frames- And consumer groups hope that [ARG0 Judge Curry 's Byron 1 order] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel set] [ARG1 a precedent for a second nuclear rate case involving Commonwealth Edison 's Braidwood 2 plant] .
- [ARG0 The monthly sales] have been [rel setting] [ARG1 records] [ARGM-TMP every month since March] .
- [ARG0 A painting by August Strindberg] [rel set] [ARG1 a Scandinavian price record] [ARGM-TMP when it sold at auction in Stockholm for $ 2.44 million *U* *T*-1] .
- * Take a look , then , at [ARG0 the main attack commercials] that *T*-73 [rel set] [ARG1 the tone for Tuesday 's elections in New York City , New Jersey and Virginia] :
- [ARG0 The flow of Japanese funds] has [rel set] in [ARG2-in motion] `` [ARG1 a process whereby these economies will be knitted *-1 together by the great Japanese investment machine *T*-2] , '' says 0 *T*-3 Robert Hormats , vice chairman of Goldman Sachs International Corp .
- It was [ARG0 Richard Nixon 's first visit to China in 1972] that *T*-238 [rel set] in [ARG2-in motion] [ARG1 the historic rapprochement between Beijing and Washington] .
- [ARG0 Most of those states] [rel set] [ARG1 farm income records] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although the Hammersmith and Fulham council was by far the most active local authority engaging in such capital-markets transactions] , [ARG0 the court decision] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel set] [ARG1 a precedent for similar transactions by 77 other local councils] .
- As many as 70 U.K. and international banks stand *-1 to lose several hundred million pounds [ARGM-MOD should] [ARG0 the decision] be upheld *-2 and [rel set] [ARG1 a precedent for other municipalities] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] [ARG1 the stage] is [rel set] *-76 [ARGM-PNC for the battle to play out] .
- [ARG0 FALL BALLOT ISSUES] [rel set] [ARG1 a record for off-year elections] .
- `` It can be said that [ARG1 the trend of financial improvement] has been [ARGM-MNR firmly] [rel set] , '' he added *T*-1 .
- Earnings at Xerox 's financial-services operations actually rose slightly , but that was largely because capital gains at Crum & Forster offset Hurricane Hugo payments and [ARG1 the reserves] [rel set] up * [ARGM-PNC * to cover future payments] .
- Mr. Barr said 0 yesterday 's plea by Gulf Power , which *T*-212 came after months of negotiations , was based *-185 on evidence that [ARG0 Gulf Power] had [rel set] up [ARG1 an elaborate payment system through which it reimbursed outside vendors -- primarily three Florida advertising agencies -- for *-2 making illegal political contributions on its behalf *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Atsushi Muramatsu , Nissan 's executive vice president for finance ,] helped *-2 [rel set] [ARG1 the tone] in December 1986 , when the company was heading toward the first operating loss by a Japanese auto maker since the nation 's postwar recovery *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The precedent] having been [rel set] *-1 , who *T*-273 can complain if future generations called upon * * to defend the U.S. yield to the temptation * to avoid the danger of combat by *-2 simply declaring the war immoral and hiding until it is over ?
- [ARG0 Sea Containers] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP soon] [rel set] [ARG1 a date for its annual shareholder meeting] [ARGM-PNC * to seek holder approval for the offer] .
- StatesWest Airlines , Phoenix , Ariz. , said 0 it withdrew its offer * to acquire Mesa Airlines because the Farmington , N.M. , carrier did n't respond to its offer by the close of business yesterday , [ARG1 a deadline] 0 [ARG0 StatesWest] had [rel set] *T*-1 [ARGM-PNC for a response] .
- LTV Steel is boosting prices of flat rolled steel products an average 3 % , but it *EXP*-1 's unclear whether [ARG1 the increases] , [rel set] * for [ARG2-for Jan. 1 , 1990] , will stick .
- `` [ARG0 The biotechnology firms] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel setting] up [ARG1 their own competitors] , '' said *T*-1 Richard Godown , president of the Industrial Biotechnology Association .
- Western Union had said two weeks ago that it might withdraw the pending offer , which *T*-1 would have replaced $ 500 million *U* in [ARG1 so-called reset notes] , now paying 19.25 % annual interest and [rel set] [ARG2 * to come due in 1992] , with two new issues paying lower interest .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , [ARG0 Unisys] [rel set] up [ARG1 an unspecified reserve -- apparently $ 60 million to $ 70 million *U* --] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to cover the minimum amount 0 it will have *-2 to pay the government *T*-3 because of its involvement in the defense-procurement scandal] .
- Analysts expect that [ARG0 the two U.S. auto giants] will move quickly *-1 to buy up 15 % stakes in Jaguar , *-1 [rel setting] up [ARG1 a potential bidding war for the prestigious Jaguar brand] .
- And the number of stocks hitting new lows far outstrips [ARG0 the number] [rel setting] [ARG1 new highs] .
- The bank also said 0 its effort would continue past [ARG1 the Nov. 1 deadline] [rel set] * [ARGM-LOC in that agreement] and that the litigation between the two sides might resume as a result .
- [ARG1 A closing date] has [ARGM-NEG n't] been [rel set] *-1 .
- [ARG1 Construction] is [rel set] [ARG2 *-1 to begin in early 1991] .
- [ARG0 Anheuser-Busch Cos.] said 0 it plans *-1 to aggressively discount its major beer brands , *-2 [rel setting] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-PNC for a potentially bruising price war] [ARGM-TMP as the maturing industry 's growth continues *-3 to slow] .
- Pioneer was down 90 at 5,810 , and Sony lost 40 to 8,550 , down 10 % from [ARG1 its record] [rel set] * [ARGM-TMP Oct. 11] .
- The study also said 0 [ARG0 each federal court] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel set] [ARG1 strict time limits for the pretrial exchange of documents and evidence , ranging from as much as 100 days for cases in the fast track to as much as 18 months for complex disputes] .
- And the study said 0 [ARG0 federal courts] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel set] [ARG1 firm trial dates] [ARGM-TMP early in the process] .
- The lower boundary was established *-1 just after the opening in a brief round of selling ; [ARG1 the upper boundary] was [rel set] *-2 [ARGM-TMP at midday] [ARGM-TMP as scattered bargain-hunting pushed prices higher] .
- But [ARGM-TMP after *-1 joining the tax department of a USX subsidiary 30 years ago] , [ARG0 he] [rel set] [ARG1 the modest goal of * becoming tax manager by the age of 46] .
- Dunkin ' Donuts , based * in Randolph , Mass. , previously said 0 [ARG0 it] would explore `` alternatives , '' including a leveraged buy-out of the company , but had [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel set] [ARG1 a date for submission of proposals] .
- Dunkin ' Donuts ' announcement followed DD Acquisition 's request *ICH*-1 to [ARG0 the Delaware Court of Chancery] Monday * to [rel set] [ARG1 a trial date] [ARGM-PNC for its suit against the company] .
- [ARG0 Ford] may seek all of Jaguar , *-1 [rel setting] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-PNC for a possible bidding war with GM] .
- Some analysts speculated yesterday that [ARG0 the move] has [rel set] off [ARG1 a board room split , which *T*-1 may lead to the resignation of Sir Colin Marshall , the carrier 's chief executive officer] .
- But [ARGM-ADV *-1 knowing that mechanics would probably ground him for repairs] , [ARG0 Mr. Brown] skipped his stop in nearby Chicago and [rel set] [ARG1 course] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to get his load -- a few hundred parcels -- to the Memphis package-sorting hub on time] .
- * To tackle the problem , [ARG0 NFL owners] have proposed *-1 [rel setting] [ARG1 a rookie wage scale] [ARGM-PNC * to try *-2 to rein in salaries] .
- They have no reserves against the real estate , and their reserves against the loans are miniscule compared with [ARG1 the levels] of reserves 0 [ARG0 banks] are moving *-2 to [rel set] up *T*-1 .
- Since its unsuccessful bid for BankAmerica Corp. in 1986 , the bank has undertaken a major restructuring in an effort * to cut costs and boost performance , but many industry officials believe 0 it may be ripe for a takeover bid , especially with [ARG1 interstate banking] [rel set] [ARG2 *-1 to begin in California in 1991] .
- [ARG0 Consumer stocks] [ARGM-TMP once again] [rel set] [ARG1 the pace] [ARGM-PNC for blue-chip issues] .
- [ARG0 Shareholder approval] [rel sets] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-PNC for a lengthy process of restructuring that *T*-2 might not be completed *-1 until next year 's second half] .
- But traders said 0 [ARG0 the market] lacks a base on which * to [rel set] [ARG1 long-term buying strategy] *T*-1 , as the future direction of U.S. interest rates remains unclear .
- But that 's less than Chrysler officials had hoped when [ARG0 they] [rel set] [ARG1 ambitious production schedules for the Toledo plant] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Republic New York Corp.] joined the list of banks boosting reserves for losses on loans to less-developed countries , *-1 [rel setting] out [ARG1 a $ 200 million *U* provision] and posting a $ 155.4 million *U* third-quarter net loss [ARGM-DIS as a result] .
- AMR 's earnings decline comes a year after [ARG0 the parent company of American Airlines and the rest of the airline industry] [rel set] [ARG1 profit records] .
- Keith Mulrooney , special assistant to Federal Highway Administrator Thomas Larson , also said that [ARGM-TMP after the 1971 San Fernando earthquake in Southern California] , [ARG0 the state] [rel set] [ARG1 tougher standards] [ARGM-ADV for bridges] , and with federal aid , began a program 0 *T*-1 to retrofit highways and bridges for earthquake hazards .
- [ARG0 Commodore] has seemed *-1 to be [rel setting] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-TMP recently] [ARGM-PNC for progress in the U.S. , where its personal-computer sales have been so dismal *ICH*-2 for years that Commodore is close to *-4 dropping off research firms ' market-share charts *T*-3] .
- But those issues recovered quickly and turned higher because of expectations that [ARG0 the quake and the recent Hurricane Hugo] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel set] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-PNC for an increase in premium rates] .
- Activity continued *-1 to slow from the hectic pace set * during the market 's plunge late Friday and its rebound Monday , as [ARG0 players] began *-2 to [rel set] [ARG1 their sights] on [ARG2-on events coming later this week] .
- Activity continued *-1 to slow from [ARG1 the hectic pace] [rel set] * [ARGM-TMP during the market 's plunge late Friday and its rebound Monday] , as players began *-2 to set their sights on events coming later this week .
- [ARGM-LOC In a Dutch auction] , [ARG0 the buyer] [rel sets] [ARG1 a price range] and holders give a price in that range at which they 're willing *-1 to sell their shares *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 Whitbread of Britain] put its spirits division up for sale , *-1 [rel setting] off [ARG1 a scramble among distillers] .
- Chairman D.H. Hibbard said 0 [ARG0 the company] has [rel set] [ARG1 a new five year goal of *-1 doubling revenues to about $ 1.8 billion *U* while *-2 steadily increasing net] .
- [ARG0 JAPANESE luxury-car makers] are trying *-1 to [rel set] [ARG1 strict design standards for their dealerships] .
- Naomi Bernhard Levinson , a fine-arts appraiser at Bernhard Associates in San Francisco , considers it *EXP*-2 `` definite conflict of interest for [ARG0 an auction house] to both advise a client on purchases and to [rel set] [ARG1 price estimates] on [ARG2-on the paintings 0 *T*-3 to be purchased *-1] . ''
- Embittered shareholders -LRB- some of whom *T*-2 are suing -RRB- say 0 the chairman and his collection epitomize the excesses of [ARG0 speculation] that *T*-1 [rel set] off [ARG1 the national S&L crisis] .
- It 's not that there are n't any bids , but the bids do n't meet [ARG1 the minimum `` reserve '' prices] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by the sellers] .
- CREATIVE ACCOUNTING , mostly by conglomerates , forced [ARG0 CPAs] to change their way of * [rel setting] [ARG1 standards 0 *T*-3 to be followed *-1 by corporations reporting financial results , standards that *T*-2 had become all too flexible] .
- Both estimates would mark declines from the 1988 net of $ 5.81 billion *U* , or $ 9.80 *U* a share , which *T*-2 itself was well below [ARG1 the record] 0 [ARG0 IBM] [rel set] *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1984] .
- It once pushed for [ARG1 a national housing production goal] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by the federal government] and has regularly advanced anti-recession housing measures .
- But rather than [ARG0 *-1] [rel set] [ARG1 the tone] [ARGM-ADV for other markets] , Japan 's major institutional investors chose *-1 to remain on the sidelines .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 Mr. Sim] has [rel set] [ARG1 a fresh target of $ 50 *U* a share] [ARGM-TMP by the end of]
- The answer will help *-1 determine whether Applied continues *-2 to reach [ARG1 the ambitious goals] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by Mr. Sim] .
- However , Jeffrey B. Lane , president of Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. , said that [ARG0 Friday 's plunge] is `` going *-1 to [rel set] [ARGM-LOC back] '' [ARG1 relations with customers] , `` because it reinforces the concern of volatility .
- [ARGM-LOC At those levels] , [ARG1 stocks] are [rel set] up [ARG2 *-3 to be hammered *-1 by index arbitragers , who *T*-2 lock in profits by *-4 buying futures when futures prices fall *T*-5 , and simultaneously sell off stocks] .
- [ARG1 No date *ICH*-2] has [ARGM-TMP yet] been [rel set] *-1 [ARGM-PNC 0 * to get back to the bargaining table *T*-3] .
- MedChem said that [ARG0 the court] scheduled a conference for next Monday -- *-1 to [rel set] [ARG1 a date for proceedings on Pharmacia 's motion for a preliminary injunction] .
- He also said 0 [ARG1 substantial reserves] have been [rel set] *-1 [ARGM-LOC aside] [ARGM-PNC for possible losses from the junk bonds] .
- Mayor Lynn Spruill and two members of the council said 0 [ARG0 they] were worried about * [rel setting] [ARG1 a precedent that *T*-1 would permit pool halls along Addison 's main street] .
- [ARG1 The single-day record of 288 million shares] was [rel set] *-1 [ARGM-TMP on Oct. 21] ,