frames- While Wall Street is retreating from computer-driven program trading , [ARG0 big institutional investors] are likely *-1 to continue these strategies at full blast , *-2 [ARGM-MNR further] [rel roiling] [ARG1 the stock market] , trading executives say 0 *T*-3 .
- PROGRAM TRADING is being curbed *-1 by more securities firms , but [ARG0 big institutional investors] are expected *-2 to continue the practice , *-3 [ARGM-MNR further] [rel roiling] [ARG1 the stock market] .
- About the same time , [ARG0 the Iran-Iraq war] , which *T*-1 was [rel roiling] [ARG1 oil markets] , ended .
- But [ARG0 an unexpected deviation either way] [ARGM-MOD could] [rel roil] [ARG1 bond and currency markets] .