frames- The Upper Saddle River , N.J. , communications firm said 0 it is considering alternatives to the restructuring of the senior [rel secured] [ARG1 notes] because of changes in the high-yield market .
- In June , Western Union was forced *-2 to reset the interest rate on the senior [rel secured] [ARG1 notes] due in 1992 to 19 1\/4 % from 16 1\/2 % , a move which *T*-1 increased the firm 's annual interest payments by $ 13.8 million *U* .
- Yesterday , Western Union 's senior [rel secured] [ARG1 reset] notes fell 3 3\/4 points , or about $ 37.50 *U* for each $ 1,000 *U* face amount , *-1 to close at 50 1\/4 .
- [ARG1 International copyright] [rel secured] *-1 .
- In exchange offers that *T*-1 expired Friday , holders of each $ 1,000 *U* of notes will receive $ 250 *U* face amount of Series A 7.5 % senior [rel secured] [ARG1 convertible] notes due Jan. 15 , 1995 , and 200 common shares .
- For each $ 1,000 *U* face amount of debentures , holders received $ 250 *U* of Series B 11 % senior [rel secured] [ARG1 convertible] notes due Oct. 15 , 1998 , and 200 common shares .
- All of the bidders contemplate full payment including interest to [rel secured] [ARG1 creditors] .
- That means [ARG0 simple , clear rules] that *T*-1 [rel secure] [ARG1 the first large blocks of reduction] , [ARGM-ADV * deferring more complex issues such as risk] .
- In addition , a Norfolk affiliate , York Capital Inc. , will purchase all of the interests of Eagle 's [rel secured] [ARG1 lenders] , which *T*-1 total $ 11.5 million *U* , and guarantee as much as $ 8.2 million *U* in payments to Eagle 's unsecured creditors .
- It said 0 Qintex Entertainment owes Qintex Australia US$ 38.1 million *U* in [ARG1 loans] [ARGM-NEG not] [rel secured] * by [ARG2-by specific assets] .
- Mr. Batchelder says that in the past , banks would normally have loaned 65 % of a total buy-out price , with [ARG1 the loans] [rel secured] *-1 by [ARG0-by the target company 's assets] .
- U.S. Banknote said 0 Citibank extended the expiration date of its commitment for senior [rel secured] [ARG1 financing] to Nov. 15 .
- Mr. Bowder said 0 the bank will restructure its C$ 604 million *U* of Mexican debt , of which C$ 255 million *U* is in [ARG1 Mexican notes] [rel secured] * by [ARG0-by U.S. government bonds] .