frames- They 're hiring [ARG0 models] 0 *T*-1 to stroll the aisles *-2 [rel sporting] [ARG1 their jewels] , and they 're even beginning *-4 to borrow a perennial favorite of the beauty business -- * offering a gift when consumers make a purchase *T*-3 .
- One photo shows [ARG0 a woman] [rel sporting] [ARG1 a scar 0 she says 0 *T*-2 was made *-1 by a laser beam -LRB- a low-caliber weapon , from the looks of the wound -RRB-] .
- Here 's *T*-3 a firsthand look at [ARG1 what] [ARG0 the Japanese hosts] [rel sported] *T*-1 , and what the foreign visitors saw *T*-2 .
- Despite the absence of samovars -LRB- and a tendency * to turn the furniture upside down -RRB- , the production is rich in Russian ennui voiced * by [ARG0 languorous folk] [rel sporting] [ARG1 beige linen and rumpled cotton] , with boaters and fishing poles aplenty .
- [ARG0 His Next computer , introduced * about a year ago and aimed * primarily at university computer users ,] [rel sports] [ARG1 snazzy graphics , digital sound , built-in networking and a sleek black design] .