frames- [ARG1 The $ 3.18 billion *U* bid] , which *T*-110 had been [rel rumored] *-1 [ARGM-TMP since last week] , `` creates a better feeling that there 's value in the market at current levels and renews prospects for a hot tape , '' says 0 *T*-2 A.C. Moore , director of research at Argus Research Corp .
- [ARG1 Pennzoil] is [rel rumored] *-1 [ARG2 to be accumulating a stake in Chevron in order *-2 to push for a revamping of the company] ; investor Carl Icahn has recently increased his stake in USX , which separately *T*-115 reported earnings that *T*-116 were in line with expectations .
- Interprovincial Pipe Line Co. , [ARG1 an oil pipeline operator] [rel rumored] * [ARG2 to be mulling a gas pipeline proposal of its own] , said 0 that is n't in the cards .
- [ARG1 Nashua Corp.] , [rel rumored] * [ARG2 a potential takeover target] [ARGM-TMP for six months] , said that a Dutch company has sought U.S. approval * to buy up to 25 % of Nashua 's shares .
- [ARG1 It] is [rel rumored] *-2 [ARG2 to be bound *-1 for a new model in the luxury Acura line in the U.S.] , but Honda officials would n't comment .
- The two [ARGM-TMP most frequently] [rel rumored] [ARG1 buyers] , neither of whom *T*-1 would comment , were Coniston Partners , which *T*-2 battled the UAL board in 1987 , and New York real estate developer Donald Trump , who *T*-3 recently made and withdrew an offer for American Airlines parent AMR Corp .
- Aside from *-1 exploring plans for joint ventures or acquisitions , Mr. Lippens has called top managers of [ARG1 companies] [rel rumored] * as [ARG2-as potential raiders] -- among them , Axa-Midi , Union des Assurances de Paris and Suez , all based in France .
- [ARG1 Lotus , Cambridge , Mass. ,] has been [rel rumored] *-1 [ARG2 to have the sale of the four-year-old unit under consideration for a year] .
- Among [ARG1 other stocks] involved * in restructurings or [rel rumored] [ARG2 * to be so] : Holiday Corp. gained 1 7\/8 to 73 and Honeywell rose 2 7\/8 to 81 1\/2 .
- Among other actual and [rel rumored] [ARG1 targets] , Woolworth rose 1 1\/4 to 60 1\/2 , Upjohn went up 1 1\/8 to 39 3\/4 , Armstrong World Industries gained 1 to 40 1\/8 and Kollmorgen rose 3\/4 to 13 7\/8 .
- [ARG1 Mr. Peters , a LaSalle Street legend among the post-World War II generation of commodity traders ,] was [rel rumored] [ARG2 *-1 to have amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune from commodity trading and other activities by the time 0 he died in May *T*-2] .
- [ARG1 Even giant Samsung Group] is [rel rumored] [ARGM-LOC in the Korean press] *-1 [ARG2 to be considering *-2 getting into the auto-making business] ; a company spokesman had no comment .
- Many takeover stocks plunged Friday , as speculators retained their confidence in corporate buyers but fled from the socalled whisper stocks , the targets of [rel rumored] [ARG1 deals] .
- But [ARG1 several stocks] [ARGM-TMP long] [rel rumored] * [ARG2 to be ripe for a takeover or restructuring] fell 10 % or more .