frames- One had best *-1 not dance on top of a coffin until [ARG1 the lid] is [rel sealed] *-2 [ARGM-PRD tightly shut] . ''
- [ARG1 The indictment] , which *T*-1 was [rel sealed] *-2 and apparently forgotten *-2 by investigators until 1987 , charges Mr. Koskotas and three others with tax fraud and other violations .
- Five months later , Mr. Tisch took over as CBS 's chief executive , and soon he was wielding sole approval each time 0 [ARG0 Mr. Pilson] scribbled a frighteningly large figure on a slip of paper , [rel sealed] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-DIR in an envelope] and gave it to sports negotiators *T*-1 .
- In his haste [ARG0 *] to [rel seal] [ARG1 the deal] with Tiger Chairman Saul Steinberg [ARGM-TMP last August] , Mr. Smith ignored a promise *ICH*-4 that he had made *T*-2 to his own pilots three years ago : that any fliers acquired * in future mergers would be `` end-tailed *-3 '' -- put *-3 at the bottom of the pilot seniority list that *T*-1 determines work schedules , pay and career options .
- Since the 1970s energy crisis , some efforts [ARG0 *] to conserve energy by *-1 [rel sealing] [ARG1 buildings] have had an unintended side effect : high indoor pollution .
- But [ARG0 it] was broad-scale rejection by Japanese banks that *T*-1 helped *-2 [rel seal] [ARG1 the fate of the attempt * to buy UAL] .
- [ARG0 Demographics] converged with `` mainstream '' and demonizing *-1 to [rel seal] [ARG1 Robert Bork 's fate] .