frames- [ARG1 The issue] has been [rel simmering] [ARGM-TMP for years] .
- *-2 Fueling [ARG1 a controversy] that *T*-1 has been [rel simmering] [ARGM-TMP for years] , the Census Bureau also said 0 its figures would look far rosier if it recalculated the poverty threshold *-3 using an improved consumer-price measure adopted * in 1983 .
- She transforms her `` Bronx of the emotions , a place where the flats of mediocrity are only relieved *-1 by steep descents into hysteria '' into the `` Babylonian Bronx , '' [ARG1 a world] [rel simmering] [ARGM-ADV with sex and death and intrigue] .
- As Elizabeth Kristol wrote in the New York Times just before the Mason donnybrook , `` Perhaps intolerance would not boil over with such intensity if [ARG1 honest differences] were allowed *-1 to [rel simmer] . ''
- It *EXP*-1 is true that the best sitcoms do allow [ARG1 group differences] to [rel simmer] : yuppies vs. blue-collar Bostonians in `` Cheers '' ; children vs. adults in `` The Cosby Show . ''
- Clearly , the question with `` Chicken Soup '' is not whether the pot will boil over , but whether [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel simmer] [ARGM-ADV at all] .
- That issue , like racial tensions in New York City , will have *-1 to cool down , not heat up , before [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel simmer] .