frames- [ARGM-DIS To that end] , [ARG0 American Express] has been [rel signing] up [ARG1 gasoline companies , car repair shops , tire companies and car dealers] [ARG3 *-1 to accept the card] .
- For [ARG1 its employees] to [rel sign] up for [ARG3-for the options] , a college also must approve the plan .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Feeling the naggings of a culture imperative] , [ARG1 I] [ARGM-MNR promptly] [rel signed] up .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-DIS at least] [ARG0 Burger King] has [rel signed] on , and says that by year end it wo n't be using any shell eggs .
- Whittle Communications L.P. , which for months *T*-1 has fought a public relations battle with education leaders , said 0 [ARG0 it] has [rel signed] [ARG1 500 schools in 24 states to subscribe to the controversial Channel One news program and its sister programs] .
- `` The pilot program was received *-1 well -LRB- by teachers and students -RRB- , but there was n't reason enough [ARG1 *] to [rel sign] up .
- Whittle said 0 [ARG0 its field staff] [rel signed] up [ARG1 the 500 schools in 238 school districts] [ARGM-TMP after only eight weeks] and company executives now expect *-1 to reach their start-up goal of 1,000 schools before the end of this year .
- He said 0 [ARG0 his sales force] is [rel signing] up [ARG1 schools] [ARGM-MNR at the rate of 25 a day] .
- [ARG1 She] [rel signed] up , [ARGM-ADV *-2 starting as an `` inside '' adjuster , who *T*-1 settles minor claims and does a lot of work by phone] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the same time] , [ARG1 only four securities firms] have [rel signed] up with [ARG2-with the Big Board] [ARG3 *-1 to buy and sell ESPs as market makers] , an unenthusiastic response .
- In Cherry Hill , [ARG0 the National Abortion Rights Action League] , whose goal *T*-1 is * to [rel sign] up [ARG1 50,000 pro-choice voters] , targets a union breakfast *-2 to build labor support for its cause .
- [ARGM-LOC In one phone call] , [ARG1 ski buffs] [ARGM-MOD can] make hotel and restaurant reservations , buy lift tickets , rent ski equipment and [rel sign] up for [ARG3-for lessons] .
- Michael Burns , president of Telesystems , says 0 his concern has only benefited from the publicity surrounding the case , *-2 noting that [ARG1 three other charities] have [rel signed] on as [ARG3-as clients] [ARGM-CAU because they were impressed *-1 with the amount 0 he raised *T*-3 for National Children 's] .
- We 're told 0 Senator Pryor is n't yet a co-sponsor , but [ARGM-ADV if he and his colleagues are serious about *-1 kicking their compulsions] , [ARG1 they] [ARGM-MOD 'll] [rel sign] up .
- [ARG1 He] [rel signed] up for [ARG3-for intelligence and counter-intelligence training under American officers at Fort Gulick in Panama] [ARGM-TMP in July 1967] , [ARGM-ADV according to a copy of a 1983 resume with details 0 Mr. Noriega has since classified *T*-1 as secret] .
- [ARG0 MRA Staffing Systems] [rel signs] up [ARG1 nurses] for [ARG3-for paid travel] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 promising annual income up to $ 50,000 *U* and free or subsidized housing] .
- [ARG1 Hospitals] have [rel signed] up [ARG3 *-1 to use the messages *-2 to promote fundraisers] , and Equitable Gas Co. is considering the format *-3 to offer energy tips to consumers .