frames- [ARG0 *-1 The son of a physicist] , Mr. Hahn [rel skipped] [ARG1 first grade] [ARGM-PNC because his reading ability was so far above his classmates] .
- [ARG0 *-3] [rel Skipping] [ARG1 personal pleasantries] , Mr. Lee picked up exactly where he left off *T*-2 several months earlier -- before the government crackdown in China -- when he had warned that the orthodox leadership in Beijing feared a plurality of views *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Feeling 0 they should devote more time to their families or their jobs] , [ARG0 many yuppies] are [rel skipping] [ARG1 their once-sacred workout] .
- They always say 0 * to get a degree first , but they do n't allow [ARG0 us] time or * to [rel skip] [ARG1 practice] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to study for a test] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV *-1 knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs] , [ARG0 Mr. Brown] [rel skipped] [ARG1 his stop in nearby Chicago] and set course *-1 to get his load -- a few hundred parcels -- to the Memphis package-sorting hub on time .
- I can adjust the amount of insurance 0 I want *T*-1 against the amount going into investment ; I can pay more or less than the so-called target premium in a given year ; and [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-ADV even] [rel skip] [ARG1 payments] [ARGM-ADV if my cash reserves are enough * to cover the insurance portion of the policy] .
- One of the best deals , though , may mean [ARG0 *] [rel skipping] [ARG1 Christmas dinner with the relatives] .