frames- But a Soviet bank here would be crippled *-51 unless Moscow found a way 0 * to settle the $ 188 million *U* debt , which *T*-1 was lent *-52 to the country 's short-lived democratic Kerensky government before [ARG0 the Communists] [rel seized] [ARG1 power] [ARGM-TMP in 1917] *T*-2 .
- [ARGM-PNC *-1 To keep program-trading units profitable in the eyes of senior brokerage executives] , [ARG0 traders] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel seize] [ARG1 every opportunity 0 their computers find *T*-2] .
- Also in Beirut , a Moslem group vowed *-1 to kill Americans if [ARG0 the U.S.] implements a policy 0 *T*-2 to [rel seize] [ARG1 suspects] [ARGM-LOC abroad] .
- [ARG0 Federal officials] [rel seized] [ARG1 the association] [ARGM-TMP in April] , [ARGM-TMP a day after the parent corporation entered bankruptcy-law proceedings] .
- Another federal examiner , John Meek , said 0 Lincoln 's principal owner , Charles Keating Jr. , and his family drew off at least $ 34 million *U* from the thrift in salaries , bonuses and proceeds from securities sales in the 3 1\/2 years before [ARG0 federal authorities] [rel seized] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP earlier this year] .
- [ARG0 Israel 's army] lifted a blockade around a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank , * ending a 42-day campaign of * [rel seizing] [ARG1 cars , furniture and other goods] [ARGM-PNC * to crush a tax boycott] .
- As one unidentified official clearly in the late stages of the disease told the Times : `` Baker just felt that there were [ARG1 some lines] in the speech that *T*-2 [ARGM-MOD could] be misinterpreted and [rel seized] *-1 by [ARG0-by the press] . ''
- Even if [ARG0 the press] is ready *-1 to [rel seize] and misinterpret , these are not very complicated thoughts .
- [ARG0 Lawyers] [ARGM-MOD would] [ARGM-MNR eagerly] [rel seize] on [ARG1-on the provision] [ARGM-LOC in their death-penalty appeals] , says *T*-1 Richard Burr , director of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund 's capital-punishment defense team .
- [ARGM-DIS Instead] , [ARG0 New York City police] [rel seized] [ARG1 the stolen goods] , and Mr. Krisher avoided jail .
- There has been no announcement of the Burger King arrangement by either party , possibly for fear that [ARG0 McDonald 's and other fast-food rivals] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel seize] on [ARG1-on it] [ARGM-LOC in scornful advertising] .
- Luxurious homes and ranches have been raided *-1 by the military authorities , and [ARG1 sophisticated and powerful communications equipment] have been [rel seized] *-2 .
- In a letter , prosecutors told Mr. Antar 's lawyers that because of the recent Supreme Court rulings , they could expect that [ARG1 any fees collected * from Mr. Antar] [ARGM-MOD may] be [rel seized] *-1 .
- Still , criminal defense lawyers worry that defendants are being deprived *-1 of their Sixth Amendment right to counsel and a fair trial if [ARG0 the government] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel seize] [ARG1 lawyers ' fees] .
- The issue has come to a boil in Newark , N.J. , where federal prosecutors have warned lawyers for Eddie Antar that if the founder and former chairman of Crazy Eddie Inc. is indicted *-1 , [ARG0 the government] may move *-3 to [rel seize] [ARG1 the money that Mr. Antar is using *T*-2 *-4 to pay legal fees] *T*-5 .
- In those cases , the high court ruled that federal law gives [ARG0 prosecutors] broad authority 0 *T*-1 to [rel seize] [ARG1 assets of people accused * of racketeering and drug-related crimes , including fees paid * to lawyers before an indictment] .
- If [ARG0 the government] succeeds in *-2 [rel seizing] [ARG1 Mr. Antar 's assets] , he could be left *-1 without top-flight legal representation , because his attorneys are likely *-3 to quit , according to individuals familiar with the case .
- Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law , or RICO , [ARG0 the government] has the authority 0 *T*-1 to seek *-2 to freeze or [rel seize] [ARG1 a defendant 's assets] before trial .
- But there are [ARGM-TMP times] when [ARG0 they] [rel seize] up , and panicky sellers can not find buyers *T*-1 .
- They discourage prosecutors , under certain circumstances , from *-1 seeking [ARG0 court orders] [rel seizing] [ARG1 the assets of racketeering defendants] [ARGM-TMP prior to trial] .
- The guidelines , which *T*-2 discourage prosecutors from *-3 seeking [ARG0 court orders] [rel seizing] [ARG1 the assets of certain racketeering defendants] [ARGM-TMP prior to trial] , were first disclosed *-1 this week .
- Some analysts say 0 this may give it the right 0 [ARG0 *] to [rel seize] [ARG1 the ship] [ARGM-ADV if the situation warrants it] *T*-1 .
- In general , the thrust of the department 's directive is * to encourage prosecutors to limit pretrial asset seizures if there are less intrusive means of * protecting [ARG1 assets] 0 [ARG0 the government] may subsequently be able *-3 to [rel seize] *T*-2 after a conviction , Mr. Runkel said 0 *T*-1 .
- The department 's most significant clarification of existing RICO policy is a directive *ICH*-1 to prosecutors that [ARG0 they] should seek *-2 to [rel seize] [ARG1 assets] from [ARG2-from defendants] `` [ARGM-MNR in proportion '' to the nature of the alleged offense] , Mr. Runkel said 0 *T*-3 .
- `` That means that if the offense deals with one part of the business , [ARG0 you] do n't attempt *-1 to [rel seize] [ARG1 the whole business] ; you attempt *-2 to seize assets related * to the crime , '' he explained *T*-3 .
- `` That means that if the offense deals with one part of the business , you do n't attempt *-1 to seize the whole business ; [ARG0 you] attempt *-2 to [rel seize] [ARG1 assets related * to the crime] , '' he explained *T*-3 .
- As the principal regulator of the thrift industry , [ARG0 Mr. Wall] delayed *-1 [rel seizing] [ARG1 Lincoln S&L] for more than two years after his staff told him that the California thrift was insolvent and that potential losses to taxpayers were growing rapidly .
- The small U.S. firms are persisting because of their strong positions in patents , and because [ARG1 the prize] is still there * to be [rel seized] *-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP After the sixth congress] , [ARG0 journalists] [rel seized] [ARG1 the opportunity provided * by the liberalization] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to probe previously taboo subjects] .
- In 1956 , when [ARG0 Britain , France and Israel] invaded Egypt *-1 to [rel seize] [ARG1 the Suez Canal] *T*-2 , Arab producers cut off supplies to Europe .
- [ARG1 The property] [rel seized] * by [ARG0-by the IRS] is a Hollywood film studio , Master Pictures Incorporated -LRB- MPI -RRB- .
- William Seidman , chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. , said 0 [ARG1 Lincoln Savings & Loan Association] [ARGM-MOD should] have been [rel seized] *-1 by [ARG0-by the government] [ARGM-TMP in 1986] [ARGM-PNC * to contain losses that he estimated 0 *T*-2 will cost taxpayers as much as $ 2 billion *U*] .
- `` I think 0 it *EXP*-1 's fairly clear 0 -LCB- Mr. Keating -RCB- knew , '' that [ARG0 regulators] were set *-2 to [rel seize] [ARG1 Lincoln] , Mr. Seidman said 0 *T*-3 .
- Mr. Keating , for his part , has filed suit *-1 alleging that [ARG0 regulators] [ARGM-MNR unlawfully] [rel seized] [ARG1 the thrift] .
- Mr. Seidman said yesterday , for example , that Sen. Dennis DeConcini -LRB- D. , Ariz. -RRB- , who *T*-2 received $ 48,100 *U* in contributions from Mr. Keating , phoned Mr. Seidman * to request that he push for a sale of Lincoln before [ARG1 it] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel seized] *-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG1 Lincoln] was [rel seized] *-1 by [ARG0-by the government] *T*-3 , for example , 15 % of its loans , or $ 250 million *U* , were to borrowers who *T*-2 were buying real estate from one of American Continental 's 50 other subsidiaries , according to Mr. Seidman .
- FDIC Chairman Seidman said that [ARG1 Lincoln Savings & Loan of California] [ARGM-MOD should] have been [rel seized] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in 1986] [ARGM-PNC * to contain losses 0 he estimated 0 *T*-2 will cost taxpayers as much as $ 2 billion *U*] .
- [ARGM-TMP In September 1971] [ARG0 California officials] [rel seized] [ARG1 `` bootlegged '' lenses -- made * by unlicensed companies --] [ARGM-TMP after some showed traces of bacteria] .
- Some analysts said 0 [ARG0 AMR Chairman Robert Crandall] [ARGM-MOD might] [rel seize] [ARG1 the opportunity presented * by the stock price drop] [ARGM-PNC *-1 to protect the nation 's largest airline with a defensive transaction , such as the sale of stock to a friendly holder or company employees] .
- The Justice Department announced that [ARG0 the FBI] has been given *-2 the authority * to [rel seize] [ARG1 U.S. fugitives] [ARGM-LOC overseas] [ARGM-MNR without the permission of foreign governments] .
- But [ARG0 some players] were quick *-1 to [rel seize] [ARG1 the moment] .
- Lincoln 's parent company , American Continental Corp. , entered bankruptcy-law proceedings this April 13 , and [ARG0 regulators] [rel seized] [ARG1 the thrift] [ARGM-TMP the next day] .