frames- [ARG1 Car sales] [rel slackened] [ARGM-TMP in September] [ARGM-TMP after the 1990 models were introduced *-1] .
- But the first quarter of the year is generally the weakest and [ARG1 OPEC production] does n't seem *-1 to be [rel slackening] [ARGM-ADV in anticipation of that] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] , he said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 a slowdown in economic activity] has [rel slackened] [ARG1 demand] .
- The first analyst said that the Japanese , as well as the Chinese , bought copper earlier in the week in London , but that [ARG1 this purchasing] has [ARGM-TMP since] [rel slackened] [ARGM-ADV as the supply situation , at least over the long term , appears *-1 to have improved] .
- In fact , some auto executives suggest that [rel slackened] [ARG1 demand] for their cars in the U.S. and Canada is a blessing ; otherwise they would n't be able *-1 to keep up with demand in the more profitable local market .
- However , the executive noted that [rel slackening] [ARG1 demand] for new mortgages depressed new loan originations to $ 1 billion *U* , 30 % below the same period last year .