frames- [ARG0 He] [rel spends] [ARG1 his days] [ARG2 *-1 sketching passers-by , or *-1 trying *-2 to *?*] .
- *-1 Moving rapidly through school , [ARG0 he] graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Kentucky at age 18 , after * [rel spending] [ARG1 only 2 1\/2 years] [ARGM-LOC in college] .
- Special Judge Galloway noted that Givens managed horse-breeding in a businesslike way : [ARG0 He] kept detailed accounts , practiced soil conservation , enhanced his experience by *-1 consulting experts , [rel spent] [ARG1 several hours a day] [ARG2 *-1 doing chores] , and dropped the sideline when his best brood mare died *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 He] [rel spent] [ARG1 most of his career] [ARG2 *-1 formulating marketing strategies] , but became best-known for * chipping away at ad agency compensation .
- [ARG0 The 66-year-old Mr. Lee] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel spent] [ARG1 an hour] [ARG2 *-1 discussing the state of Asia and the world with two Journal reporters in his plainly furnished , wood-paneled office] .
- He could acquire a staff of loyal Pinkerton 's employees , [ARG0 many of whom] *T*-15 had [rel spent] [ARG1 their entire careers] with [ARG2-with the firm] , he could eliminate a competitor and he could get the name recognition 0 he 'd wanted *T*-1 .
- Mr. Wathen also relished the chance * to demonstrate 0 an entrepreneur like [ARG0 himself] , who *T*-16 'd [rel spent] [ARG1 his whole career] in [ARG2-in the security business] , could run Pinkerton 's better than an unfocused conglomerate or investment banker .
- `` [ARG0 Business across the country] is [rel spending] [ARG1 more time] [ARG2 *-2 addressing this issue] , '' says *T*-1 Sen. Edward Kennedy -LRB- D. , Mass . -RRB- .
- WHEN [ARG0 Catherine Bobar] [rel spent] [ARG1 several weeks] [ARGM-LOC at the Medical Center of Vermont] [ARGM-TMP recently] [ARGM-ADV with a bone infection in her toe] *T*-1 , she shared a room just like most patients .
- Cancer patients needing prolonged radiation therapy , diabetics learning * to manage their blood sugar levels , and cardiac bypass patients are among [ARG0 those] who *T*-1 [rel spend] [ARG1 time] on [ARG2-on cooperative-care units] .
- * Elaborating on the concern about [ARG0 doctors '] sacrificing earnings in order *-1 to [rel spend] `` [ARG1 talk time] '' with [ARG2-with patients] , we are finding 0 the quality of the time spent * is the key to true rapport .
- * Elaborating on the concern about doctors ' sacrificing earnings in order *-1 to spend `` talk time '' with patients , we are finding 0 the quality of [ARG1 the time] [rel spent] * is the key to true rapport .
- [ARG0 Farmers in loose turbans and fancy earrings] [rel spend] [ARG1 their afternoons] [ARG2 *-1 laughing and gossiping at the markets] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Gatward] has [rel spent] [ARG1 a lot of time] [ARGM-TMP since late September] [ARGM-LOC at MTM 's headquarters] ; he eliminated three departments and fired six executives , according to the TVS spokesman .
- But [ARG0 Mr. Phillips] recently freed himself up *-1 to [rel spend] [ARG1 more time] [ARGM-MNR with clients] by *-1 delegating much of his administrative work to a deputy .
- Here , at a soccer stadium near the black township of Soweto yesterday , were *T*-2 [ARG0 eight leaders] of the African National Congress , seven of whom *T*-1 had [rel spent] [ARG1 most of their adult lives] [ARGM-LOC in prison] [ARGM-CAU for sabotage and conspiracy * to overthrow the government] .
- But while its stock is selling at about half Control Data 's estimated breakup value , neither Messrs. Perlman nor Price said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel spends] [ARG1 much time] [ARG2 *-1 considering the possibility of a hostile takeover] .
- [ARGM-TMP Before your next California-bashing editorial] , [ARGM-DIS please] [ARG0 *] [rel spend] [ARG1 more time] [ARGM-LOC out here] [ARG2 *-2 witnessing the situation] -- it just may change your view .
- We know firsthand the discrimination addressed * by the act : * to be told *-1 0 there 's no place for your child in school ; [ARG0 *] to [rel spend] [ARG1 lonely hours] [ARGM-LOC at home] [ARGM-CAU because there is no transportation for someone in a wheelchair] ; * to be denied *-2 employment because you are disabled *-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP A year ago] , [ARGM-TMP when almost nothing was happening amid these desolate dunes *T*-1] , `` [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD 'd] [rel spend] [ARG1 two days] [ARG2 *-2 working] and two days in the yard , '' he recalls 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-TMP A year ago] , [ARGM-TMP when almost nothing was happening amid these desolate dunes *T*-1] , `` [ARG0 you] [ARGM-MOD 'd] [rel spend] two days *-2 working and [ARG1 two days] [ARGM-LOC in the yard] , '' he recalls 0 *T*-3 .
- -- `` * Playing intercollegiate sports does n't give [ARG0 you] a lot of [ARG1 time] 0 * to [rel spend] *T*-1 with [ARG2-with others] .
- [ARG0 The football and basketball players] [rel spent] [ARG1 more time on their sports in season than they did on class attendance and homework combined * -LRB- 30 hours a week versus 25.3 -RRB-] .
- [ARG0 The two men] [rel spent] [ARG1 an hour] [ARGM-LOC at Exit 10] , [ARG2 *-1 rehashing the event] , [ARGM-ADV `` *-1 fulfilling the lifelong dream of a young boy now turned * 50 , '' Mr. Engelken says *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-TMP Once inside] , [ARG0 she] [rel spends] [ARG1 nearly four hours] [ARG2 *-2 measuring and diagramming each room in the 80-year-old house] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 gathering enough information * to estimate what it *EXP*-3 would cost *T*-1 * to rebuild it] .
- [ARG0 She] [rel spent] [ARG1 a month] [ARGM-LOC at an Aetna school in Gettysburg , Pa.] , [ARG2 *-1 learning all about the construction trade , including masonry , plumbing and electrical wiring] .
- [ARG0 The government] [rel spent] [ARG1 most of last year] [ARG2 *-1 attempting *-2 to carry out such a plan] but was thwarted *-1 when the parent Waertsilae concern pulled out at the last minute *T*-3 .
- `` [ARG1 The percentage of your day] [rel spent] * [ARG2 twiddling your thumbs] got greater , and the work day kept *-1 getting longer .
- [ARG0 He] [rel spends] [ARG1 most weekends] [ARG2 *-1 flying his helicopter to one of his nine courses , he says 0 *T*-4 , two of which *T*-2 were designed *-3 by Jack Nicklaus] .
- [ARG0 The Communists] [rel spent] [ARG1 40 years] [ARG2 *-1 working *-2 to ensure that no such capitalistic structures ever arose here] .
- `` The rest will probably not be recoverable either because the statute of limitations expired or because [ARG0 many] prefer *-2 to [rel spend] [ARG1 additional time] [ARGM-LOC in jail] rather than return the money , '' the prosecutor said *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-LOC A pleasant place] 0 [ARG0 *] to come and [rel spend] [ARG1 a few hours] *T*-1 . ''
- [ARG0 The oil magnate] , who *T*-1 [rel spent] [ARG1 his later years] [ARG2 *-3 passing out dimes *-4 to counter his penny-pinching image] , `` is n't terribly amusing , '' says 0 *T*-5 Barry Olson , creative director at Innis-Maggiore-Olson , Canton , Ohio , which *T*-2 is producing the ads .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG0 financially strapped Jaguar] has [rel spent] [ARG1 over a year] [ARG2 *-1 looking for a rich uncle 0 *T*-2 to provide cash and technological know-how] .
- [ARG1 Much of its attention] was [rel spent] *-1 [ARG2 * fighting organized labor 's initiatives on issues 0 the small-business community traditionally opposes *T*-2 -- from * raising state minimum wage levels to * mandating benefits in health plans] .
- They should see to it that their kids do n't play truant ; they should make certain that [ARG0 the children] [rel spend] [ARG1 enough time] [ARG2 0 * doing homework *T*-1] ; they should scrutinize the report card .
- He labeled reports of friction `` ridiculous , '' and said that [ARG0 he] [rel spent] [ARG1 part of the weekend] [ARGM-LOC on Mr. Phillips 's boat in Connecticut] .
- As the death toll from last week 's temblor climbed to 61 , the condition of [ARG0 freeway survivor Buck Helm] , who *T*-1 [rel spent] [ARG1 four days] [ARG2 *-2 trapped under rubble] , improved , hospital officials said 0 *T*-3 .
- As part of that attempt , by the American Trade Consortium , Mr. Giffen says 0 [ARG0 he] [rel spends] [ARG1 a lot of time] [ARG2 *-1 lobbying] .
- For political as well as economic reasons , U.S. companies are at the top of his priorities -- a point 0 [ARG0 he] underscored *T*-1 by *-2 [rel spending] [ARG1 two hours] [ARG2 *-3 walking around the U.S. trade show last week] .
- But Maidenform officials say that after [ARG0 *-1] [rel spending] [ARG1 24 years] [ARGM-LOC at Maidenform] , Mr. Lesk , 48 , made it *EXP*-2 clear 0 he wanted the top job .
- Gen. Scowcroft is particularly well-versed in arms control , and [ARG0 Mr. Gates] has [rel spent] [ARG1 years] [ARG2 *-1 studying Soviet politics and society] .
- [ARG0 He and his father] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel spend] [ARG1 time] [ARGM-TMP each summer] [ARG2 *-1 fly-fishing for salmon in Iceland] .
- [ARG0 Managing partners who *T*-1 responded to the survey] [ARGM-TMP typically] [rel spend] [ARG1 over half their time] [ARG2 *-4 supervising their firms ' day-to-day operations] and just a little more than a third of their time *-4 practicing law .
- [ARG0 Managing partners who *T*-1 responded to the survey] [ARGM-TMP typically] [rel spend] over half their time *-4 supervising their firms ' day-to-day operations and [ARG1 just a little more than a third of their time] [ARG2 *-4 practicing law] .
- The Tokyo market 's resiliency helped participants to regain confidence gradually as [ARG0 they] [rel spent] [ARG1 more time] on [ARG2-on *-2 analyzing factors that *T*-1 caused the Friday plunge] and realized 0 these problems were unique to New York stocks and not directly related to Tokyo .
- In Oakland , officials said 0 [ARG0 the 57-year-old longshoreman] who *T*-1 [rel spent] [ARG1 four days] [ARG2 *-2 entombed *-3 in rubble] was in critical condition with slight improvement .
- [ARG0 Most of us] have *-2 to [rel spend] [ARG1 our time] on [ARG2-on pursuits that *T*-1 afford neither , drab duties rather than pleasures] .
- [ARGM-PNC For Cheap Air Fares] , [ARG0 *] [rel Spend] [ARG1 Christmas] [ARG2 *-1 Aloft]
- When he is presented *-1 with a poster celebrating the organization 's 20th anniversary *T*-2 , he recognizes a photograph of one of the founders and recalls [ARG1 time] [rel spent] [ARGM-MNR together] [ARGM-LOC in Camden] .
- [ARG0 Ko Shioya] [rel spent] [ARG1 eight years] as [ARG2-as the editor in chief of the Japanese edition of Reader 's Digest] .
- Mr. Cela himself was one of the lucky ones , his fortunes steadily increasing over [ARG1 the decades] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel spent] *T*-1 [ARG2 *-2 putting out some 70 travelogues , novels , short story collections and poetry] .
- Biggest trouble was [ARG0 scared family] who *T*-1 could n't get a phone line through , and [rel spent] [ARG1 a really horrible hour] [ARG2 *-2 not knowing] .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARGM-TMP as things got rougher] , [ARG0 we] ran for the door and [rel spent] [ARG1 the next few minutes] [ARGM-LOC outside] [ARG2 *-1 watching the brick sidewalk under our feet oozing up and down , and the flowers waving in an eerie rhythm] .
- [ARG0 Personnel] [rel spent] [ARG1 the morning] [ARG2 *-1 inspecting buildings for structural weaknesses , mopping up water from broken pipes and clearing ceiling tiles and other debris from factory floors] .
- A number of agencies , including Thompson and Foote , Cone & Belding , said 0 [ARG0 some employees who *T*-1 live outside of San Francisco] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 fearful that they would n't be able *-3 to get home] , [rel spent] [ARG1 the night] [ARGM-LOC at the agency] .
- [ARGM-LOC In the Marina District] , [ARG0 residents] [rel spent] [ARG1 yesterday] [ARG2 * assessing damage , cleaning up and trying *-1 to find friends and neighbors] .
- MEASUREX CORP. , Cupertino , maker of computer integrated manufacturing processes , annual sales of $ 265 million *U* , NYSE , had only minor damage but [ARG0 workers] [rel spent] [ARG1 most of yesterday] [ARG2 *-1 cleaning up] .
- Mr. Krenz has followed much the same career path as Mr. Honecker : [ARG0 Both] [rel spent] [ARG1 years] [ARG2 *-2 overseeing the Freie Deutsche Jugend , the youth group that *T*-1 is the communist regime 's principal tool for * stamping young Germans into socialist citizens] .
- `` You 're telling someone 0 [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel spend] [ARG1 the next three or four or five or six years of their life] [ARG2 *-1 bringing about the most difficult and costly modernization of an information system on the civil side ever] , '' Mr. Goldberg said *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Allen , who *T*-1 teaches government at prestigious Harvey Mudd College in California and will remain a member of the commission ,] has [rel spent] [ARG1 years] [ARG2 *-2 arguing that civil rights are individuals ' rights] .
- [ARG0 The Soviet president and his prime minister , Nikolai Ryzhkov ,] [rel spent] [ARG1 the longest time , about 15 minutes] , [ARGM-LOC at the IBM stand , where they got souvenir computer-chip key rings *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev] opened a major U.S. trade exhibition in Moscow and [rel spent] [ARG1 two hours] [ARG2 * touring some of the 150 stalls representing such blue-chip companies as General Motors Corp. , International Business Machines Corp. and Johnson & Johnson] .
- `` [ARG0 We] 've been [rel spending] [ARG1 a lot of time] [ARGM-LOC in Los Angeles] [ARG2 *-2 talking to TV production people] , '' says *T*-3 Mike Parks , president of Call Interactive , which *T*-1 supplied technology for both ABC Sports and NBC 's consumer minutes .
- `` If K mart ca n't get its act together in discounting , why is [ARG0 it] [rel spending] [ARG1 time] [ARG2 0 * worrying about other growing markets *T*-1] ? ''
- Institutional investors and bankers , [ARG0 many of whom] *T*-1 [rel spent] [ARG1 the night before] [ARGM-LOC in their offices] [ARG2 *-2 watching Far Eastern markets] , were cautiously optimistic after the mild 1.8 % decline in Tokyo stock prices .
- [ARG0 *] To [rel spend] [ARG1 a carefree , idle day] , When duty calls *T*-2 , to pay no heed , To while the precious hours away -- Character is what you need *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Mr. Magurno , 45 ,] [rel spent] [ARG1 17 years] [ARGM-LOC at the Miami airline unit of Houston-based Texas Air Corp.] and was named *-1 general counsel in 1984 .
- [ARG0 Investment bankers representing the buy-out group and UAL 's board] [rel spent] [ARG1 a frantic weekend] [ARG2 * trying *-2 to hammer out new terms that *T*-1 would be more acceptable to the banks] .