frames- Many streets and sidewalks buckled , and [ARG1 subterranean water mains and service connections] [rel ruptured] .
- Many of the buildings , mostly condominiums and apartments , were flattened *-1 almost instantly as the underlying soil -- much of it landfill -- was literally turned *-2 to ooze by the quake 's intensive shaking , [ARG0 *] [rel rupturing] [ARG1 gas lines] .
- Metal racks on the plant floor fell over , and [ARG1 water mains] [rel ruptured] , a spokeswoman says 0 *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The ground] [rel ruptured] [ARGM-LOC along a 20-to-30-mile stretch of the San Andreas Fault] [ARGM-TMP on Tuesday] , Mr. Johnson added 0 *T*-1 .
- Some buildings collapsed , [ARG1 gas and water lines] [rel ruptured] and fires raged .