frames- But in [ARG1 the letters] [rel sent] * [ARGM-TMP in recent days] , Christopher J. Lezovich of the IRS computing center in Detroit , told attorneys that `` * failing *-1 to voluntarily submit the requested information could result in summons enforcement action being initiated *-2 . ''
- A spokesman for the IRS confirmed that `` there has been correspondence mailed * about incomplete 8300s , '' but he declined *-1 to say why [ARG1 the letters] were [rel sent] *-2 to [ARG2-to lawyers] [ARGM-TMP now] .
- Some criminal lawyers speculated that [ARG0 the IRS] was [rel sending] [ARG1 the letters] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to test the issue] .
- `` The IRS is asking lawyers *-1 to red-flag a criminal problem to the government , '' added Mr. Sonnett , a Miami lawyer who *T*-128 has heard from dozens of attorneys who *T*-129 received letters in recent days and has himself received [ARG1 the computer-generated IRS forms] [rel sent] * [ARGM-MNR by certified mail] .
- [ARGM-DIS Then] [ARG0 *] [rel send] [ARG1 your support] to [ARG2-to a savings institution that *T*-208 has taken a bad rap in the press and on its bottom line] .
- [ARG1 Every $ 15,000 *U*] 0 [ARG0 you] [rel send] *T*-1 will go a long way * to boost sagging net worth and employee morale -- and keep your Foster Savings Institution off the federal budget deficit !
- But neither of us can copy the material on a Xerox machine or have [ARG1 it] [rel sent] *-1 to [ARG2-to us] .
- In an era when every government agency has [ARG0 a public-relations machine] that *T*-2 [rel sends] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 stuff] [ARGM-ADV whether you want it or not] *T*-1 , this does seem odd .
- If those words were n't there , [ARG0 the nice people at the Voice] would be able *-1 to [rel send] [ARG2 you] [ARG1 the information] or , at the very least , let you photocopy it .
- [ARG0 They] have begun *-1 [rel sending] [ARG1 letters explaining the program , which *T*-52 began Oct. 18 and will end Dec. 18] , to [ARG2-to about five million card holders] .
- [ARG0 The $ 6,500 *U* tree] is designed *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 continuously changing colored light] to [ARG2-to dozens of fiber-end bunches] .
- [ARG0 The downgrading of debt issued * by CS First Boston Inc. , parent of First Boston Corp. , by Moody 's Investors Service Inc.] , * coupled * with a Moody 's announcement that Shearson Lehman Hutton Holdings Inc. is under review for a possible downgrade , [rel sent] [ARG1 shivers] through [ARG2-through the brokerage community] [ARGM-TMP this week] .
- A man from the Bush administration came before the House Agriculture Committee yesterday *-1 to talk about the [ARG0 U.S.] 's intention * to [rel send] [ARG1 some $ 100 million *U* in food aid] to [ARG2-to Poland] , [ARGM-ADV with more 0 *T*-2 to come from the EC] .
- When [ARG0 he] [rel sent] [ARG1 letters offering 1,250 retired major leaguers the chance of another season] *T*-1 , 730 responded .
- [ARGM-DIS For another] , [ARG0 sympathetic fans] have [rel sent] [ARG2 Ms. Shere] [ARG1 copies of her recipes clipped * from magazines over the years] .
- And Dewar 's gave discounts on Scottish merchandise to [ARG0 people] who *T*-218 [rel sent] in [ARG1 bottle labels] .
- Under the program , dubbed * Chivas Class , [ARG0 customers] who *T*-214 [rel send] in [ARG1 two labels from Chivas bottles] will receive an upgrade in seating class on some Trans World Airlines flights .
- [ARG0 Nissan] will build only about 3,500 of the $ 38,000 *U* Infiniti Q45 sedans each month , *-1 [rel sending] [ARG1 about 2,000 of them] to [ARG2-to the U.S.] and keeping the rest for sale in Japan .
- [ARG0 That meeting] [rel sent] [ARG1 shivers] through [ARG2-through the Western alliance] [ARGM-CAU because Mr. Reagan was pulled *-230 into * discussing the possible elimination of nuclear weapons without *-1 consulting American allies] .
- Mr. Bush said that [ARG0 he] initiated talks with the Soviets on the informal meeting by *-3 [rel sending] [ARG1 a proposal *ICH*-2] to [ARG2-to Mr. Gorbachev] [ARGM-TMP last July] , which the Soviet leader readily accepted *T*-1 .
- If [ARG0 you] can do that and [ARGM-TMP at the same time] *-1 [rel send] [ARG1 a message that *T*-66 supports your business] , that 's brilliant . ''
- -LRB- Indeed , [ARG0 RJR Nabisco] is currently under fire for *-1 having [rel sent] [ARG1 80-second videotapes touting its Now brand] to [ARG2-to consumers who *T*-67 smoke American Brands ' Carltons] . -RRB-
- A permanent smoking ban on virtually all domestic airline routes won approval from [ARG0 the House] , which *T*-78 [ARGM-MNR separately] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to President Bush] [ARG1 a nearly $ 67 billion *U* fiscal 1990 bill including the first construction funds for the space station] .
- [ARG1 The separate $ 67 billion *U* bill] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to the White House] had budget difficulties , too , but *-1 was saved *-2 ultimately by its importance to a broad spectrum of interests in Congress and the administration itself .
- A California official also said 0 [ARG0 he] [rel sent] [ARG2 the Federal Bureau of Investigation] [ARG1 a packet of documents relating to a previously reported $ 400,000 *U* contribution from Lincoln 's parent solicited * by Sen. Alan Cranston -LRB- D. , Calif . -RRB-] .
- Moreover , they note that [ARG0 LTV] may be trying *-2 *-2 to [rel send] [ARG1 a signal *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to major customers , such as Chrysler Corp. and Whirlpool Corp. ,] that steelmakers need more money .
- [ARG0 The chamber] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to Bush] [ARG1 a nearly $ 67 billion *U* fiscal 1990 measure that *T*-123 includes the first construction funds for a space station] .
- Mr. Bush announced several weeks ago that [ARG0 he] intended *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 such a mission , composed * of top government aides and business and labor leaders] .
- [ARG0 The uncertainty] is [rel sending] [ARG1 shivers] through [ARG2-through Brazilian financial markets] .
- The Colombian minister was said *-2 to have referred to [ARG1 a letter] that he said 0 [ARG0 President Bush] [rel sent] *T*-1 to [ARG2-to Colombian President Virgilio Barco] , and in which President Bush said *T*-3 0 it *EXP*-4 was possible * to overcome obstacles to a new agreement .
- [ARG0 Company lawyers] [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel sent] [ARG1 letters] to [ARG2-to growers] [ARGM-ADV * saying that Michael `` would take very seriously any effort ... * to divert its contracted-for potatoes to other outlets] . ''
- ABC says 0 it is aware of the producers ' action , but [ARG1 the mailing] was [rel sent] *-1 [ARGM-MNR without the network 's blessing] .
- *-2 Following a problem-solving formula used * by teams throughout Federal Express , members of the Natick team monitored their morning routine , *-2 carefully noting where and when the work group 's resources were used *-1 effectively *T*-3 and where they were idle , *-4 waiting for [ARG0 others upstream in the process] to [rel send] [ARG1 packages] [ARG2 their way] *T*-5 .
- [ARG0 Intermoda] [ARGM-MOD will] [ARGM-TMP initially] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel send] [ARG1 the textile and clothing section of the Quelle catalog , translated * into Russian ,] to [ARG2-to Soviet customers who *T*-1 have access to convertible currency] .
- [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to Bush] [ARG1 an $ 8.5 billion *U* military construction bill that *T*-1 cuts spending for new installations by 16 %] .
- [ARG0 It] has [rel sent] [ARG1 mixed signals about its willingness * to take part in the exchange-rate mechanism of the European Monetary System , which *T*-1 links the major EC currencies] .
- Rather , it 's [ARG0 a device] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel send] [ARG1 shock waves] through [ARG2-through the president 's entire relationship with Democrats and Republicans alike in Congress] , fundamentally enhance the power of the presidency and transform the way 0 the government does its business *T*-3 .
- [ARG0 CBS News] [rel sends] [ARG1 scripts] to [ARG2-to agents , who *T*-1 pass them along to clients] .
- [ARG0 The explosion] [rel sent] [ARG1 shards of metal] [ARG2 flying] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 severing the DC-10 's hydraulic or control systems] , and led to the crash that *T*-11 killed 112 people .
- [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to President Bush] [ARG1 an $ 8.5 billion *U* military construction bill that *T*-1 cuts spending for new installations by 16 % while *-2 revamping the Pentagon budget *-3 to move more than $ 450 million *U* from foreign bases to home-state projects] .
- By an 84-6 margin , the Senate approved the bulk of the spending Friday , but [ARG1 the bill] was [ARGM-TMP then] [rel sent] [ARGM-DIR back] to [ARG2-to the House] [ARGM-PNC * to resolve the question of how * to address budget limits on credit allocations for the Federal Housing Administration *T*-1] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Thomson] [rel sent] off [ARG1 a card] to [ARG2-to Martha] : `` It does n't seem like 25 years since I hit that home run *-1 to celebrate your birth , '' it read *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARGM-TMP on Mr. Engelken 's 40th birthday] , [ARG0 his wife] bought a book detailing the big homer and [rel sent] [ARG1 it] off to [ARG2-to Mr. Thomson] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to be autographed *-1] .
- [ARGM-ADV In response to the letters] , [ARG0 Mr. Thomson] [ARGM-TMP usually] [rel sends] [ARG1 an autographed photo with a polite note] , and rarely arranges a rendezvous .
- [ARG0 Several other Japanese companies and regional governments] have [rel sent] [ARG1 aid] to [ARG2-to San Francisco] .
- [ARGM-LOC In a move apparently aimed * at * heading off new punitive legislation] , [ARG0 Mr. Deng] [rel sent] [ARG1 an indirect signal] to [ARG2-to Washington] [ARGM-MNR via T.D. Lee , a Columbia University physicist who *T*-1 met Mr. Deng and other Chinese leaders in Beijing last month] .
- [ARG0 The sell signal] , which *T*-1 [rel sent] [ARG1 a bearish chill] through [ARG2-through the stock market] , came when Renaissance 's computer found that stocks were overpriced *-3 compared with bonds and Treasury bills *T*-2 .
- But industry executives say 0 businesses seem especially inclined *-1 to dump [ARG1 mailers] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to titles] rather than to individual names .
- `` [ARGM-ADV If they get 50 packets of something] , [ARG0 they] open one , see what it says *T*-1 , throw 48 away and [rel send] [ARG1 two] to [ARG2-to people or departments 0 they think *T*-2 are appropriate] , '' a spokesman says *T*-3 .
- Employees were told *-1 that if they really wanted the publications , they would have *-2 to have [ARG1 them] [rel sent] [ARG2 home] [ARGM-ADV instead] .
- [ARG1 The 658 Chinese , who *T*-2 have been in a refugee-assistance center ,] were [rel sent] *-1 to [ARG2-to immigration facilities] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] [ARGM-ADV pending deportation to China] , the official said 0 *T*-3 .
- [ARGM-ADV If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree *-3 to pass the Bill] , [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD shall] be [rel sent] *-1 , [ARGM-MNR together with the Objections] , to [ARG2-to the other House , by which it shall likewise be reconsidered *-2 *T*-4] , and if *-5 approved *-6 by two thirds of that House , it shall become a Law ... .
- [ARG0 THE EARTHQUAKE in San Francisco] has [rel sent] [ARG1 few tremors] through [ARG2-through the hearts of real estate investors] .
- The action came as [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to the president] [ARGM-TMP last night] [ARG1 a stopgap spending bill 0 * to keep the government operating through Nov. 15 and provide $ 2.85 billion *U* in emergency funds 0 * to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Hugo and the California earthquake *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to Bush] [ARG1 a $ 2.85 billion *U* emergency package] [ARGM-PNC 0 *T*-2 to assist in the recovery from last week 's California earthquake and from Hurricane Hugo] .
- StatesWest Airlines , Phoenix , Ariz. , said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel sent] [ARG1 a more detailed merger proposal] to [ARG2-to much-larger Mesa Airlines] .
- Ben earns [ARG1 any fees] [rel sent] * [ARGM-MNR directly] to [ARG2-to charity] and is taxable on them , the IRS says 0 *T*-1 ; of course , he also may take a charitable deduction for them .
- The banks said 0 [ARG1 an application for a concession * to merge into one entity 0 *T*-3 to be called *-2 Den Norske Bank AS] was [rel sent] *-1 [ARGM-TMP Monday] to [ARG2-to the Finance Ministry] .
- British investigations were prompted *-1 by [ARG1 a list of 17 alleged war criminals living in Britain] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher] [ARGM-TMP in October 1986] by [ARG0-by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles] .
- Environmental groups would soon go out of business were [ARG0 they] not able *-1 to [rel send] out [ARG1 mailings describing the latest threat and asking for money 0 * to fight it *T*-2] .
- Those officials say 0 there was full disclosure of the risks in [ARG1 a `` fact sheet ''] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to all CD investors] [ARGM-TMP with their confirmation of sale] .
- There are many successful schools scattered * throughout this nation , some of them in the poorest of ghettos , and [ARG0 they] are [ARGM-ADV all] [rel sending] [ARG2 us] [ARG1 the same message] .
- Rather than [ARG0 *] [ARGM-ADV just] [rel send] out [ARG1 marketing people] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to knock on customers ' doors] , IBM is making several hundred of its own manufacturing people available *-2 to discuss specific needs .
- [ARG0 Four Democrats on the House Banking Committee] [rel sent] [ARG2 President Bush] [ARG1 a letter stating their concerns about the expected appointment of James Simmons , an Arizona banker and former fund-raiser for Mr. Bush , to the Oversight Board of the Resolution Trust Corp] .
- [ARG0 The hall 's few computers] are used *-1 mostly *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 messages] .
- But Mr. Roman flatly denied the speculation , *-1 saying 0 [ARG0 Mr. Sorrell] had tried several times *-2 to persuade him *-3 to stay , *-2 offering various incentives and [ARGM-TMP in one instance] [rel sending] [ARG1 a note] [ARGM-MNR with a case of wine -LRB- The wine , naturally , was Seagram 's brand , an Ogilvy client -RRB-] .
- `` But * call her ` Patty , ' and it 's a sure giveaway 0 you 're not in her circle , because she does n't use that name , '' says *T*-1 Joan Kron , editor-in-chief of Avenue magazine , [ARG1 a monthly publication] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to all the right names] .
- [ARG0 He] [rel sent] out [ARG1 thousands of news releases] [ARGM-DIR from his Kensington , Md. , office] .
- `` There are no facts -LCB- behind the assertions -RCB- that [ARG0 we] [rel sent] [ARG1 any kind of signal] , '' he declared *T*-2 in an interview .
- One building was upgraded *-1 to red status while people were taking things out , and a resident who *T*-2 was n't allowed * to go back inside called up the stairs to his girlfriend , *-3 telling [ARG0 her] *-4 to keep *-5 [rel sending] [ARG1 things] [ARGM-DIR down] to [ARG2-to the lobby] .
- [ARG0 Truckers] are `` trying *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 signals that they need *-2 to stop the bloodletting , forget about market share and go for higher rates] , '' said 0 *T*-3 Michael Lloyd , an analyst at Salomon Bros .
- I 've invited [ARG0 the president] *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 his suggestions] to [ARG2-to the committee] . ''
- Mr. Krenz is not only closely identified *-1 with his mentor , Mr. Honecker , but also blamed *-1 for *-2 ordering violent police action against protesters this month and for *-2 praising [ARG0 China] for *-3 [rel sending] [ARG1 tanks] [ARGM-ADV against student demonstrators] .
- Hewlett-Packard Co. will announce today a software program that *T*-1 allows [ARG0 computers in a network] to speed up computing tasks by *-2 [rel sending] [ARG1 the tasks] to [ARG2-to each other] .
- [ARG0 It] [ARGM-TMP then] determines which machine *T*-1 is free *-2 to do the task most quickly and [rel sends] [ARG1 the task] to [ARG2-to that machine] .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 he] [rel sent] [ARG1 the pooch 's picture with the certificate of membership] -- it was made *-1 out to `` Boris ` Bo ' Regaard '' -- to [ARG2-to every newspaper 0 he could think of *T*-2] . -RRB-
- [ARGM-ADV Thus *-4 falsely reassured *-3] , [ARG0 investors] [rel sent] [ARG1 $ 11.4 million *U* *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to the Newport Beach company] , most of which *T*-5 was diverted *-2 to unauthorized uses , the indictment charges 0 *T*-6 .
- Now you discover that you never learned the most important lesson : How [ARG0 *] to [rel send] [ARG1 your kids] to [ARG2-to college] *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Auditors involved * in noncriminal projects] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel send] [ARG1 anyone] to [ARG2-to jail] , but they can make life miserable in other ways -- for one , by *-1 imposing some of the 150 different civil penalties for negligence , failure * to file a return , and the like .
- But Mr. Wenz , who *T*-1 says 0 he lost $ 43,000 *U* in one precious-metals deal and $ 39,000 *U* in another , says 0 [ARG0 a salesman] `` used a business-venture approach '' with him , *-4 [rel sending] [ARG1 investment literature , a contract limiting the firm 's liability , and an insurance policy] .
- `` It *EXP*-1 's not uncommon for [ARG0 these guys] to [rel send] [ARG1 pictures of themselves or their families] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to ingratiate themselves to their clients] , '' says *T*-2 Terree Bowers , chief of the major-frauds section of the U.S. attorney 's office in Los Angeles .
- [ARGM-ADV According to the Illinois attorney general 's suit] , [ARG0 Watson & Hughey] [rel sent] [ARG1 mailings] [ARG2 indicating that recipients were guaranteed cash prizes , and could win up to an additional $ 1,000 *U* on top of them , if they contributed as little as $ 7 *U*] .
- `` By * putting these pithy statements on the solicitations , hundreds of thousands of dollars are claimed *-2 to have been spent *-1 on education to consumers when in fact this represents the costs of [ARG0 *] [rel sending] [ARG1 the newsletters] *T*-3 . ''
- MADD did n't learn of the fund raising until [ARG0 the couple] [rel sent] [ARG2 it] [ARG1 a check for $ 613 *U* , along with a letter saying 0 that was the charity 's `` share] . ''
- Of [ARG2 1,500 people] [rel sent] * [ARG1 a questionnaire] , 951 *T*-1 replied .
- [ARG0 They] have [rel sent] [ARG1 a letter] to [ARG2-to congressional tax-writers] [ARGM-ADV *-2 asking that gains from the sale of collectibles also be given *-1 preferential treatment] .
- I do n't know the quality of [ARG1 the works] 0 [ARG0 my colleagues] have [rel sent] in *T*-1 , but in any case I feel confident that good sense and honest judgment ... ''
- [ARG1 The legislation] , approved * 345-47 and [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to the Senate] , establishes two enterprise funds , 0 *T*-1 to be governed *-48 by independent nonprofit boards , which *T*-49 will make loans and investments in new business ventures in Hungary and Poland .
- Individual Inc. , a new company in Brookline , Mass. , uses filtering technology developed * by Cornell University computer scientist Gerard Salton , *-1 to automatically produce [ARG1 customized newsletters] 0 [ARG0 it] [rel sends] *T*-2 [ARGM-MNR electronically] to [ARG2-to subscribers] [ARGM-TMP by 8 a.m. the next day] .
- Once all the articles are coded *-2 and put *-2 in a data base , Pinpoint 's computers pick the most relevant for each subscriber and lay them out in a three-to-five-page newsletter format ; [ARG1 each newsletter] is [rel sent] *-1 [ARGM-MNR directly] [ARGM-DIR from the computer] to [ARG2-to the subscriber 's fax machine] .
- Mr. Golomb says 0 [ARG0 each of his computers] [ARGM-MOD can] produce and [rel send] [ARG1 about 75 unique newsletters a night] .
- A program called * Notes , which *T*-1 is under development by Lotus , also is designed *-2 *-3 to sort [ARG1 E-mail] [rel sent] * [ARGM-LOC within work groups] .
- [ARGM-CAU Because hurricanes can change course rapidly] , [ARG0 the company] [rel sends] [ARG1 employees] [ARG2 home] and shuts down operations in stages -- the closer a storm gets *?* , the more complete the shutdown .
- The action came as [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] to [ARG2-to President Bush] [ARG1 a fiscal 1990 bill providing an estimated $ 156.7 billion *U* for the Departments of Labor , Education , Health and Human Services] .
- [ARGM-TMP Today] [ARG0 a President] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel send] up [ARG1 spending rescissions] , but they 're meaningless unless Congress has a guilty conscience and changes its mind .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1987] , [ARG0 President Reagan] [rel sent] [ARG1 73 rescissions] [ARGM-DIR back] to [ARG2-to the Hill] , but only 3 % of the spending total was approved *-1 by Congress .
- [ARG0 The administration and Congress] have lately tangoed around the idea of * [rel sending] [ARG1 military aid] to [ARG2-to Cambodia 's non-communists] .
- [ARG1 A video] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to association members] , featuring shots of the Alamo , cowboys , fajitas and a statue of Sam Houston , does n't mince words .
- NASA awarded the contract to CSC in November but [ARG0 an appeal by Sterling Software Inc. of Dallas] [rel sent] [ARG1 the contract] to [ARG2-to the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals] and the board required NASA to re-evaluate bidders ' proposals .
- [ARG0 The vote of 345-47] [rel sent] [ARG1 the measure] to [ARG2-to the Senate] .
- McCaw Cellular Communications Inc. said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel sent] [ARG1 a letter *ICH*-1] to [ARG2-to LIN Broadcasting Corp.] [ARGM-ADV clarifying its revised tender offer for LIN and asking LIN to conduct `` a fair auction] . ''
- `` [ARG0 The market] is [rel sending] [ARG1 nervous signals] , '' says 0 *T*-2 Peter J. Canelo , chief market strategist for Bear , Stearns & Co. , and it *EXP*-3 's `` unwise '' * to be overcommitted *-1 to stocks .
- [ARGM-TMP Then] [ARG0 the auto paint shop fire] [rel sent] [ARG1 an evil-looking cloud of black smoke] into [ARG2-into the air] .
- Abortion foes in Wisconsin , meanwhile , expect [ARG1 a parental-consent bill] to be [rel sent] *-1 to [ARG2-to the state assembly floor] [ARGM-TMP by early November] and are hopeful of *-2 prevailing in both houses by next March .
- [ARG0 Congress] [rel sent] [ARG2 President Bush] [ARG1 an $ 18.4 billion *U* fiscal 1990 Treasury and Postal Service bill providing $ 5.5 billion *U* for the Internal Revenue Service and increasing the Customs Service 's air-interdiction program nearly a third] .
- [ARGM-TMP In 1979] , [ARG0 two Voyager spacecraft] [rel sent] [ARGM-DIR back] [ARG1 stunning photos of Jovian moons Io and Europa that *T*-1 showed them to be among the most intriguing bodies in the solar system] .
- [ARG0 Voyager 2] [rel sent] [ARGM-DIR back] [ARG1 spectacular photos of Neptune and its moon , Triton ,] [ARGM-TMP this summer] .
- All the precise types of [ARG1 federal aid] that *T*-3 [ARGM-MOD will] be [rel sent] *-2 to [ARG2-to California] wo n't be determined *-1 until state officials make specific requests to FEMA , agency officials said 0 *T*-4 .
- I think that I 'm elected *-2 *-3 to represent [ARG0 the people] that *T*-1 [rel sent] [ARG1 me] [ARG2 here] .
- The plant was evacuated *-1 and [ARG1 workers] [rel sent] *-2 [ARG2 home] .
- [ARG0 The Fed] serves as a middleman for banks , *-2 taking checks from one bank and [rel sending] [ARG1 them] to [ARG2-to another] , an operation that it handled *T*-1 smoothly Tuesday night after the quake .
- [ARGM-LOC In Moscow] , [ARG0 Mr. Gorbachev] [rel sent] [ARG2 Mr. Krenz] [ARG1 a congratulatory telegram that *T*-1 appeared *-2 to urge the new leadership *-3 to heed growing calls for change] .
- And [ARG0 the county of Los Angeles] placed its firefighters and sheriffs on alert , *-3 ready *-2 to [rel send] in [ARG1 reinforcements] , and alerted San Francisco that the city has 1,000 hospital beds at its disposal .
- [ARG0 The Los Angeles Red Cross] [rel sent] [ARG1 2,480 cots , 500 blankets , and 300 pints of Type-O blood] .
- [ARG0 It] is [ARGM-DIS also] pulling 20 people *ICH*-1 out of Puerto Rico , who *T*-2 were helping Huricane Hugo victims , and [rel sending] [ARG1 them] to [ARG2-to San Francisco] [ARGM-ADV instead] .
- Another upshot , however , was [ARG1 the chilling message] 0 [ARG0 the Bork hearings] [rel sent] *T*-1 into [ARG2-into the judicial culture from which the Supreme Court draws its talent *T*-2] .
- [ARG0 Senate leaders] had hoped *-1 to be able *-2 to [rel send] [ARG1 a compromise version of the measure] to [ARG2-to President Bush] [ARGM-TMP by the end of the week] , but Speaker Foley said 0 that was n't likely .
- The picture , 0 *T*-4 to be made *-1 in the Central American country of San Elvador , is a cover for [ARG0 *] [rel sending] [ARG1 $ 800 million *U* of arms] to [ARG2-to Los Otros , the rebel group attempting * to regain neighboring Ambigua , which *T*-2 has been taken *-5 over by the leftist dictator Dr. Overtega , a former podiatrist , who *T*-3 leads a revolutionary band of foot soldiers] .
- [ARGM-TMP In August] , [ARGM-TMP soon after Wang Laboratories Inc. reported a staggering $ 424.3 million *U* loss and replaced its president] , [ARG0 two Boston sales representatives] [rel sent] [ARG2 customers] [ARG1 a letter saying : `` We fully expect that you will soon be reading stories in the press reporting the ` Amazing Comeback at Wang] . ' ''
- [ARG0 One Colombian drug boss] , [ARGM-TMP upon * hearing in 1987 that Gen. Noriega was negotiating with the U.S. * to abandon his command for a comfortable exile] , [rel sent] [ARG2 him] [ARG1 a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved * with his name] .
- He considered himself intellectually superior to his Peruvian peers , many of whom *T*-1 were [ARG1 wayward sons] [rel sent] * by [ARG0-by their well-off families] to [ARG2-to the highly disciplined , French-modeled academy] [ARGM-ADV as a sort of reform school] .
- [ARG0 They] have [ARGM-ADV even] [rel sent] [ARG1 helicopters] [ARGM-ADV in pursuit of bikers] [ARGM-TMP after hikers and equestrians complained 0 they were being driven *-1 from trails] .
- [ARG0 Federal Reserve officials] [rel sent] [ARG1 another signal of their determination * to shore up investor confidence] .
- [ARGM-MNR Separately] , [ARG1 a third conference report covering an $ 18.4 billion *U* Treasury and Postal Service bill] was [rel sent] *-31 to [ARG2-to the Senate] [ARGM-TMP after * passing the House on a 383-30 roll call yesterday] .
- [ARGM-TMP At the last minute] , [ARGM-DIS however] , [ARG0 Pakistani officials] [rel sent] in [ARG1 Gulbuddin Hekhmatyar , perhaps the most hated and feared of the extremists ,] [ARGM-MNR with a demand that the surrender be made *-1 to his forces] .
- Last summer , in response to congressional criticism , the State Department and the CIA said 0 they had resumed military aid to the resistance months after it was cut *-3 off ; but it *EXP*-2 is not clear [ARG1 how much] *T*-5 is being [rel sent] *-4 or when it will arrive *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-DIS In addition] , Mr. Alexander said 0 *T*-1 , [ARG0 the worm] [rel sends] [ARG1 strange messages *ICH*-2] to [ARG2-to other machines at the center] -- such as , `` George Orwell was an optimist , '' or `` * Do n't feed the bats tonight . ''
- But other analysts contend that [ARGM-ADV while the Fed 's move * to loosen credit has n't been aggressive] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-DIS nevertheless] [rel sends] [ARG1 a clear signal that , at least for now , the Fed has relaxed its grip on credit] .
- *-1 To combat that problem , National Geographic , like other magazines , began *-1 offering regional editions allowing advertisers to appear in only a portion of its magazines -- for example , ads can run only in [ARG1 the magazines] [rel sent] * to [ARG2-to subscribers in the largest 25 markets] .
- Editor Hasse Olsson said 0 plans had called for 7,000 copies of the monthly Are Paev -LRB- Business Paper -RRB- to be sold *-1 at newsstands and [ARG1 an additional 3,000 promotion issues] to be [rel sent] *-2 [ARGM-MNR by direct mail] .
- He said 0 [ARG1 13,000 more copies] were [rel sent] *-1 to [ARG2-to Estonia] [ARGM-CAU because of strong sales] .
- But in [ARG1 a letter] [rel sent] * [ARGM-TMP in August] to [ARG2-to Asia Development] , Schroders said 0 the loan was terminated *-1 because the developer had failed *-2 to deliver adequate financial data and pay certain fees to the loan-management committee on time , according to officials close to the project .
- [ARG0 Elaine Chao , deputy transportation secretary ,] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel sent] [ARG1 a letter 0 *T*-1 to express the administration 's opposition to the bill `` in its present form] . ''
- Congress has been critical of [ARG0 the Bush administration] for * [ARGM-NEG not] [rel sending] [ARG1 enough aid] to [ARG2-to Poland] , so it is getting ready *-1 to send its own version of a CARE package .
- Congress has been critical of the Bush administration for * not sending enough aid to Poland , so [ARG0 it] is getting ready *-1 to [rel send] [ARG1 its own version of a CARE package] .
- [ARGM-DIS So] [ARG0 any bearish indicator , such as Friday 's precipitous drop in the stock market ,] [rel sends] [ARG1 shivers] through [ARG2-through the oil markets] [ARGM-DIS as well] .
- [ARG0 London 's blue-chip stock index] turned up just before 8 a.m . New York time , *-1 [rel sending] [ARG1 an encouraging message] to [ARG2-to Wall Street] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARG0 Boeing Chairman Frank Shrontz] [rel sent] [ARG2 striking workers] [ARG1 a letter] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 saying that `` to my knowledge , Boeing 's offer represents the best overall three-year contract of any major U.S. industrial firm in recent history] . ''
- [ARG0 Boeing] is also supposed *-1 to [rel send] to [ARG2-to America West] [ARG1 another 757 twin-engine aircraft as well as a 737] [ARGM-TMP by year 's end] .
- [ARG0 The Bush administration] has [rel sent] [ARG1 conflicting signals about its export-control policies] , [ARGM-ADV * reflecting unhealed divisions among several competing agencies] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 the court] said 0 it lacked enough financial information about Sunbelt and the FSLIC and [rel sent] [ARG1 the cases] [ARGM-DIR back] to [ARG2-to federal district court in Dallas] .
- -- [ARG0 The administration] has [rel sent] out [ARG1 confusing signals about its response to a recent spate of airline takeovers] .