frames- [ARG1 Investor focus] [rel shifted] [ARGM-MNR quickly] , traders said 0 *T*-1 .
- And [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel shift] [ARG1 the burden *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to prosecutors] [ARGM-PNC * to disprove that discrimination caused any statistical racial disparities] .
- TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. said 0 [ARG0 it] plans *-1 to [rel shift] [ARG1 its headquarters] to [ARG2-to Calgary , Alberta] , from [ARG3-from Toronto] [ARGM-TMP next year] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to cut costs and be closer to the upstream natural-gas industry] .
- [ARG0 Managers] learn *-1 to spot opportunities * to increase customer satisfaction through speed , and [rel shift] [ARG1 some responsibility for * analyzing , improving and streamlining work processes] from [ARG3-from themselves] to [ARG2-to teams of employees] .
- [ARGM-DIS Moreover] , [ARG0 P&G] [rel shifted] [ARG1 its ad campaign] from [ARG3-from one targeting older women] to [ARG2-to one featuring a woman in her mid-30s vowing `` * not to grow old gracefully] . ''
- Intelligence Committee Chairman David Boren -LRB- D. , Okla . -RRB- and Vice Chairman William Cohen -LRB- R. , Maine -RRB- , for their part , angrily accused [ARG0 the White House] of *-3 selectively leaking classified documents and trying unfairly *-2 to [rel shift] [ARG1 the blame *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to Congress] for the bungled attempt * to topple Gen. Noriega .
- `` It *EXP*-1 is clear , '' Ms. Waite says 0 *T*-3 , `` that [ARG0 most of the effect of increasing education] has been *-4 to [rel shift] [ARG1 who *T*-2 is helping the wife\/mother] .
- [ARG0 Conservatives , embarrassed * by Republican influence-peddling scandals at the Department of Housing and Urban Development ,] have used the issue in an effort * to [rel shift] [ARG1 blame] onto [ARG2-onto a Democratic-controlled Congress] .
- The conventional wisdom is [ARG1 *] to go into money funds when rates are rising *T*-1 and [rel shift] [ARGM-DIR out] [ARGM-TMP at times such as the present , when rates seem headed *-3 down *T*-2] .
- Federal drug regulators , concerned over British reports that [ARG1 diabetics] have died after *-1 [rel shifting] from [ARG3-from animal] to [ARG2-to human-based insulin] , say 0 they are considering a study 0 *T*-2 to see if similar deaths have occurred here .
- [ARG0 George Bush] disclosed the policy last week by *-1 reading it to GOP senators , perhaps as a way of * [rel shifting] [ARG1 blame for the Panama fiasco] to [ARG2-to Congress] .
- Many traders forecast a continuation of the market 's recent bearish trend and predict 0 [ARG1 the U.S. currency] [ARGM-MOD will] remain stuck in its relatively narrow ranges in the near term and [ARGM-TMP then] [rel shift] [ARGM-DIR lower] .
- Goldman Sachs placed the stock back on its list of recommended issues , raised its 1990 earnings estimate and recommended that [ARG0 its clients] [rel shift] [ARG1 funds] from [ARG3-from Kellogg] to [ARG2-to General Mills] .
- Here , *-1 wedged *-2 between [rel shifting] [ARG1 dunes] and pounding waves at the world 's most inhospitable diamond dig , lies the earth 's most precious jewel box .
- A spokesman says 0 the governor believes 0 [ARG0 he] can avoid increases by *-1 relying on federal aid and [rel shifting] [ARG1 funds in state programs] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG1 other developers] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel shift] from [ARG3-from commercial] to [ARG2-to residential development] [ARGM-LOC in the U.S.] .
- P&G 's U.S. shipments were up just 1 % , partly because [ARG0 the company] decided *-1 to [rel shift] [ARG1 more promotions and sales for health and beauty products] to [ARG2-to the fiscal second quarter] .
- The 80-point decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average during the morning trading session touched off a flight to safety that *T*-1 saw [ARG0 investors] [rel shifting] [ARG1 assets] from [ARG3-from stocks] to [ARG2-to Treasury bonds] .
- In a classic defense of a personal-injury case , the consultants concentrate on * encouraging [ARG0 the jury] to [rel shift] [ARG1 the blame] .
- `` When you get a big sell-off in equities *T*-3 , [ARG1 money] starts *-4 to [rel shift] into [ARG2-into bonds , '' which *T*-2 are considered *-1 safer] , he said 0 *T*-5 .
- [ARG0 Investors] took profits on major construction shares , which *T*-1 advanced last week , *-2 [rel shifting] [ARG1 their attention] to [ARG2-to some midsize companies such as Aoki Corp. , Tobishima and Maeda] .
- Mr. Bush asked Congress *-3 to raise to $ 6 billion *U* from $ 3 billion *U* [ARG1 the amount] of money 0 [ARG0 Defense Secretary Dick Cheney] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel shift] *T*-1 among [ARG2-among the Pentagon 's individual programs , projects and activities] , * allowing him to ease the pain that the Gramm-Rudman budget law was intended * to inflict *T*-2 .
- The president 's request did n't indicate [ARGM-MNR how] [ARG0 Mr. Cheney] would [rel shift] [ARG1 the money] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The panel] is expected *-1 to add provisions waiving restrictions on the use of federal highway funds and [ARGM-MOD may] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel shift] [ARG1 money] [ARGM-LOC within the package] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to bolster the share for the Small Business Administration] .
- Currency analysts predict that [ARGM-TMP in the coming week] [ARG0 the foreign exchange market] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel shift] [ARG1 its focus] [ARGM-DIR back] to [ARG2-to economic fundamentals] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 keeping a close eye out for any signs of monetary easing by U.S. Federal Reserve] .
- A statement issued * by the office of the committee chairman , Sen. David Boren -LRB- D. , Okla. -RRB- , charged that [ARG0 the disclosure] is part of a continuing effort * to [rel shift] [ARG1 the criticism for the failure of the recent coup attempt in Panama] .
- But there were also rumors *ICH*-1 yesterday that [ARG0 several Japanese institutional investors] were [rel shifting] [ARG1 their portfolios] and buying long-term bonds [ARGM-TMP while *-2 selling shorter-term Treasurys] .
- Mr. Birnbaum recalls that [ARG1 Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters] [rel shifted] into [ARG2-into high gear] [ARGM-TMP a few years back] [ARGM-TMP upon *-2 learning that they had competition for the story of the murdered naturalist Dian Fossey , which *T*-1 became `` Gorillas in the Mist] . ''
- After years of * quarreling over Bonn 's `` Ostpolitik '' , [ARG1 West Germany and the U.S.] appear *-1 to have [rel shifted] onto [ARG2-onto a united course] [ARGM-LOC in Eastern Europe] .
- Deutsche Bank AG , which *T*-1 last year arranged a three billion mark credit for the Soviet Union , is now moving *-2 to become the first West German bank 0 *T*-3 to set up independent business offices in Hungary and Poland as [ARG1 they] [rel shift] to [ARG2-to free-market economies] .
- Securities-trading operations were moved *-1 to Bank of America 's Concord office , and [ARG1 foreign-exchange trading operations] were [rel shifted] *-2 to [ARG2-to Los Angeles] , the bank said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` Investor interest switches back and forth ceaselessly as [ARG0 they] are unable *-1 to [rel shift] [ARG1 their weight] to [ARG2-to one side] [ARGM-ADV for sure] , '' Mr. Mitsuoka of Daiwa Investment Trust said *T*-2 .
- Additional housing vouchers and certificates will be made *-1 available , officials said 0 *T*-3 , and [ARG1 some housing and community-development funds] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel shifted] *-2 from [ARG3-from other programs] or made *-2 available for emergency use .
- While discount promotions are essential for most brands , some companies concede 0 [ARG0 they] went overboard in *-1 [rel shifting] [ARG1 money] from [ARG3-from advertising] to [ARG2-to coupons , refunds and other sales incentives] .
- The brokers ' hope has been that they could soon coax [ARG0 investors] into *-1 [rel shifting] [ARG1 some of their hoard] into [ARG2-into the stock market] .
- His shrewd ability * to read the [rel shifting] [ARG1 popular] mood in East Germany is best illustrated *-1 by his apparent break with his old mentor , Mr. Honecker .
- [ARG0 The bankruptcy filing] , the government has charged 0 *T*-2 in a $ 1.1 billion *U* civil lawsuit , was part of a pattern * to [rel shift] [ARG1 insured deposits] to [ARG2-to the parent company , which *T*-1 used the deposits as a cache for real-estate deals] .
- City dwellers love them because [ARG1 they] [rel shift] [ARGM-MNR smoothly] [ARGM-LOC in traffic] , bounce easily over curbs and roll through road glass [ARGM-MNR with far fewer flat tires than racing bikes] .
- [ARG0 One new investment style called * `` asset allocation ''] [rel shifts] [ARG1 portfolio weightings] between [ARG2-between stocks , bonds and cash] [ARGM-TMP when computer models say 0 one is more attractive *T*-1] .
- Could n't [ARG0 we] save $ 20 billion *U* or $ 30 billion *U* a year by * [rel shifting] [ARG1 that stuff] to [ARG2-to the reserves] ?
- Now [ARG0 *-2] [rel shifting] [ARG1 his scene] from [ARG3-from the country 0 he left *T*-1 at five] to [ARG2-to the England 0 he has lived in *T*-3 for nearly 30 years] , he has fashioned a novel in the mode of Henry James and E.M. Forster .
- The operation , which *T*-2 has been slow *-4 to respond to consumers ' [rel shifting] [ARG1 tastes] [ARG3 away from fried foods] , has been developing a grilled-chicken product that *T*-3 may be introduced *-1 nationally at the end of next year .
- The facilities account includes $ 40 million *U* for Denver 's ambitious new airport , and the competition for these funds created [rel shifting] [ARG1 alliances] between urban lawmakers representing established airports in Philadelphia and Michigan and the major carriers to Denver , United and Continental .
- `` [ARG1 You] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel shift] [ARGM-DIR out] of [ARG3-of reality] [ARGM-MNR with black and white] , '' he adds 0 *T*-1 .
- But the numbers become trickier -- and subject to dickering between insured and insurer -- [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG1 demand] is [rel shifting] *T*-1 .
- Maybe Lily became so obsessed with where people slept *T*-1 and how because [ARG1 her own arrangements] kept *-2 [rel shifting] .
- The new show is perhaps the boldest in a number of steps 0 [ARG1 the network] is taking *T*-1 *-2 to build audience loyalty by *-3 [rel shifting] [ARG3-from away] from its current format toward [ARG2-toward more full-length `` signature '' programming with recognizable stars] .
- `` The capability *ICH*-1 of existing fields to deliver oil is dropping , '' and oil exploration activity is also down dramatically , as [ARG0 many producers] [rel shift] [ARG1 their emphasis] to [ARG2-to natural gas] , said 0 *T*-2 Ronald Watkins , vice president for government and industry relations with Interprovincial 's parent , Interhome Energy Inc .
- [ARG0 Many of Canada 's oil and gas producers] say 0 the outlook for natural gas is better than it is *?* for oil , and have [rel shifted] [ARG1 their exploration and development budgets] [ARGM-MNR accordingly] .
- [ARGM-TMP After a decade in which more than 50 localities established their own service or conservation corps and dozens of school systems made community service a prerequisite to high-school graduation *T*-1] , [ARG1 the focus] has [rel shifted] to [ARG2-to Washington] .
- [ARG0 He] has ample motive * to [rel shift] [ARG1 the blame] , and his testimony has also been found *-1 less than forthright on numerous points .