frames- `` Small investors are absolutely dismayed that Wall Street is stacking the deck against them , and [ARG2 these wide swings] are [rel scaring] [ARG1 them] to [ARG3-to death] , '' says *T*-1 Raymond A. Mason , chairman of regional broker Legg Mason Inc. in Baltimore .
- [ARG0 It] [rel scared] [ARG1 brokers] , but most survived .
- Your editorial *ICH*-2 was commendable and neatly matched *-1 by the readers ' comments in letters to the editor , `` Alar : [ARG0 *] [rel Scaring] [ARGM-MNR on the Side of Caution] . ''
- But I feel that if somebody does n't get up and start *-1 talking about this now , the next time around , when we have the next iteration of these programs *T*-2 , it *EXP*-3 will still be true that [ARG1 everyone] is [rel scared] [ARG0 *-4 to talk about it] .
- He argued that [ARG2 program-trading by roughly 15 big institutions] is pushing around the markets and [rel scaring] [ARG1 individual investors] .
- `` Index arbitrage does n't work , and [ARG2 it] [rel scares] [ARG1 natural buyers '' of stock] .
- I think 0 [ARG1 a lot of people] got [rel scared] and stayed home . ''
- Biggest trouble was [rel scared] [ARG1 family] who *T*-1 could n't get a phone line through , and spent a really horrible hour *-2 not knowing .
- [ARG2 That] does [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel scare] [ARG1 Digital , which *T*-1 has grown *-2 to be the world 's second-largest computer maker by *-2 poaching customers of IBM 's mid-range machines] .
- But `` [ARG2 these wide swings] [rel scare] [ARG1 them] to [ARG3-to death] . ''
- Such disclosures of big holdings often are used *-1 by [ARG0 raiders] *-3 to try *-2 to [rel scare] [ARG1 a company 's managers] , and to stir interest in the stock .
- Investors were buying yesterday , but [ARG1 they] were running [rel scared] to premier blue chips such as Procter & Gamble , which *T*-1 jumped 3 3\/8 to 127 .
- When the shah died *T*-1 , [ARG1 President Carter] was [ARGM-EXT so] [rel scared] [ARG0 that the shah 's ghost would blame him for * shoving him out * to make way for the ayatollah] that he declared the Carter Doctrine .
- It *EXP*-2 wo n't take [ARG2 much more] * to `` [rel scare] [ARG3 the hell] [ARG1 out of retail investors] , '' he says 0 *T*-1 .
- I do n't believe 0 that 's the case , but I believe that [ARG1 people] are running *-1 [rel scared] .