frames- [ARG0 No one] [rel speaks] , and the snaking of the ropes seems *-1 to make as much sound as the bells themselves *?* , *-2 muffled *-3 by the ceiling .
- [ARG0 It] hopes *-1 to [rel speak] to [ARG2-to students at theological colleges] about [ARG1-about the joys of bell ringing] and will shortly publish a booklet for every vicar in the country entitled , `` The Bells in Your Care . ''
- But [ARGM-TMP the former U.S. president 's sixth visit] to China , during which [ARG0 he] [rel spoke] [ARGM-TMP at length] with [ARG2-with Chinese leaders] *T*-1 , was nowhere near as successful at * easing strains that *T*-239 have recently afflicted the Sino-U.S. relationship .
- In a meeting Tuesday , [ARG0 supreme leader , Deng Xiaoping ,] told Mr. Nixon , `` * [ARGM-MNR Frankly] [rel speaking] , the U.S. was involved *-146 too deeply in the turmoil and counterrevolutionary rebellion which *T*-243 occurred in Beijing not long ago .
- In part , this may reflect the fact that ` [ARG0 she] [rel speaks] [ARG1 a more progressive language ' than her husband *?*] , [ARGM-ADV as Columbia 's Prof . -LCB- Ethel -RCB- Klein puts it] .
- With [ARG0 a pilot] who *T*-87 [rel speaks] [ARG1 no English] .
- No one could voice an opinion until [ARG0 everybody with more seniority] had [rel spoken] [ARGM-TMP first] , so younger employees -- often the most enthusiastic and innovative -- seldom spoke up at all .
- No one could voice an opinion until everybody with more seniority had spoken first , so [ARG0 younger employees -- often the most enthusiastic and innovative --] [ARGM-TMP seldom] [rel spoke] up [ARGM-ADV at all] .
- But in 1986 , the badges and the `` [ARG0 *] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR out of turn] '' rule were abolished *-215 -- early steps in a cultural revolution still rolling on with all the subtlety of a freight train .
- He added that [ARG0 he] had [rel spoken] with [ARG2-with Mr. Laidig , whom he referred to *T*-1 as a friend ,] [ARGM-MNR by telephone] [ARGM-TMP Monday evening] .
- *-1 Asked *-2 to comment , a spokesman for Mr. Scott said : `` [ARG0 Mr. Scott] has [rel spoken] to [ARG2-to his attorney , who *T*-97 has advised him not to talk to anybody] . ''
- Indeed , Mr. Gorbachev 's proposals display a close conceptual resemblance to the tenets of Italian fascism , [ARG0 whose architects] *T*-1 [rel spoke] [ARGM-MNR specifically] of [ARG1-of a `` third way ''] : of * having produced a historic synthesis of socialism and capitalism .
- A spokeswoman for GE in Fairfield , Conn. , said , `` [ARG0 Absolutely no one] [rel spoke] to [ARG2-to Jack Welch] on [ARG1-on this subject] '' and added , `` Anyone who *T*-1 claims 0 they talked to Jack Welch is n't telling the truth . ''
- [ARG0 The ANC leaders] [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR in tones of moderation] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 emphasizing discipline] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 hoping 0 the government will be encouraged *-2 to take further steps , such as *-3 freeing Nelson Mandela , the most prominent ANC figure , and unbanning the organization] .
- Pretoria releases the ANC leaders , most of whom *T*-1 were serving life sentences , and allows [ARG0 them] to [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR freely] , *-2 hoping that the ANC will abandon its use of violence .
- [ARGM-DIS Well] , [ARG0 the arrogant East Coast media] have [rel spoken] [ARGM-TMP again] -LRB- `` * Going for the Green , '' editorial , Oct. 17 -RRB- .
- [ARG0 A `` senior Fed official ''] [rel spoke] [ARGM-TMP on Saturday] [ARGM-TMP after the market swoon] to [ARG2-to both the Washington Post and the New York Times] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying 0 the Fed was prepared *-2 to provide as much credit as the markets needed *?*] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-2 Asked *-1 about his greatest achievement in public life] , [ARG0 he] [ARGM-TMP first] [rel speaks] about [ARG1-about the quality of his staff] .
- An enormous turtle has succeeded where the government has failed *T*-1 : [ARG0 He] has made * [rel speaking] [ARG1 Filipino] respectable .
- Filipino -- once known * as Pilipino -- is predominantly Tagalog , [ARG1 the Malay-based language] [rel spoken] * [ARGM-LOC in a part of the country 's principal island of Luzon] .
- [ARG1 What tongue] [ARG0 *] to [rel speak] *T*-1 is an emotional mine field in the Philippines .
- [ARGM-DIS As a result] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-TMP often] [rel speak] [ARG1 one language] [ARGM-LOC at home] , another at school .
- [ARG0 He] [rel speaks] [ARGM-ADV only] in [ARG1-in Filipino] .
- [ARG0 They] [rel speak] [ARGM-EXT volumes] about [ARG1-about the state of our society at a given moment] .
- Bruce Willis 's best attribute as an actor is his coy , lazy voice , and that 's all 0 you get *T*-1 of him here , [ARG0 *] [rel speaking] for [ARGM-MNR the baby] .
- AIDS dementia -- which *T*-1 gradually steals [ARG0 children 's] ability * to [rel speak] , walk and think -- is often the most striking aspect of the pediatric syndrome .
- [ARG0 The man] went back and [rel spoke] to [ARG2-to the desk clerk] : `` That sign is wrong , '' he said *T*-1 .
- Such a policy implies that [ARG0 only a black politician] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel speak] for [ARGM-PNC a black person] , and that only a white politician can govern on behalf of a white one .
- Madison explained that [ARG0 a representative 's] duty was * to [rel speak] [ARGM-NEG not] [ARGM-CAU for the narrow interests of one group] but instead for the common good .
- Madison explained that [ARG0 a representative 's] duty was * to [rel speak] not for the narrow interests of one group but [ARGM-DIS instead] [ARGM-CAU for the common good] .
- [ARG0 *] [rel Speaking] of [ARG1-of dark nights] , the Met 's next-door neighbor , the New York City Opera , has canceled its season after *-3 failing *-2 to reach a settlement with its musicians , who *T*-1 wanted pay parity with the the Chicago Lyric and San Francisco Opera orchestras .
- Surely at some other cosmic address a Gouldoid creature would have risen out of the ooze *-1 to explain why , [ARG0 *] [ARGM-MNR paleontologically] [rel speaking] , `` it is , indeed , a wonderful life *T*-2 . ''
- A few months ago your paper reported the results of a study * to determine why [ARG0 Asians] who *T*-1 arrive in this country without any money , and unable *-2 to [rel speak] [ARG1 English] , become overnight successes .
- But most lawyers accept that [ARG0 the marketplace] has [rel spoken] .
- [ARG0 Brokers clutching thick folders] stand in lines , *-1 waiting [ARGM-TMP their turn] 0 * to [rel speak] to [ARG2-to the underwriters] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-ADV That done *] , [ARG0 Ms. Volokh] [rel spoke] [ARGM-MNR with rampant eloquence] about [ARG1-about the many attributes 0 she feels 0 she was born *-1 with *T*-2 : an understanding of food , business , Russian culture , human nature , and parties] .
- Mr. Volokh soon found work in his field , but Ms. Volokh refused the obvious and available occupation - as translator for [ARG0 a Russian] who *T*-1 [rel spoke] [ARG1 fluent English] .
- `` When you 're at the club *T*-1 , you ask whether [ARG0 they] 've [rel spoken] to ` [ARG2-to G] . '
- The issue is further complicated *-1 because [ARGM-ADV although the organizations represent Korean residents] , those residents were largely born and raised *-2 in Japan and [ARG0 many] [rel speak] [ARG1 only Japanese] .
- But [ARG0 LDP members and supporters of the prepaid card idea] tend *-1 to [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR in innuendo] about [ARG1-about the JSP 's alleged donations] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 implying that North Korean money would be more suspect than South Korean because North Korea is communist and South Korea is an ally] .
- According to East Germany 's ADN news agency , [ARG0 Mr. Krenz] [rel spoke] to [ARG2-to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev] [ARGM-MNR by telephone] [ARGM-TMP over the weekend] and acknowledged 0 East Germany could learn from Moscow 's glasnost policies .
- The disorders , which 20 years ago *T*-2 struck middle-age and older people , `` now strike people at the height of productivity , '' says 0 *T*-3 [ARG0 Robert M.A. Hirschfeld] , of the National Institute of Mental Health , who *T*-1 [rel spoke] [ARGM-LOC at the presentation of the study 's findings] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Speaking] to [ARG2-to reporters] [ARGM-TMP this week] [ARGM-TMP after Bank Bumiputra 's shareholders approved a rescue plan] , Tan Sri Basir said 0 heavy lending to the property sector rocked the bank when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984-85 *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 A labor chief] [rel speaks] [ARGM-MNR sardonically] of [ARG1-of * having *-1 to `` man and woman '' Election Day phones] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel speaks] for [ARG1-for the death penalty] [ARGM-MNR as if * reading from Exodus 21] ; *-1 to increase state revenue he focuses not on `` taxes '' but on `` audits '' 0 *T*-2 to cut waste .
- [ARG0 Pasquale Pignatelli , an unlikely but enthusiastic pipe major in an Essex County Irish bagpipe band ,] [rel speaks] [ARGM-MNR sadly] of [ARG1-of Mr. Florio] .
- One expert , whose job *T*-1 is so politically sensitive that [ARG0 he] [rel spoke] [ARGM-MNR on condition that he would n't be named or quoted *-2] , said 0 the expected influx of East European refugees over the next few years will greatly increase the chances of computer-maintenance workers , for example , doubling as foreign spies .
- Darman now blames the clash on miscommunication , but House GOP leader Michel , who *T*-2 carried the offer to him , observes , `` [ARG0 I] was [rel speaking] [ARG1 English] [ARGM-MNR *NOT*] [ARGM-PNC *NOT*] [ARGM-TMP at the time] , and quite loud so I could be understood *-1 . ''
- [ARG0 Two other money managers] , [ARGM-MNR in *-3 explaining why they have sold large amounts of H&R Block stock this year *T*-2] , [rel spoke] [ARGM-MNR on the condition 0 they not be named *-1] .
- [ARG0 The Orange Workers] [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR sincerely] .
- Many plant floors currently resemble a Tower of Babel , with [ARG0 computers , robots and machine tools] that *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP generally] [rel speak] [ARG1 their own language] and have trouble *-2 talking to each other .
- A licensed government intellectual , Francis Fukuyama , recently announced in The National Interest that history is , [ARGM-DIS so] [ARG0 *] to [rel speak] *T*-1 , at an end since the course of human progress has now culminated in the glorious full stop of American civilization .
- [ARG0 Mr. Honecker] [rel spoke] of `` [ARG1-of generally valid objective laws of socialism] '' and left no room for debate .
- After [ARG0 San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos] [rel spoke] [ARGM-LOC on television] of [ARG1-of the need for building inspectors to check the soundness of buildings] , Los Angeles dispatched 32 inspectors 0 *T*-1 to help .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Speaking] to [ARG2-to a joint meeting of Congress] [ARGM-TMP earlier] , he said 0 South Korea ca n't move quickly on such agricultural trade issues `` without *-2 causing political and social trauma .
- The aftershocks of the highway tragedy are reverberating in Los Angeles as well , as [ARG0 local politicians] [rel spoke] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] against [ARG1-against plans * to bring double-decking to Los Angeles freeways by 1994] .
- [ARG0 Major Battle himself] [rel speaks] in [ARG1-in pure Pentagonese] : `` Without further monetary-stroke-military aid , scores of Ambiguan freedom lovers , who *T*-1 had gone way out on their life and limbs for us , were literally cut *-2 off at the knees without a paddle . ''
- `` A lot of investor confidence comes from the fact that [ARG0 they] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel speak] to [ARG2-to us] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- *-1 Asked *-2 *-3 to compare her visit to Mr. Mosbacher 's , Mrs. Hills replied : 0 `` I did n't hear [ARG1 every word] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel spoke] *T*-4 , but as a general proposition , I think 0 we have a very consistent trade strategy in the Bush administration . ''
- But [ARG0 Mrs. Hills] , *-1 [rel speaking] [ARGM-LOC at a breakfast meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan] [ARGM-TMP on Saturday] , stressed that the objective `` is not * to get definitive action by spring or summer , it is rather * to have a blueprint for action . ''
- `` [ARG0 Brennan and Marshall] are [rel speaking] [ARGM-LOC in their dissents] to [ARG1-to a more distant future] , '' he says *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS At least] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-REC both] [rel speak] [ARGM-MNR with strong accents] , [ARGM-ADV as do *?* Jackie and Maddie] .
- As I watched him on C-Span , I heard 0 [ARG0 him] [rel speak] [ARG1 those lovely words about the Bill of Rights , which he quotes *T*-1 from the transcript of the hearings] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Speaking] [ARGM-MNR through its Dutch lawyers] , ASKO also disclosed 0 it holds a 15 % stake in Ahold .
- *-2 Asked *-1 if the administration agreed , he curtly replied : 0 `` [ARG0 The adminstration] will have *-3 to [rel speak] [ARGM-REC for itself] . ''
- [ARG0 *] [ARGM-MNR Strictly] [rel speaking] , these youth are not performing service .