frames- [ARGM-TMP Last month] , [ARG0 Judge Curry] [rel set] [ARG1 the interest rate on the refund] at [ARG2-at 9 %] .
- [ARG1 No price for the new shares] has been [rel set] *-23 .
- [ARG0 The compromise] [rel sets] [ARG1 the training wage] at $ 3.35 *U* an hour next April , and at [ARG2-at $ 3.61 *U* an hour , or 85 % of the minimum wage , in April 1991] .
- [ARG0 The compromise] [rel sets] [ARG1 the training wage] at [ARG2-at $ 3.35 *U* an hour next April] , and at $ 3.61 *U* an hour , or 85 % of the minimum wage , in April 1991 .
- A spokesman for the Toronto cable television and telecommunications concern said 0 [ARG1 the coupon rate] has n't yet been fixed *-1 , but [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-MOD probably] be [rel set] *-1 at [ARG2-at around 8 %] .
- [ARG0 President Bush] [ARGM-MOD should] [rel set] [ARG1 things] [ARG2 straight] .
- Program trading critics also want [ARG0 the Federal Reserve Board , rather than the futures industry ,] to [rel set] [ARG1 such margins] .
- [ARG1 The offer , valued * at about $ 576 million *U* for the 33 % of Telerate that Dow Jones does n't already own *T*-1 ,] had been [rel set] [ARG2 *-2 to expire Nov. 6] .
- [ARG0 Dunkin'] has [rel set] [ARG1 Nov. 10] as [ARG2-as the deadline for the receipt of any competing bids] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Ridley 's announcement] [rel set] off [ARG1 a howl of protests from members of the opposition Labor Party , who *T*-70 accused the Thatcher administration of *-1 backing down on promised protection for a privatized company] .
- Traders said 0 turnover was particularly thin as investors waited for [ARG0 Wall Street] to [rel set] [ARG1 the direction for the week] .
- One of [ARG1 the council 's goals] , [rel set] * [ARGM-TMP in 1980] , was * to see more than 60 % *U* of adults under 65 years of age getting vigorous exercise by 1990 .
- The ghostly footsteps : `` Interstate 64 is a block away , and [ARG0 heavy traffic] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-DIS sure] [rel set] [ARG1 a house] to [ARG2-to *-1 vibrating] . ''
- Earlier this month , the Supreme Soviet adopted two more resolutions restricting the freedom of cooperatives : The first enables [ARG0 the soviets] to [rel set] [ARG1 prices for which goods may be sold *-1 *T*-2] ; the second bans cooperatives from *-3 buying `` industrial and food goods '' from the state or other cooperatives .
- [ARG0 Cray 's directors] [rel set] [ARG1 Nov. 15] as [ARG2-as the record date for distribution of shares in the new company , 0 *T*-2 to be called *-1 Cray Computer Corp] .
- [ARG1 The record price for a full membership on the exchange] is $ 550,000 *U* , *-1 [rel set] [ARGM-TMP March 9 , 1989] .
- [ARG1 This tale of a Chicago policewoman returning home * to find the man who *T*-2 raped her 20 years earlier] is supposed *-3 to be [rel set] *-1 in [ARG2-in the Ozarks] .
- [ARG0 Rickey Henderson , the do-everything leadoff man ,] had nine hits and [rel set] or tied [ARG1 four-game Series marks for triples -LRB- 2 -RRB- and stolen bases -LRB- 3 -RRB-] .
- Nevertheless , the 1989 deficit still exceeded [ARG1 the $ 136 billion *U* target] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by the Gramm-Rudman deficit-reduction law] by $ 16 billion *U* , a reminder of that law 's shortcomings .
- [ARG0 The law] [rel sets] [ARG1 a deficit target of $ 100 billion *U* for fiscal 1990] .
- [ARG0 The prime minister and her new chancellor of the exchequer , the untested John Major ,] need *-1 to haul the country through something like a recession *-1 to bring down inflation and [rel set] [ARG1 the economy] [ARG2 moving again] .
- Another finding from the study : [ARG0 Prosecutors] [rel set] [ARG1 significantly different priorities] .
- [ARG0 Dentsu Inc. , the world 's largest advertising agency on the strength of its dominance in the Japanese market] , is [rel setting] [ARG1 its sights] on [ARG2-on overseas expansion] .
- [ARG0 Security Pacific Corp.] has [rel set] [ARG1 its sights] on [ARG2-on * buying its second bank holding company this year] .
- `` [ARG0 The fundamentals of supply and demand] [ARGM-TMP once again] are [rel setting] [ARG1 oil prices] , '' says *T*-1 Victor Burk , an Arthur Andersen & Co. oil expert .
- Most oil companies , when [ARG0 they] [rel set] [ARG1 exploration and production budgets for this year] *T*-1 , forecast revenue of $ 15 *U* for each barrel of crude produced * .
- They lay out a clear timetable and methodology for * liberalizing the system of [ARG0 *] [rel setting] [ARG1 prices] , breaking up huge industrial monopolies and putting unprofitable state-owned companies out of business .
- The entire system of [ARGM-MNR centrally] [rel set] [ARG1 prices] would be overhauled *-1 , and free-market prices introduced for most wholesale trade and some retail trade .
- [ARG0 The Fed] also has the power 0 *T*-1 to [rel set] [ARG1 margin requirements] .
- In the play , the Duke of Vienna despairs over the licentiousness of his subjects and turns over the rule of the city to the puritanical Angelo , *-1 hoping 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel set] [ARG1 things] [ARG2 right] .
- Meanwhile , [ARG0 the Duke] , who *T*-1 [rel set] [ARG1 the original scheme] in [ARG2-in motion] , appears on the scene *-2 disguised *-3 as a friar and becomes involved in a series of intrigues that *T*-4 has everyone fearing the worst possible outcome until the Duke arranges a last minute reprieve for all concerned .
- EC officials say 0 they are irked *-1 that [ARG0 the U.S.] has [rel set] [ARG1 a specific timetable] and is insisting on the `` elimination '' of export subsides , not just reduction .
- -- Bar [ARG0 states] from *-9 [rel setting] [ARG1 more stringent tolerance levels for a pesticide] [ARGM-TMP once the federal government has set a standard] .
- -- Give [ARG0 the EPA] added discretion 0 * to [rel set] [ARG1 `` negligible risk '' levels] [ARGM-ADV for pesticide residues in processed food] *T*-10 .
- [ARG1 No schedule for formal talks] was [rel set] *-1 , but meetings are expected *-2 to begin soon .
- [ARG1 It] 's [rel set] *-1 in [ARG2-in New York] , but it resonates with the terrible dynamics of the Latin American drug wars .
- Drexel agreed *-4 to plead guilty to six felony counts and pay $ 650 million *U* , of which [ARG1 $ 350 million *U* *T*-5] was [rel set] *-1 [ARGM-LOC aside] [ARGM-PNC for shareholders and other plaintiffs , including the limited partners , who *T*-3 claim 0 they were injured *-2 by Drexel] .
- [ARG0 Anheuser-Busch] plans *-1 to aggressively discount its major beer brands , * [rel setting] [ARG1 the stage] [ARGM-ADV for a price war] [ARGM-TMP as the beer industry 's growth slows] .
- And the Winter Olympics will air during the February `` sweeps , '' when [ARG0 ratings] are used *-2 * to [rel set] [ARG1 ad rates for local stations] *T*-1 .
- Hughes Aircraft Co. , a General Motors Corp. unit , said 0 [ARG1 the Intelsat VI commercial communications satellite] is [rel set] *-2 [ARG2 to be launched *-1 Friday] .
- [ARGM-LOC Under the new approach] , [ARG0 Sears] [rel set] [ARG1 prices that *T*-1 were somewhere between its old `` regular '' and `` sale '' prices] .
- [ARG0 The subsidiary] [ARGM-DIS also] increased reserves by $ 140 million *U* , however , and [rel set] [ARGM-LOC aside] [ARG1 an additional $ 25 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC for claims connected * with Hurricane Hugo] .
- Big Board traders said 0 [ARG0 a 200,000-share buy order at $ 150 *U* a share entered * by Bear , Stearns & Co. , which *T*-1 was active in UAL stock all day ,] is what *T*-2 [rel set] off [ARG1 the UAL crowd] [ARGM-TMP in the late afternoon] .
- [ARG1 The offer] , [rel set] [ARG2 * to expire Nov. 1] , may be extended *-1 pending the timing and resolution of the FTC request , the companies said 0 *T*-2 .
- These units were handling calls both from people in the San Francisco area and from [ARG1 computers themselves] , which *T*-1 are [rel set] *-2 [ARG2 to dial Digital automatically when trouble arises *T*-3] .
- Steve Kloves , the young writer and director -LRB- he is n't yet 30 -RRB- , has only one produced picture to his credit ; he wrote the screenplay for `` * Racing With the Moon , '' [ARG1 a lovely coming-of-age picture] [rel set] * in [ARG2-in the '40s] .
- [ARG1 Budget] is [rel set] *-1 at [ARG2-at $ 1.5 million *U*] .
- `` [ARG0 It] 's going *-1 to [rel set] [ARG1 things] [ARG2 back] [ARGM-TMP for a period] , [ARGM-CAU because it reinforces the concern of volatility] , '' says *T*-2 Jeffrey B. Lane , president of Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc .
- [ARG1 Initial interest rate] [rel set] *-1 at [ARG2-at 0.375 point] [ARGM-TMP over three-month Libor] .
- [ARG1 Subsequent margins] [rel set] *-1 [ARGM-MNR by agreement between NatWest and Merrill] .
- The company said 0 the redemption is permitted *-1 because the price of Addington 's stock has equaled or exceeded $ 19.60 *U* for 20 consecutive trading days , [ARG1 a condition] [rel set] * in [ARG2-in the terms of the debentures] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Bartlett] had slimmed Moliere 's cast of characters to six and [rel set] [ARG1 them] in [ARG2-in the London media world of Thatcherite Britain] .
- [ARG0 Underwriters led * by PaineWebber Inc.] [rel set] [ARG1 preliminary pricing] [ARGM-ADV for $ 144.4 million *U* of California Health Facilities Financing Authority revenue bonds] [ARGM-ADV for Kaiser Permanente] .
- And while [ARG0 *] [rel setting] [ARG1 a statutory limit of $ 1.6 billion *U* on the automated space probe] , the conference appropriated $ 30 million *U* for the start-up of the CRAF-Cassini mission , a successor to the Voyager space probe .
- [ARG0 The so-called Louvre accord] was seen *-1 to have [rel set] [ARG1 ranges of 1.70 marks to 1.90 marks and 120 yen to 140 yen] .
- [ARG0 Both Ford and its rival General Motors] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel set] [ARG1 their sights] on [ARG2-on * grabbing significant minority stakes in the British company] .
- [ARG1 The cost of a 900 call] is [rel set] *-1 by [ARG0-by the originator -- ABC Sports , for example --] [ARGM-ADV with the cheapest starting at 75 cents] .
- [ARG1 The record price for a full membership on the exchange] is $ 550,000 *U* , *-1 [rel set] *-2 [ARGM-TMP Aug. 31 , 1987] .
- Justin 's attorney , Charles E. Baxley , said 0 Justin would ask [ARG0 an appeals court] *-1 to [rel set] [ARG2 aside] [ARG1 the order] [ARGM-TMP temporarily] , [ARGM-ADV pending an expedited appeal] .
- The court , in a 3-0 ruling , threw out [ARG1 a deadline] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] for * settling old contract disputes over gas that the pipeline companies reserved *T*-1 but did n't use *T*-1 .
- It is [ARG0 the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle] that *T*-1 [rel sets] [ARG1 the beauty of our land] [ARG2 apart] .
- Mr. Ishiguro 's ability * to create a fallible narrative voice that *T*-1 permits him to explore such intertwining domestic , cultural and political themes was abundantly clear in his previous novel , `` [ARG1 An Artist of the Floating World] , '' [rel set] * in [ARG2-in Japan] [ARGM-TMP after the war] .
- [ARGM-TMP In the past] , says 0 *T*-1 Armco 's chief economist John Corey , [ARG0 steelmakers] made a product and [rel set] [ARG1 it] out on [ARG2-on the loading dock] .
- There are some important caveats : Before * investing in stocks , individuals should have [ARG1 at least three to six months of living expenses] [rel set] * [ARG2 aside] [ARGM-LOC in the bank] , most investment advisers say 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 The `` social dimension '' -- worker concerns -- of the European Community 's plan * to open its internal borders in 1992] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel set] [ARG1 the effort] `` off [ARG2-off the rails] '' [ARGM-ADV if * not done *-2 reasonably] , says 0 *T*-1 General Electric senior vice president Frank Doyle .
- [ARGM-LOC At Applied] , [ARG0 Mr. Sim] [rel set] [ARG1 growth] as [ARG2-as his first objective] .
- [ARG1 A French knock-off] of `` Dallas , '' called * `` Chateauvallon '' and [rel set] * in [ARG2-in a French vineyard] , had a good run in France , which *T*-2 ended after the female lead was injured *-1 in a real-life auto accident .
- `` Schwarzwaldklinik , '' -LRB- Black Forest Clinic -RRB- , a kind of [ARG1 German `` St . Elsewhere ''] [rel set] * in [ARG2-in a health spa] , is popular in Germany , and has spread into France .
- Prices have risen 5.9 % in the first nine months of the year , *-1 outstripping both [ARG1 the initial 3 % inflation goal] [rel set] * by [ARG0-by the government of Socialist Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez] and the second , revised goal of 5.8 % .
- According to the program 's publicity prospectus , `` [ARG1 Capital City] , '' [rel set] at [ARG2-at Shane Longman , a fictional mid-sized securities firm with # 500 million *U* capital] , `` follows the fortunes of a close-knit team of young , high-flying dealers , hired * for their particular blend of style , genius and energy .
- He noted that unlike an employee stock ownership plan , where a company usually borrows money from third party lenders * to buy [ARG1 stock] that [ARG0 it] [rel sets] *T*-1 [ARGM-LOC aside] [ARGM-PNC * to award employees over time] *T*-2 , here employees had *-3 to fork out their own cash for the stock .
- [ARGM-TMP After several more months of arguments among various stock exchanges and futures markets] , [ARG1 circuit breakers] were [rel set] *-1 in [ARG2-in place] , [ARGM-ADV with the most notable suspending trading after 250 and 400 point drops in the Dow Jones Industrial Average] .
- The parent company of First National Bank of Chicago , with $ 48 billion *U* in assets , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel set] [ARG2-LOC aside] [ARG1 $ 200 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC * to absorb losses on loans and investments in financially troubled countries] .
- Don Bowder , senior vice president and chief accountant , said 0 the bank 's strong earnings enable it to be [ARG0 the first major Canadian bank] 0 *T*-1 to [rel set] [ARGM-LOC aside] [ARG1 provisions covering all its C$ 1.17 billion *U* in non-Mexican LDC debt] .