frames- [ARG1 Mr. Courter 's long nose] [rel shrinks] [ARGM-TMP while Mr. Florio 's grows] .
- *-1 Concerned about [rel shrinking] [ARG1 landfills] and the safety of chemicals used * in super-absorbent disposables , parents are returning to the cloth diaper .
- In addition , he says *T*-3 *ICH*-2 , the buy-out business is under pressure `` because of the junk bond collapse , '' * meaning that returns are likely *-1 to decline as [ARG1 the volume of junk-bond financings] [rel shrinks] .
- Factory orders and construction outlays were largely flat in September , while purchasing agents said 0 [ARG1 manufacturing] [rel shrank] [ARG2-MNR further] [ARGM-TMP in October] .
- Although [ARG1 U.S. corn stockpiles] [rel shrank] by [ARG2-by roughly half] [ARGM-TMP in the wake of the drought] , the Agriculture Department projects that nearly one-fifth of the harvest will still be in storage before the 1990 corn harvest begins .
- To viewers from a distance , [ARG1 visitors to the spot] seemed *-1 to [rel shrink] [ARGM-MNR disproportionately] , [ARGM-ADV relative to the background] .
- For instance , he noted that [ARG1 spending on Pentagon programs] is [rel shrinking] , and Boeing is either the prime contractor or a major supplier on many important military projects , including the B-2 Stealth bomber , the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and the Air Force 's next-generation tactical fighter .
- Although the company could see [ARG1 fourth-quarter revenue] [rel shrink] by [ARG2-by nearly $ 5 billion *U*] if it is n't able *-2 to deliver any more planes this year , those dollars actually would just be deferred *-1 until 1990 .
- [ARG0 Mercury] [ARGM-DIS also] is [rel shrinking] [ARG1-REC itself] , [ARGM-CAU part of its plan * to change its emphasis from * buying mortgage loans from mortgage brokers to * making loans directly] .
- While *-2 admitting 0 such a move would be `` devastating '' to most creditors , Judge Abramson told a courtroom filled * with nearly two dozen attorneys that he was concerned *-1 about the toll 0 mounting legal bills will take *T*-3 on Mr. Hunt 's [rel shrinking] [ARG1 estate] and about the fact that , following voting by creditors , none of the reorganization plans appeared *-4 to be viable in their present form .
- Now , following [ARG0 asset sales] that *T*-1 [rel shrank] [ARG1 revenue] by [ARG2-by more than one-third] [ARGM-TMP this year alone] , Control Data is flush with cash .
- Drilling activity is still far below eight years ago , there 's no hiring surge and [ARG1 some companies] continue *-1 to [rel shrink] .
- [ARG1 Its tax base] is [rel shrinking] , a $ 1 billion *U* budget deficit looms , and the city faces contract negotiations with all major municipal unions next year .
- He once used that line in a closed-door meeting on Panama , *-1 meaning 0 [ARG0 *] do [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel shrink] [ARGM-CAU from * taking action against Manuel Noriega] .
- While Westinghouse has n't had a nuclear power plant order from a U.S. utility in about a decade , [ARG1 excess capacity] is beginning *-1 to [rel shrink] .
- Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and most senators contend that the Navy 's F-14 is too expensive in an era of [rel shrinking] [ARG1 Pentagon] budgets .
- Japan is going on a capital-spending binge that *T*-1 could make [ARG1 its trade surpluses] even harder 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel shrink] *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Per-share earnings] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel shrank] [ARGM-CAU because of dividends on a new series of preferred stock] .
- Deposits are n't expected *-1 to exceed withdrawals in the foreseeable future , as [ARG1 the industry] continues *-2 to [rel shrink] .
- Most troublesome is *T*-1 the [rel shrinking] [ARG1 pool] of `` names , '' the well-heeled investors -LRB- some of them royal -RRB- who *T*-2 , as members of about 360 syndicates , underwrite policies .
- [ARG1 Lloyd 's 66 % stake in that market] has [rel shrunk] to [ARG4-to 50 %] [ARGM-TMP in that period] , according to an official at the Institute of London Underwriters , a Lloyd 's competitor .
- [rel Shrinking] [ARG1 profit] margins in chemical and refining and marketing sectors accounted for most of the decline , said *T*-1 Chairman C.J. Silas in a statement .
- `` [ARG1 The import pie] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel shrink] , '' says *T*-1 John Kamm , first vice president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and a China trade specialist .
- [ARGM-TMP In May] , [ARG1 Mr. Brierley 's stake] [rel shrank] to [ARG4-to 8.7 %] [ARGM-TMP after *-1 ranging between 9 % and 11 % for much of the previous year] .
- [ARG1 New York Stock Exchange volume] [rel shrank] to [ARG4-to 166.9 million shares] from [ARG3-from 224.1 million] Tuesday .
- BSN said 0 [ARG0 it] is making the offer *-1 to [rel shrink] [ARG1 its capital] and increase shareholder value .
- Highland Valley is a large Canadian producer and principal supplier to Japan , which *T*-1 recently began *-2 seeking copper elsewhere as [ARG1 its inventories] [rel shrank] .
- [ARG1 Sales of Pfizer 's important drugs , Feldene for * treating arthritis , and Procardia , a heart medicine ,] have [rel shrunk] [ARGM-CAU because of increased competition] .
- `` [ARGM-TMP As businesses contract or depart] , [ARG1 the number of employees who *T*-1 might use retail services] [rel shrinks] , '' says *T*-2 Edward A. Friedman , senior vice president of Helmsley Spear Inc .
- Interprovincial Pipe Line Co. said 0 it will delay a proposed two-step , 830 million Canadian-dollar -LRB- US$ 705.6 million *U* -RRB- expansion of its system because [ARG1 Canada 's output of crude oil] is [rel shrinking] .
- Mr. Watkins said 0 the main reason for the production decline is [rel shrinking] [ARG1 output] of light crude from mature , conventional fields in western Canada .