frames- [ARGM-ADV Equally importantly] , [ARG0 the treasury secretary] has [rel spearheaded] [ARG1 the administration effort * to bring the U.S. dollar down by * shopping avidly for West German marks and Japanese yen] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Lortie] joined Provigo in 1985 and [rel spearheaded] [ARG1 the company 's drive * to grow outside its traditional food business] .
- `` You have *-2 to go out to all your constituents , '' says *T*-3 [ARG0 James H. Giffen] , who *T*-1 is [rel spearheading] [ARG1 the most ambitious attempt *ICH*-4 by U.S. firms * to break into the Soviet market , involving investment of more than $ 5 billion *U* in some two dozen joint ventures] .
- It was [ARG0 big institutions such as Norwich Union Insurance Group , Scottish Amicable Investment Managers and Standard Life Assurance Co.] that *T*-1 [rel spearheaded] [ARG1 the rally] .