frames- `` People are looking *-1 to stake their claims '' now before [ARG1 the number of available nations] [rel runs] out , says *T*-2 Michael Porter , an analyst at Smith Barney , Harris Upham & Co. , New York .
- `` [ARG2 We] [ARGM-ADV flat] [rel ran] out of [ARG1-of financing resources] , '' Mr. Jerritts said *T*-1 .
- The Sept. 30 end of the federal fiscal year may have prodded contractors to get any behind-schedule road and bridge construction under way `` before [ARG1 the clock] [rel ran] out , '' Mr. Christie said 0 *T*-1 , *-2 referring to threatened 5 % across-the-board budget cuts .
- `` We 've run into [ARG1 a market] that *T*-1 was beginning *-2 to [rel run] out of [ARG2-of steam] and get frothy , '' he says *T*-3 .
- My wife and I will stay through the skiing season , or until [ARG1 the money] [rel runs] out -- whichever *T*-1 comes first .
- But many owners plan *-1 to practice frugality -- *-2 crossing out the old code and writing in the new one until [ARG1 their stock] [rel runs] out .
- [ARGM-TMP When] and if [ARG2 the trust] [rel runs] out of [ARG1-of cash] *T*-2 -- which *T*-1 seems increasingly likely -- it will need *-3 to convert its Manville stock to cash .
- And [ARGM-TMP now] , [ARGM-TMP at the crucial moment] , [ARG2 he] 's [rel running] out of [ARG1-of money] .
- [ARG1 My unemployment insurance] [rel ran] out [ARGM-TMP before I found a job] ; I found cutbacks and layoffs in many companies .