frames- Such laws violate the provision in Article II that *T*-1 requires the president to make recommendations to Congress , but which *T*-41 gives [ARG0 the president] the discretion 0 * to [rel select] [ARG1 the subject matter of those recommendations] *T*-2 .
- At Tokyo , the Nikkei index of 225 [rel selected] [ARG1 issues] , which *T*-1 gained 132 points Tuesday , added 14.99 points to 35564.43 .
- The most common program-trading vehicles are futures contracts on Standard & poor 's 500-stock index -LRB- traded * on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange -RRB- ; the Major Market Index , a 20-stock index that *T*-1 mimics the Dow Jones Industrial Average -LRB- traded * on the chicago Board of Trade -RRB- ; and the S&P 100 options -LRB- traded * on the Chicago Board Options Exchange , and based * on [ARG1 100 stocks] [rel selected] * from [ARG2-from the S&P 500] -RRB- .
- In Tokyo , the Nikkei index of 225 [rel selected] [ARG1 issues] was up 132.00 points to 35549.44 .
- Turkey 's legislature elected Prime Minister Ozal as the country 's first civilian president since 1960 , *-1 opening the way for a change of government under [ARG1 a new premier] 0 [ARG0 he] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel select] *T*-2 .
- But banks may prefer *-2 using a profile that *T*-1 targets [rel selected] [ARG1 transactions] , rather than a blanket reporting requirement .
- In the first nine months of 1989 , Nixdorf said , 0 sales rose 5 % amid good growth in [rel selected] [ARG1 areas] such as banks and trading companies .
- Mr. Dorfman provides confirming evidence of this phenomenon when he reports that [ARG0 your staff of dart throwers] would have accumulated only $ 112,383 *U* by * [ARGM-MNR randomly] [rel selecting] [ARG1 four new stocks 0 *T*-2 to be held *-1 in a portfolio] [ARGM-TMP each month] *T*-3 .
- The fact that stock pickers have bested a [ARGM-MNR randomly] [rel selected] [ARG1 portfolio] in eight of 12 months has no bearing on the efficient-market theory .
- Mr. Dorfman states that an investor who *T*-1 invested $ 100,000 *U* a year ago in [ARG1 the first four stocks] [rel selected] * by [ARG0-by your pros] and then sold those one month later , *-2 purchasing the four new pro picks , and repeated this process for the year would have accumulated $ 166,537 *U* , excluding account dividends , taxes and commissions .
- I believe 0 the risk for [ARG1 each individual stock] [rel selected] * by [ARG0-by your pros] is very large .
- [ARGM-ADV If you asked me *-1 to select a stock with the highest expected return] , [ARG0 I] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel select] [ARG1 a stock with the greatest amount of undiversifiable risk] , [ARGM-ADV as I am sure 0 your pros do *?*] .
- If you asked [ARG0 me] *-1 to [rel select] [ARG1 a stock with the highest expected return] , I would select a stock with the greatest amount of undiversifiable risk , as I am sure 0 your pros do *?* .
- Once the consolidation is complete , Bethlehem plans *-1 to concentrate its forgings business on nuclear fabrication , hardened steel and large-diameter steel rolls for rolling mills and [rel selected] [ARG1 custom-die] applications .
- The maker of water-treatment chemicals and equipment said 0 [ARG0 it] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel select] [ARG1 the plant site] [ARGM-TMP early next year] , and production is expected *-1 to begin in 1991 .
- [ARG0 Buyers with $ 6 million *U* 0 * to spend *T*-1] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel select] from [ARG2-from 11 designs , including a Mediterranean-inspired California style , a traditional Yankee look and designs inspired * by Midwestern architect Frank Lloyd Wright] .
- The National Association of Broadcasters in June adopted an agenda for * revitalizing AM radio that *T*-1 includes , among other things , * pursuing further FCC action on [ARG0 *] [rel selecting] [ARG1 an AM stereo standard] and seeking a law requiring all stereo receivers to include AM stereo .
- Thomson Corp. 's Globe & Mail newspaper in November will begin *-1 transmitting an experimental edition to [rel selected] [ARG1 subscribers] ' facsimile machines .
- Anheuser said 0 its new strategy -- *-2 started *-3 in some markets last month and expected *-3 to be applied *-1 soon in [rel selected] [ARG1 markets] [ARGM-LOC nationwide] -- will mean lower-than-anticipated earnings for the last half of 1989 and for 1990 .
- Torchmark also said that [ARG1 Samuel E. Upchurch Jr. , 37 , vice president and general counsel ,] was [rel selected] [ARG3 *-2 to serve the remainder of the term vacated * by John S.P. Samford , who *T*-1 resigned as director] .
- It noted that [ARGM-TMP last July] , [ARG0 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. of Japan] [rel selected] [ARG1 AT&T] [ARG3 0 *T*-1 to supply $ 154 million *U* of such equipment over a four-year period starting next year] .
- [ARG1 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 's Jacobs International unit] was [rel selected] [ARG3 *-1 to design and build a microcomputer-systems manufacturing plant in County Kildare , Ireland , for Intel Corp] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 any lawyer] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel select] [ARG1 the facts and the strategy 0 * to employ *T*-1] .
- Once [ARG1 a jury] is [rel selected] *-1 , the consultants often continue *-2 to determine what the jurors ' attitudes are likely * to be *T*-3 and help *-4 shape the lawyers ' presentation accordingly .
- Bechtel Group Inc. , the giant closely held engineering concern , says 0 it has instituted a 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. flextime arrangement , whereby [ARG0 employees] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel select] [ARG1 any eight-hour period during those hours 0 * to go to work *T*-1] *T*-2 .
- William S. Leavitt , chairman , said 0 [ARG0 Mr. Penn , 58 years old ,] would continue as a consultant and would work with the board in * [rel selecting] [ARG1 a successor] .
- The horrific details are only now emerging from a painstakingly documented report , based on hundreds of interviews with [ARGM-MNR randomly] [rel selected] [ARG1 refugees] .
- Prudential Insurance Co. of America said 0 [ARG0 it] [rel selected] [ARG1 four agencies] [ARG3 to pitch its $ 60 million to $ 70 million *U* account] .
- At Tokyo , the Nikkei index of 225 [rel selected] [ARG1 issues] was up 112.16 points to 35486.38 .
- The computers will display [ARG1 stock prices] [rel selected] * by [ARG0-by users] .
- The products range from computer-edited , personal newsletters to systems that *T*-1 sit inside a personal computer and pick stories on [rel selected] [ARG1 topics] off news wires .
- If they put a Republican into office , not only will they acquire less in terms of local benefits but their [rel selected] [ARG1 legislator] will be relatively powerless *-2 to prevent other legislators from `` *-1 bringing home the bacon '' to their respective constituencies .
- He said 0 he told clients *-1 to buy [rel selected] [ARG1 West] German blue chips after they fell by about 10 % .
- Tokyo share prices rebounded Tuesday morning , with the Nikkei index of 225 [rel selected] [ARG1 stocks] rising 618.69 points *-1 to close the morning session at 35087.38 .
- His firm favors [rel selected] [ARG1 computer] , drug and pollution-control stocks .