frames- *-1 To take advantage of local expertise and custom , the study said 0 *T*-2 , Congress should require [ARG0 each of the 94 federal district courts] to adopt its own plan * to [rel speed] [ARG1 the handling of civil suits] and to reduce the high costs in civil cases .
- [ARG1 The Galileo spacecraft] [rel sped] [ARGM-MNR unerringly] [ARGM-DIR toward the planet Jupiter] , [ARGM-ADV while five astronauts aboard the space shuttle Atlantis measured the Earth 's ozone layer] .
- This summer , [rel speeding] [ARG1 bikers] were blamed *-1 for an accident in the Napa County park , in which a horse -- spooked * on a trail that *T*-3 was closed *-2 to bikers -- broke its leg .