frames- `` [ARG1 The way that we 've been managing Campbell U.S.A. *T*-2] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-ADV hopefully] [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR to other areas of the company] , '' Mr. Baum said *T*-1 .
- Biosource Genetics Corp. , Vacaville , Calif. , is developing a spray containing [ARG1 a gene] that *T*-39 [rel spreads] [ARGM-DIR from cell] [ARGM-DIR to cell] and interferes with the genes that *T*-40 are responsible for * producing pollen .
- While there are no easy low-cost solutions , * simply ignoring our problems will result in [ARG1 their severity] increasing and [rel spreading] [ARGM-LOC throughout the state , the nation and the world] .
- The Pentagon has led the charge , particularly as [ARG1 military alliances] [rel spread] [ARGM-LOC world-wide] .
- As [ARG1 word of the crime spree] has [rel spread] , many agents have started *-1 changing their open-door policies .
- [ARG1 His skis] [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR farther and farther apart] -- [ARGM-ADV just as buy-sell spreads widen during a financial panic] -- and soon he is out of control .
- But as [ARG1 the fright] began *-1 to [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR through the S&P pit] , the big brokerage firms came in and bought futures aggressively .
- Election analysts acknowledge that a `` Red-Green '' coalition of Social Democrats and Greens could edge out Chancellor Kohl 's coalition in the December 1990 national election if [ARG1 support for the Republicans] continues *-1 to [rel spread] .
- What managers really fear *T*-1 is that [ARG1 the pro-union movement] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR beyond the pilots] .
- The decision , Webster vs. Reproductive Health Services , illustrates how [ARG1 Supreme Court rulings] often have a ripple effect *T*-3 , * [rel spreading] [ARGM-DIR into areas of law and policy that *T*-2 were n't part of the actual cases decided * and that *T*-4 never were contemplated *-1 by the justices] .
- `` [ARG1 Stocks] have [ARGM-NEG not] [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR to the general public] , [ARGM-ADV despite the fact that the environment is much different] , '' concludes *T*-1 Robert Avery , an economist at Cornell University .
- Howard Bailit , a panel member and a vice president of Aetna Life & Casualty , said that utilization management will also do a better job of * containing costs as [ARG1 it] [rel spreads] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to cover medical services delivered * outside of hospitals] .
- Although air-traffic delays in San Francisco were significant yesterday , [ARG1 they] did n't appear *-1 to [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR to other airports] .
- As [ARG1 the news *ICH*-1] [rel spread] that the refineries were intact , crude prices plunged , *-2 ending the day at $ 20.56 *U* a barrel , down 19 cents .
- [ARG1 The rally] [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR into European markets , where traders were still betting that the earthquake disrupted the San Francisco area 's large oil refining plants *T*-1] .
- [ARG1 A worm] resides in the operating system of a computer and [rel spreads] [ARGM-MNR by * boring into other computers contacted * through networks] .
- The B\/T gene rearrangement test is more accurate than existing tests for * diagnosing the type of cancer , whether [ARG1 it] has [rel spread] or whether there is a recurrence following treatment , said 0 *T*-1 Oncor President Stephen Turner .
- But the test may prove *-1 to be more sensitive in * determining whether [ARG1 a tumor] has [rel spread] or returned [ARGM-TMP following treatment] , Dr. Wilson said 0 *T*-2 .
- Brokers said that as [ARG1 the news *ICH*-3] [rel spread] that Wall Street was moving up , traders who *T*-4 had called *-1 to place sell orders changed their line in mid-conversation , *-2 ordering buys instead .
- The ceremonies began [ARGM-TMP Friday afternoon] when [ARG1 word *ICH*-2] [rel spread] that the UAL buy-out was collapsing *T*-1 .
- But the recovery in the stock market provided little help for copper as [ARG1 word *ICH*-1] [rel spread] that a three-month strike at the Highland Valley mine in British Columbia was about over , according to an analyst .
- But as [ARG1 panic] [rel spread] , speculators began *-1 to sell blue-chip stocks such as Philip Morris and International Business Machines *-2 to offset their losses .
- [ARG1 `` Schwarzwaldklinik , '' -LRB- Black Forest Clinic -RRB- , a kind of German `` St . Elsewhere '' set * in a health spa] , is popular in Germany , and has [rel spread] [ARGM-DIR into France] .
- Now , however , commercial channels are coming to most European countries , and [ARGM-TMP at the same time] , [ARG1 satellite and cable technology] is [rel spreading] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] .