frames- [ARG0 The magazine 's editors] [rel ran] [ARG1 a giant diagram of the product with arrows pointing to the packaging 's polystyrene foam , polyproplene and polyester film -- all plastic items 0 they say 0 *T*-1 are non-biodegradable] .
- In principle , they will enable doctors to check the body 's motor system the way 0 [ARG0 an electrician] tests a home 's electrical circuits by *-2 [rel running] [ARG1 current] [ARGM-DIR through them] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-ADV Despite the criticism] , [ARG0 Philip Morris 's corporate campaign] [rel runs] [ARG1 little risk of * getting yanked *-1 off the tube] .
- * To avoid a runoff , one candidate would have *-2 to win 50 % of the vote -- a feat that most analysts consider *T*-1 impossible with [ARG0 so many candidates] [rel running] .
- Contrary to widespread belief , Mussolini failed *-3 to live up to his promise * to make [ARG1 the trains] [rel run] [ARGM-MNR on time] ; it *EXP*-1 is doubtful whether Soviet-style corporatism will make Soviet trains run on time , or fill the shops with goods that the consumers so desperately crave *T*-2 .
- Contrary to widespread belief , Mussolini failed *-3 to live up to his promise * to make the trains run on time ; it *EXP*-1 is doubtful whether Soviet-style corporatism will make [ARG1 Soviet trains] [rel run] [ARGM-MNR on time] , or fill the shops with goods that the consumers so desperately crave *T*-2 .
- [ARG0 The companies] [rel running] [ARG1 the disaster ads] certainly do n't see themselves as ambulance chasers , either .
- [ARG1 The campaign] , which *T*-1 started last week and [rel runs] [ARGM-TMP through Nov. 23] , with funds earmarked * for both the quake and Hugo , `` was Barry 's idea , '' a spokeswoman says 0 *T*-2 .
- Industry sources said 0 they expect a fierce battle *ICH*-4 to emerge between TransCanada , which *T*-1 has a monopoly on Canadian gas transportation east of Alberta , and Nova and Westcoast , which *T*-2 control [ARG1 the pipelines] within *RNR*-3 and [rel running] [ARGM-DIR west of *RNR*-3] Alberta , respectively .
- [ARG0 Texas Air] has [rel run] into [ARG1-into difficulty * reselling about $ 20 million *U* of debt securities] [ARGM-CAU because of problems in the junk bond market] , the person said 0 *T*-1 .
- The globalists tend *-1 to think 0 [ARG0 Mr. Lawson] [rel ran] onto [ARG1-onto technical reefs] .
- `` Most of us grew up *-2 believing in the axioms ` Haste makes waste ' and ` * Do n't cut corners , ' [ARG1 ideas] that *T*-1 seem *-4 to [rel run] [ARGM-MNR counter to the concept of * managing speed] , '' says *T*-3 Dean Cassell , vice president for product integrity at Grumman Corp .
- `` [ARG0 We] 're [ARGM-NEG not] [rel running] [ARG1 that ad campaign] [ARGM-TMP any more] , '' Mr. Straszheim snaps *T*-1 in a rare show of irritation .
- He says 0 the economy , and especially the employment numbers , look much better than he expected *?* ; interest rates have generally declined ; [ARG1 inflation] has [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel run] amok .
- In [ARG1 an open letter] that *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARGM-TMP today] [ARGM-LOC in the trade journal Automotive News] , Ron Tonkin , president of the National Car Dealers Association , says 0 dealers should cut their inventories to no more than half the level traditionally considered * desirable .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 sales of North American-made 1990-model cars] are [rel running] [ARGM-MNR at an annual rate of only six million] , [ARGM-ADV down from 7.1 million a year earlier] .
- `` There 's very little upside to sterling , '' Mr. Roberts says *T*-2 , but he adds that near-term losses may be small because [ARG0 the selling wave that *T*-1 followed Mr. Major 's appointment] [ARGM-ADV apparently] has [rel run] [ARG1 its course] .
- Unless , of course , [ARG1 it] happens *-2 to be [rel run] *-1 by [ARG0-by the Rothschilds] .
- [ARG1 A deep trench *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel runs] [ARGM-LOC along its north wall] , exposed * when the house lurched two feet off its foundation during last week 's earthquake *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 This autumn 's edition of the biannual fair] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARGM-TMP through Oct. 31] .
- `` [ARG0 Canada] could do plenty of things * to get serious about Latin America without * [rel running] [ARG1 the risk of * getting caught *-2 in the cross fire '' between the U.S. and Latin American members of the OAS] , said 0 *T*-1 Jeffrey Simpson , a columnist in Toronto 's Globe & Mail newspaper .
- Yet a bill tailored * to the interests of a single individual passed Congress with almost unimaginable speed , before [ARG0 the judicial process] had [rel run] [ARG1 its course] , and , indeed , while the Morgan case was awaiting a ruling by the appellate court .
- `` [ARG0 *] Go [rel run] [ARG1 the university] . ''
- [ARG0 She] [rel ran] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-EXT the length of the South Gardens riverfront] , [ARGM-ADV * blotting out the city 's great natural water features , the harbor and the river] .
- [ARG0 Seagram] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARG1 two interactive ads *ICH*-4] [ARGM-LOC in December magazines] promoting its Chivas Regal and Crown Royal brands .
- Tony Lambert , Mrs. Verne 's successor , says 0 [ARG1 the mint 's losses from the theft] [rel run] into [ARG2-into the hundreds of thousands of francs] .
- `` I think 0 there 's a disease called * buyer 's regret , and I 'm sure 0 [ARG1 it] 's [rel running] *-2 [ARGM-MNR rampant] [ARGM-TMP at this moment] , but it gets cured *-3 in a short period of time , '' says *T*-1 Kenneth Leventhal , co-managing partner of Kenneth Leventhal & Co. , a Los Angeles accounting firm specializing in real estate .
- Nonetheless , the suit seeks [ARG1 unspecified damages] that an attorney for Quickview claimed 0 *T*-1 [ARGM-MOD could] [rel run] into [ARG2-into the millions of dollars] .
- [ARG0 A heavy , kerchiefed woman] [rel runs] [ARG1 a handful] [ARGM-DIR through her fingers] , and counts him out a pile of zlotys .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG0 gripes] [rel run] [ARG1 the gamut] .
- `` You ca n't hire competent Americans and say , ` * Let them run only their own show , ' '' says *T*-2 Vladimir Pucik , who *T*-1 headed [ARG1 the study] [rel run] * [ARGM-MNR with Egon Zehnder International , a search firm] .
- [ARG1 Dedication] [rel runs] [ARGM-MNR * high] .
- The Kraft package included a specially published cookbook , a national free-standing insert in Sunday newspapers , and [ARG1 a Kraft `` advertorial '' section] that *T*-1 [rel ran] [ARGM-LOC in five Meredith magazines] .
- He continues *-1 to reshuffle the team , *-1 trading famed [rel running] [ARG0 back] Herschel Walker to the Minnesota Vikings this month for a slew of players and future draft picks .
- From my own point of view , given the qualities of humanity , creativity and warm spirit in which the Cuban people excel *T*-2 , we deny ourselves access to [ARG1 things] 0 we hold *T*-3 dear , and which *T*-1 seem *-4 to [rel run] [ARGM-MNR in such short supply] [ARGM-TMP these days] .
- Output from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is already at a high for the year and [ARG1 most member nations] are [rel running] [ARGM-MNR flat out] .
- [ARGM-ADV Although *-1 government-controlled] , [ARG1 Dassault] [ARGM-TMP still] is [rel run] *-1 by [ARG0-by the founder 's son , Chairman Serge Dassault , who *T*-2 has fiercely protected his company 's independence] .
- Profits are also plowed back into the community ; the non-profit Vermont-Slauson Economic Development Corp. receives 60 % of the profits from the Vermont-Slauson Center and uses [ARG1 the money] *-1 to provide moderate and low-cost housing in the community -- [ARGM-TMP now] [rel running] into [ARG2-into the hundreds of units] -- as well as commercial and industrial development projects .
- He said 0 Shea & Gould held a number of discussions with the five partners during the past few weeks * to get them to stay but that [ARG0 the five] were firmly committed to *-1 [rel running] [ARG1 their own firm] .
- [ARG0 The Bay Area Rapid Transit system] , which *T*-2 [rel runs] [ARG1 subway trains] [ARGM-LOC beneath the bay] , is braced *-1 for a doubling of its daily regular ridership to 300,000 .
- But these days , large firms hire as many as 30 new associates a year , and it *EXP*-2 's impossible * to personally train everyone , says 0 *T*-3 Joel Henning of Hildebrandt Inc. , [ARG0 a consulting firm] that *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 training classes] .
- [ARG0 *-1] [rel Running] for [ARG1-for President] [ARGM-TMP in 1980 and 1988] , George Bush also persuasively diagnosed the economic stagnation of the 1970s .
- As usual , [ARG1 estimates on the fickle report] are wide , *-1 [rel running] from [ARG3-from a drop of 3.5 %] to [ARG4-to a gain of 1.6 %] .
- Hewlett-Packard said 0 it will sell [ARG1 versions *ICH*-2] later next year that *T*-1 [rel run] [ARGM-LOC on Sun Microsystems Inc. and Digital Equipment Corp. machines] .
- Hewlett-Packard claims that [ARG0 the software] allows a network to run three times as many tasks as conventional networks and [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARG1 each task] [ARGM-MNR twice as fast] .
- Hewlett-Packard claims that the software allows [ARG0 a network] to [rel run] [ARG1 three times as many tasks as conventional networks] and will run each task twice as fast .
- [ARG1 The program , which *T*-2 will be shipped *-1 in January 1990 ,] [rel runs] [ARGM-MNR on the Unix operating system] .
- The result is that [ARG1 some franchisees] are [rel running] [ARGM-MNR hard] [ARGM-PNC *-1 just to stay even] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 laying off middle managers and working harder *-2 to make less] .
- `` [ARG1 McDonald 's] has [ARGM-DIS also] been [rel running] [ARGM-MNR *-2 negative] [ARGM-TMP all year] , '' the analyst says *T*-1 .
- The fact is that [ARGM-MNR as a savings or investment vehicle] , [ARG0 insurance] [ARGM-ADV generally] [rel runs] [ARGM-MNR a poor second to any direct investment 0 you might make *T*-1 in the same things 0 the insurance company is putting your money into *T*-2] .
- [ARGM-DIS And] [ARG1 the fees 0 investors pay *T*-1 for indexing] [rel run] [ARG2 a few pennies for each $ 100 *U* of assets -- a fraction of the cost of active managers] .
- [ARG0 The newspaper] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel ran] [ARG1 a series of controversial short stories by Nguyen Huy Thiep , a former history teacher , who *T*-1 stirred debate over his interpretation of Vietnamese culture and took a thinly veiled swipe at writers who *T*-2 had blocked his entry into their official association] .
- Kean forces play down any differences with Mr. Courter , but this history makes it *EXP*-1 harder for [ARG0 the conservative] to [rel run] [ARGM-MNR against government] .
- [ARGM-ADV *-1 Elected to Congress as a `` Watergate baby '' in 1974] , [ARG0 he] [rel ran] for [ARG1-for governor] [ARGM-TMP three years later] .
- In the opinion of many , [ARG1 he] has n't stopped *-1 [rel running] [ARGM-TMP since] , [ARGM-ADV even though he declined a rematch with Gov. Kean in 1985] .
- [ARGM-LOC In Monmouth , an important swing area ,] [ARG1 Republican freeholders] [ARGM-TMP now] [rel run] [ARGM-MNR on a slogan promising * to keep the county `` clean and green] . ''
- The ad campaign represents an unusual spirit of cooperation among resorts and ski equipment makers ; [ARGM-ADV normally] , [ARG0 they] [ARGM-ADV only] [rel run] [ARG1 ads hyping their own products and facilities] .
- When you buy an asset-backed issue *T*-1 , you take the risk that [ARG0 a bank or an insurer] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel run] into [ARG1-into unexpected difficulties] .
- [ARG0 Players] [rel ran] [ARGM-DIR out on the field way below] , and the stands began *-1 to reverberate .
- Fortunately , the quake was over before [ARG0 I] managed *-1 to [rel run] [ARGM-DIR out] and stand *-2 naked on the hood .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-ADV while * pumping more money into the economy would bring relief to many industries] , [ARG0 it] [ARGM-DIS also] [rel runs] [ARG1 the risk of * triggering another period of runaway growth and steep inflation] .
- It *EXP*-1 is evident that [ARG1 their conversation] [rel runs] [ARGM-ADV more or less] [ARGM-MNR on the following lines : `` I 've submitted the manuscript of my novel under the title ` Teresa de Cepeda , ' and in it I 've treated a few neglected aspects of that eternal problem which ... '']
- Of his 10 novels , `` The Hive '' -LRB- 1951 -RRB- , full of sharp vignettes of Madrid life and centered on [ARG1 a cafe] [rel run] * by [ARG0-by Dona Rosa , a foul-mouthed , broad-based woman with blackened little teeth encrusted * in filth] , used *-1 to be available in English , *-4 translated * by J.M. Cohen and published * by Ecco Press , which *T*-2 now no doubt regrets *-3 relinquishing its copyright .
- [ARGM-TMP Ever since the hotly contested America 's Cup race last year] , [ARG0 the famous yachting match] has [rel run] into [ARG1-into more rough sailing out of the water than in it] .
- Now , the first order of business is * raising enough money 0 *T*-1 to keep his team afloat -- a new yacht will cost about $ 3 million *U* alone , and [ARG1 sailing syndicate budgets] [ARGM-MOD can] [ARGM-MNR easily] [rel run] to [ARG4-to $ 25 million *U*] [ARGM-PNC for a Cup challenge] .
- The one exception to this recent trend was the defeat of 13 of [ARG0 the 52 freshman Republicans] brought * into office in 1980 by the Reagan revolution and [rel running] for [ARG1-for re-election] [ARGM-TMP in 1982] .
- [ARG0 Potential candidates] may be discouraged *-1 from *-2 [rel running] less *ICH*-3 by the congressional salary than by the prospect of defeat at the hands of a Democratic opponent .
- The odd mix of departments in the bill makes it one of the more eclectic of the annual appropriations measures , and [ARG1 the assorted provisions attached * by lawmakers] [rel run] from [ARG3-from $ 1.5 million *U* for a fish farm in Arkansas] to [ARG4-to a music festival in Moscow under the United States Information Agency] .
- Santa Clara County has a [rel running] [ARG0 total] *ICH*-1 so far of $ 504 million *U* , excluding the hard-hit city of Los Gatos .
- MacNamara Clapp & Klein , a small New York shop , is asking magazine ad representatives *-2 to tell it when [ARG1 major advertising inserts] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARGM-LOC in their publications] *T*-1 .
- [ARGM-TMP By the end of 1973] , the number of `` underlying '' Big Board stocks had been increased *-1 to 50 and [ARG0 the options exchange] had [rel run] up [ARG1 volume of 1.1 million contracts] .
- So [ARG0 the men] who *T*-1 [rel ran] [ARG1 the grain pits] listened when Joseph Sullivan , a 35-year-old former Wall Street Journal newsman , offered them the idea of all-options trading *T*-2 .
- In its ruling , the NRC said that because [ARG0 Seabrook] will be allowed *-1 to charge rates sufficient * to [rel run] [ARG1 the plant] and make payments on past construction costs , consideration of the owners ' financial condition is pointless .
- [ARG1 The `` Jiotto Caspita ''] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel run] [ARGM-MNR at over 188 miles an hour] , a company spokesman said 0 *T*-1 .
- `` Impossible , impossible , '' say *T*-2 the Conradies , [ARG0 an elderly couple] who *T*-1 have [rel run] [ARG1 the general store] [ARGM-TMP for decades] .
- [ARG0 The companies] apt * to [rel run] into [ARG1-into earnings problems] [ARGM-TMP soonest] are the ones with heavy debt loads , says 0 *T*-1 Larry Biehl , partner in the San Mateo , Calif. , money-management firm of Bailard , Biehl & Kaiser .
- The computer would let [ARG1 the machine] [rel run] just until that order was filled *-1 , * eliminating waste .
- Cupboard doors were flying , the trash can in the kitchen walked a few feet , [ARG0 the dogs] came [rel running] , and I scooted them into the dog run and stood in the doorway myself , *-1 watching the outside trash cans dance across the concrete .
- [ARG0 We] [rel ran] [ARGM-DIR into the house] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to get Mame] , but the next tremor threw me in the air and bounced me as I tried *-1 to get to my feet .
- [ARG0 It] [rel runs] [ARGM-DIR out] [ARGM-MNR frantically] [ARGM-TMP now and then] , and is clearly pretty distressed .
- [ARGM-DIS Then] [ARGM-TMP as things got rougher] , [ARG0 we] [rel ran] [ARGM-DIR for the door] and spent the next few minutes outside *-1 watching the brick sidewalk under our feet oozing up and down , and the flowers waving in an eerie rhythm .
- Dr. Grossman , who *T*-1 also is president of New England Medical Center Hospitals in Boston , noted that [ARG1 the hospitals] 0 [ARG0 he] [rel runs] *T*-2 deal with more than 100 utilization management firms and that many of them have different procedures and requirements .
- The anti-abortionists are urging GOP Gov. Bill Clements *-1 to press the issues in [ARG1 a special session] scheduled * to [rel run] [ARGM-TMP Nov. 14 to Dec. 13] .
- The Bay Area Rapid Transit `` withstood the earthquake perfectly , '' said 0 *T*-1 Mr. Engelken , *-2 adding that [ARG0 the rail system] was [rel running] [ARG1 a full fleet of 45 trains] [ARGM-TMP during the day] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to provide an alternative for highway travelers] .
- [ARG1 Air traffic at San Francisco International Airport] was [rel running] [ARGM-MNR about 50 % of normal] [ARGM-TMP yesterday afternoon] , but airport officals said 0 they expect a return to full operations by Saturday .
- He added that [ARG1 San Francisco 's trolley cars and trolley buses] were [ARGM-DIS also] [rel running] [ARGM-MNR at full service levels] .
- `` We 're not going *-1 to walk in and replace a company 's corporate accounting system if [ARG1 it] 's [ARGM-TMP already] [rel running] [ARGM-LOC on an IBM mainframe] , '' concedes *T*-2 Kenneth H. Olsen , Digital 's president .
- [ARG0 Bankers Trust] uses Digital 's VAX *-2 to [rel run] [ARG1 its huge money-transfer and capital markets accounts] , *-2 juggling hundreds of billions of dollars each day , he says 0 *T*-3 .
- Digital 's target is the $ 40 billion *U* market for mainframe computers , the closet-sized number-crunchers that [ARG0 nearly every big company] needs *T*-1 *-2 to [rel run] [ARG1 its business] .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARG1 the pool of federal emergency-relief funds] [ARGM-TMP already] is [rel running] [ARGM-MNR *-1 low] [ARGM-CAU because of the heavy costs of * cleaning up Hurricane Hugo] , and Congress will be under pressure * to allocate more money quickly .
- [ARG1 Intel Corp. , Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and National Semiconductor Corp.] were [ARGM-ADV all] up and [rel running] [ARGM-TMP yesterday] , [ARGM-ADV though many workers were forced *-1 to stay home because of damaged roadways] ; others elected *-2 to take the day off .
- [ARG0 They] [ARGM-TMP then] [rel run] [ARG1 remotely controlled self-diagnostic programs] .
- `` [ARG0 People] are [ARGM-NEG n't] [ARGM-ADV necessarily] [rel running] [ARGM-MNR *-2 scared] , '' Mr. Litvack said *T*-1 .
- [ARG0 Louise McNamee , Della Femina 's president ,] will continue *-1 [rel running] [ARG1 the U.S. agency] [ARGM-MNR day-to-day] .
- [ARGM-TMP Last week] , [ARG0 Secretary Kemp] [rel ran] into [ARG1-into a buzzsaw of criticism from House Banking Committee members] .
- [ARGM-TMP Some weeks] when [ARG0 her supermarket] [rel runs] [ARG1 a double-coupon promotion] *T*-1 , she boasts that she shaves $ 22 *U* off her bill .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP since *-1 returning to advertising] , [ARG0 Maxwell House] has regained the lost share and is [rel running] [ARGM-MNR neck and neck] [ARGM-ADV with archrival Folgers] .
- The battery packs have enough power for only three hours , but that gave emergency crews time 0 * to turn on [ARG1 an emergency system] that *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARGM-MNR primarily on diesel fuel] *T*-2 .
- [ARG1 Earthquake insurance] [ARGM-TMP typically] [rel runs] [ARG2 $ 200 or more *U* a year] for a small house .
- [ARG0 Enron Power Corp. , a unit of the Houston natural gas pipeline company ,] [ARGM-MOD would] design , construct and [rel run] [ARG1 the plant] .
- AMERICAN BUILDING MAINTENANCE INDUSTRIES Inc. , San Francisco , provider of maintenance services , annual revenue of $ 582 million *U* , NYSE , had some damage to headquarters and lost phone service , but [ARG1 operations] were moved *-2 to a branch office and are [rel running] [ARGM-MNR smoothly] [ARGM-CAU thanks to a decentralized computer system 0 the company had developed *T*-1 before the quake] .
- [ARG1 CHARLES SCHWAB & CO. , San Francisco , discount brokerage firm , annual sales of $ 392 million *U* ,] had only minor damage to headquarters building and was up and [rel running] [ARGM-PNC for yesterday 's market open] .
- `` [ARG2 We] 've [rel run] out of [ARG1-of places 0 * to build freeways *T*-1 in L.A.] , and the only place 0 * to go *T*-3 is up , '' Mr. O'Connell said *T*-2 , although he acknowledges 0 there are many obstacles , including cost .
- While the pillars did have long metal bars running vertically through them for reinforcement , they apparently lacked an adequate number of [ARG1 metal `` ties ''] that *T*-1 [rel run] [ARGM-DIR horizontally] [ARGM-DIR through the column] , said 0 *T*-2 Leo Parker , a structural engineer in Los Angeles .
- While the pillars did have [ARG1 long metal bars] [rel running] [ARGM-DIR vertically] [ARGM-DIR through them] for reinforcement , they apparently lacked an adequate number of metal `` ties '' that *T*-1 run horizontally through the column , said 0 *T*-2 Leo Parker , a structural engineer in Los Angeles .
- [ARG0 Mr. Krenz , age 52 ,] is known *-1 as an old-guard ironfist , one likely * to continue the method of * [rel running] [ARG1 a country] that the Berlin Wall made *T*-2 famous .
- [ARGM-ADV Without Moscow 's military and party behind it] , [ARG0 East Germany] [rel runs] [ARG1 the risk of disintegrating] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Sawyer] began *-1 [rel running] [ARG1 the company] [ARGM-MNR on an interim basis] [ARGM-TMP in late September] .
- But the figures reinforced the view *ICH*-1 of many private analysts that [ARG2 the improvement in the U.S. trade deficit] has [rel run] out of [ARG1-of steam] .
- The defense electronics maker said 0 [ARG1 delivery] [ARGM-MOD will] begin in October 1991 and [rel run] [ARGM-TMP through mid-1995] .
- Mr. Noriega would order [ARG0 them all] *-1 to take off their clothes and [rel run] [ARGM-LOC around the courtyard] [ARGM-MNR naked] , * laughing at them and then retreating to his office .
- `` Early on in the State Department , we took to * calling him the rent-a-colonel , in tribute to his ability * to simultaneously milk the antagonistic intelligence services of Cuba and the United States , '' recalls *T*-1 [ARG0 Francis J. McNeil] , who , as deputy assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs , *T*-2 [ARGM-TMP first] [rel ran] across [ARG1-across reports about Mr. Noriega] [ARGM-TMP in 1977] *T*-3 .
- Prosecutors in Southern Florida indicted [ARG0 five Panamanians] on charges of * [ARGM-MNR illegally] [rel running] [ARG1 arms] to [ARG2-to Sandinista rebels trying * to overthrow the Nicaraguan government of Mr. Somoza] .
- The oil and auto industries , united * in their dislike of President Bush 's proposal for [ARG1 cars] that *T*-1 [rel run] [ARGM-MNR on alternative fuels] , announced a joint research program that *T*-2 could turn up a cleaner-burning gasoline .
- Environmentalists criticized the program as merely a public-relations attempt * to head off a White House proposal * to require [ARG1 a million cars a year] that *T*-1 [rel run] [ARGM-MNR on cleaner-burning fuels] by 1997 .
- While major oil companies have been experimenting with cleaner-burning gasoline blends for years , only Atlantic Richfield Co. is now marketing a lower-emission gasoline for [ARG1 older cars] [ARGM-TMP currently] [rel running] [ARGM-MNR on leaded fuel] .
- `` I have a mountain bike , [ARGM-DIS yet] [ARGM-ADV as a hiker] [ARG1 I] 've been [rel run] *-1 [ARGM-DIR off the road] by [ARG0-by kids careening down a fire trail on them] , '' says *T*-2 Gene Coan , an official at Sierra 's headquarters in San Francisco , * echoing the concerns of many members .
- [ARG1 The programs] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel run] [ARGM-LOC on the cable network] [ARGM-TMP the Sunday evening immediately prior to the release of the special issue of U.S. News & World Report] .
- [ARG0 Gold] tried *-3 to rally on Monday but [rel ran] into [ARG1-into the same situation that *T*-1 has subdued gold prices for more than a year : * selling by gold producers , who *T*-2 want *-4 to fix the highest possible price for their gold] .
- [ARG0 Mr. Allen] [ARGM-MNR quickly] [rel ran] up against [ARG1-against the liberal establishment *ICH*-1] [ARGM-TMP again] , which *T*-3 somehow elevated the vague concept of `` Indian rights '' above the rights of individual Indians .
- [ARG0 Their] effort * to [rel run] [ARG1 him] [ARG3 out of Washington] is an embarrassment to the original purpose of their own movement .
- The passwords are included in the system software when it is installed *-1 *T*-3 but are supposed *-4 to be replaced *-2 as soon as [ARG1 the system] is up and [rel running] .
- Anti-nuclear activists have protested the launch of the Galileo space probe to Jupiter because it uses plutonium * to generate [ARG0 the electricity] needed * to [rel run] [ARG1 the craft] .
- She called her daughter *ICH*-1 * to take her to the bank , who , in turn , *T*-2 persuaded [ARG0 her husband , a Mr. Loeb] , *-3 to [rel run] [ARG1 this errand] .
- *-1 To combat that problem , National Geographic , like other magazines , began *-1 offering regional editions allowing advertisers to appear in only a portion of its magazines -- [ARGM-DIS for example] , [ARG1 ads] [ARGM-MOD can] [rel run] [ARGM-LOC only in the magazines sent * to subscribers in the largest 25 markets] .
- It now offers 30 regional editions , [ARG0 it] very recently began *-1 [rel running] [ARG1 ads] [ARGM-MNR adjacent to articles] , and it has been beefing up its sales force .
- *-1 To keep him quiet we invent [ARG1 a new unified command *ICH*-3] every year or so [rel run] * by [ARG0-by the Army or the Air Force] and put more of the Navy and Marines under it .
- The Southern Command has grown even bigger since the war because [ARG0 Raeder 's ghost] [ARGM-TMP sometimes] [rel runs] through [ARG1-through the E ring] [ARGM-MNR *-1 dressed like Gen. Noriega] .
- [ARGM-TMP After Friday 's decline] , [ARG0 Mr. Perritt 's firm] [rel ran] [ARG1 statistical tests] [ARGM-LOC on 100 high-quality stocks] , [ARGM-ADV *-2 using old-fashioned value criteria devised * by Benjamin Graham , an analyst and author in the 1930s and 1940s who *T*-1 is widely considered *-3 to be the father of modern securities analysis] .
- `` It was a healthy cleansing , '' says *T*-2 [ARG0 Michael Holland] , who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 Salomon Brothers Asset Management in New York] .
- `` The stock market ai n't going *-2 to do much of anything '' for a while , says 0 *T*-3 [ARG0 John Neff] of Wellington Management , who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 the $ 8.3 billion *U* Windsor Fund] .
- But [ARG0 Bogdan Gumkowski] , who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 the casino at Warsaw 's Marriott Hotel] , said 0 the ventures would help Poland service its $ 39 billion *U* foreign debt by * pouring dollars into the state firms in the joint ventures -- the LOT airline and Orbis tourist organization .
- [ARG1 The contract] was *-1 to [rel run] from [ARG3-from 1992] to [ARG4-to 2020] .
- The plan had been * to make one of [ARG1 Shearson 's easy-to-film , black-and-white `` Where We Stand *T*-2 '' commercials] , which *T*-1 have been [rel running] [ARGM-TMP occasionally] [ARGM-CAU in response to news events] [ARGM-TMP since 1985] .
- [ARG1 The ad] [ARGM-MOD would] have [rel run] [ARGM-TMP during the World Series] [ARGM-TMP tomorrow] , [ARGM-ADV *-1 replacing the debut commercial of Shearson 's new ad campaign , `` Leadership by Example] . ''
- [ARGM-TMP In 1987] , [ARGM-ADV despite a barrage of ads from most of the major investment firms] , [ARG0 individuals] [rel ran] [ARGM-DIR from the market] [ARGM-MNR en masse] .
- [ARG0 It] considered *-2 [rel running] [ARG1 them] [ARGM-TMP during tomorrow night 's World Series broadcast] but decided *-2 not to *?* when the market recovered yesterday *T*-1 .
- `` I see concern , but I do n't see any panic , '' said *T*-2 Mr. Palamara , [ARG0 a big , good-humored New York native] who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 the 15-trader office] .
- `` [ARG0 We] tend *-1 to [rel run] [ARG1 a very tight book] . ''
- `` [ARGM-TMP When I want *-2 to buy *T*-1] , [ARG0 they] [rel run] [ARGM-DIR from you] -- they keep changing their prices , '' Mr. Smith said *T*-3 .
- More important , [ARG1 housing programs] [rel run] * by [ARG0-by HUD , the VA , and FmHA] are awash in red ink .
- The latest crewcut in the equities markets reminds me of the joke 0 T. Boone Pickens tells *T*-2 about [ARG1 the guy] who *T*-1 was [rel run] *-3 over by [ARG0-by the parade] .
- [ARG0 He] 's [rel running] for [ARG1-for governor] .
- The Stanley affair does n't bode well for the future of democracy or freedom of anything in Namibia [ARGM-TMP when] [ARG0 SWAPO] starts *-2 [rel running] [ARG1 the government] *T*-1 .
- Maxus said 0 [ARG0 it] did [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel run] [ARG1 a production test] [ARGM-LOC on the three discovery wells 0 it drilled *T*-2 in the field , which *T*-1 is about 1.6 miles from the Intan Field ,] [ARGM-CAU because the wells are similar to others drilled * at its Intan and Widuri fields] .
- `` I see concern , but I do n't see panic , '' says *T*-2 J. Francis Palamara , [ARG0 a New Yorker] who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 the 15-trader office] .
- `` It meant that [ARG0 people] were [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel running] [ARGM-MNR pell-mell] [ARGM-DIR to the safety of bonds] . ''
- Stock-fund sales have rebounded in recent months , but [ARG1 monthly net purchases] are [ARGM-TMP still] [rel running] [ARGM-MNR at less than half 1987 levels] .
- The Boston firm said 0 [ARG1 stock-fund redemptions] were [rel running] [ARGM-MNR at less than one-third the level two years ago] .
- [ARG0 Elaine Garzarelli] , who *T*-1 [rel runs] [ARG1 Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. 's $ 335 million *U* Sector Analysis Portfolio] , predicts 0 the market will open down at least 50 points on technical factors and `` some panic selling . ''
- [ARG0 Oil company refineries] [rel ran] [ARGM-MNR flat out] [ARGM-PNC *-2 to prepare for a robust holiday driving season in July and August that *T*-1 did n't materialize] .
- [ARG1 New York retail rents] [ARGM-TMP still] [rel run] [ARGM-MNR well above the going rate in other U.S. cities] .
- [ARG0 Proposals for government-operated `` national service] , '' [ARGM-ADV like influenza] , flare up from time to time , depress the resistance of the body politic , [rel run] [ARG1 their course] , and seem *-1 to disappear , only * to mutate and afflict public life anew .