frames- For a while in the 1970s it seemed 0 Mr. Moon was on a spending spree , with such purchases as the former New Yorker Hotel and its adjacent Manhattan Center ; a fishing\/processing conglomerate with branches in Alaska , Massachusetts , Virginia and Louisiana ; [ARG1 a former Christian Brothers monastery and the Seagram family mansion] -LRB- both [ARGM-MNR picturesquely] [rel situated] on [ARG2-on the Hudson River] -RRB- ; shares in banks from Washington to Uruguay ; a motion picture production company , and newspapers , such as the Washington Times , the New York City Tribune -LRB- originally the News World -RRB- , and the successful Spanish-language Noticias del Mundo .
- Presidio said 0 [ARG1 the properties] are [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel situated] *-1 in [ARG2-in Wyoming , North Dakota , Texas , Oklahoma and Louisiana] .