frames- The ruling could lead to the cancellation of [ARG1 huge bank debts] 0 [ARG0 the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham] [rel ran] up *T*-1 [ARGM-TMP after *-2 losing heavily on swap transactions] .
- [ARG0 The Soviets] are widely believed *-1 to need additional supplies , despite * [rel running] up [ARG1 record one-month purchases of 310 million bushels of corn] [ARGM-TMP in October] .
- With [ARG0 Japan] [rel running] [ARG1 enormous trade surpluses against much of the world] , they think that Japan should meet the increased domestic demand by *-1 importing more .
- [ARG0 CBS itself] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel run] up [ARG1 losses of a few hundred million dollars on four years of various sports] [ARGM-ADV if its big gamble goes wrong] .
- Some TV people doubt 0 they will materialize and argue that even if they do *?* , they wo n't offset [ARG1 the multimillion-dollar deficits] that [ARG0 CBS] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel run] up *T*-1 .
- `` There 's quite a bit of value left * in the -LCB- Jaguar -RCB- shares here [ARGM-DIS even] [ARGM-DIS though] [ARG1 they] have [rel run] up '' [ARGM-TMP lately] , says 0 *T*-1 Doug Johnson , a fund manager for Seattle-based Safeco Asset Management .
- That follows a more subtle decline in the prior six months , after [ARG1 Manhattan rents] had [rel run] [ARGM-DIR up] [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [ARGM-TMP since 1986] .