0 they] [rel stabbed] [ARG1 him] in [ARG3-in the back] and made off with $ 2,000 *U* and 280 blank tickets .
- Most of the cases have been in California , where [ARG1 one agent] was [rel stabbed] *-1 and another was shot and killed *-2 *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 *] Beheading small children , [rel stabbing] [ARG1 elderly people] to [ARG3-to death] , raping and shooting women , and burying people alive are just a few of the grisly activities that the Somali armed forces have been engaged *-2 in *T*-3 over the past two years .
- Guns were never used *-1 : [ARG1 Each man] was [rel stabbed] *-2 to [ARG3-to death] with [ARG2-with a large knife] .
- Still , it was in Argentine editions that his countrymen first read his story of Pascal Duarte , [ARG0 a field worker] who *T*-1 [rel stabbed] [ARG1 his mother] to [ARG3-to death] and has no regrets as he awaits his end in a prison cell *T*-4 : `` Fate directs some men down the flower-bordered path , and others down the road bordered * with thistles and prickly pears .