frames- Where [ARG0 '60s dropouts] professed *-4 to [rel scorn] [ARG1 middle-class life] and ambitious yuppies hoped *-3 to leave it far behind as they scaled the upper reaches of success *T*-2 , it now seems that so many people *ICH*-5 feel 0 they 're slipping between the cracks , that middle-class life is viewed *-1 with nostalgia or outright longing .
- While some are [ARG0 renegade riders] who *T*-3 [ARGM-ADV simply] [rel scorn] [ARG1 regulations] , much bad riding simply reflects ignorance that *T*-2 can be corrected *-1 through `` education and peer pressure , '' says *T*-4 Jim Hasenauer , a director of the International Mountain Biking Association .