frames- The walls shook ; [ARG1 the building] [rel rocked] .
- And in little more than a decade of [ARG0 *] being friendly -- and [ARGM-TMP at the same time] [rel rocking] [ARG1 the staid Swiss business community] [ARGM-MNR with some U.S.-style wheeling and dealing] -- the 46-year-old Mr. Rey has grown from a modest banker to a billionaire .
- NCAA Executive Director Richard Schultz , in * accepting a place on the Knight Commission , urged that [ARG0 the panel] take a `` balanced '' view , which *T*-1 looks for all the world like a plea 0 *T*-3 [ARGM-NEG not] to [rel rock] [ARG1 the boat] [ARGM-EXT too much] , and the presidents ' recommendations could face considerable opposition at the NCAA 's full convention in January , which *T*-2 will vote on them .
- [ARGM-TMP When] [ARG0 the earthquake] [rel rocked] [ARG1 northern California] [ARGM-TMP last week] *T*-1 , Aetna senior claims executives from the San Francisco area were at the company 's Hartford , Conn. , headquarters for additional training on how * to handle major catastrophes , including earthquakes *T*-2 .
- Boston Co. , [ARG1 the upper-crust financial services concern] that *T*-2 was [rel rocked] *-1 by [ARG0-by a management scandal] [ARGM-TMP late last year] , has had a sharp drop in profitability -- mainly because a high-risk bet on interest rates backfired .
- Student loan defaults remain high *-2 at about 12 % , and [ARG1 the program] has been [rel rocked] *-1 by [ARG0-by allegations of fraud and mismanagement] .
- [ARG1 BNL , which *T*-3 is controlled *-2 by the Italian Treasury ,] was [rel rocked] *-1 by [ARG0-by the disclosure *ICH*-4 last month that its Atlanta branch extended more than $ 3 billion *U* in unauthorized credits to Iraq] .
- *-1 Speaking to reporters this week after Bank Bumiputra 's shareholders approved a rescue plan , Tan Sri Basir said 0 [ARG0 heavy lending to the property sector] [rel rocked] [ARG1 the bank] [ARGM-TMP when property prices in Malaysia plummeted in 1984-85 *T*-2] .
- It 's a flimsy structure , built * up on supports , and [ARG0 it] was [ARGM-ADV really] [rel rocking] [ARGM-DIR around] .
- Just last week they announced 0 they may make a joint bid * to buy Ferranti International Signal PLC , [ARG1 a smaller British defense contractor] [rel rocked] * by [ARG0-by alleged accounting fraud at a U.S. unit] .