frames- We finally rendezvoused with our balloon , which *T*-94 had come *-1 to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who *T*-95 watched [ARG0 us] disassemble our craft -- another half-an-hour of non-flight activity -- that *T*-96 included the precision routine of * yanking the balloon to the ground , punching all the air out of it , [rel rolling] [ARG1 it] up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer .
- [ARG0 Equitec Financial Group] said 0 it will ask as many as 100,000 investors in 12 of its public real-estate limited partnerships *-1 to give approval to *-2 [rel rolling] [ARG1 them] up into [ARG2-into a new master limited partnership] .
- [ARG0 Richard Chamberlain] dresses as a `` Mainland haole , '' *-1 tucking in a Hawaiian shirt and [rel rolling] up [ARG1 its long sleeves] .