frames- [ARG0 We] see , [rel smell] and hear [ARG1 slums filled * with `` the echoes of hawkers advertising their wares interspersed * with abusive language , rattling coughs and the sound of people gathering spittle in their throats and spewing into the street] . ''
- Now , with [ARG0 the crowd in the analysis room] [rel smelling] [ARG1 figurative blood] , the only question seemed *-1 to be how fast Mr. Kasparov could win game two *T*-2 .
- But I 'd also rather *ICH*-1 live next door to an incinerator than to some of [ARG1 the hog farms] 0 [ARG0 I] 've seen -LRB- and [rel smelt] -RRB- *T*-2 [ARGM-LOC in these parts] .