frames- At the same time , [ARG0 the drop in interest rates since the spring] has failed *-1 to [rel revive] [ARG1 the residential construction industry] .
- [ARGM-TMP Now] , [ARGM-TMP 13 years later] , [ARG0 Mr. Lane] has [rel revived] [ARG1 his Artist] [ARGM-LOC in a full-length movie called * `` Sidewalk Stories , '' a poignant piece of work about a modern-day tramp] .
- Some of the surge in the stock 's price appeared *-1 to be linked *-39 to [rel revived] [ARG1 takeover] speculation , which *T*-28 has contributed to volatility of Campbell shares in recent months .
- Although takeover experts said 0 they doubted 0 Mr. Steinberg will make a bid by himself , the application by [ARG0 his Reliance Group Holdings Inc.] could signal his interest in * helping *-1 [rel revive] [ARG1 a failed labor-management bid] .
- One investment banker said 0 Mr. Steinberg may be trying *-2 to position himself as a friendly investor who *T*-1 could help [ARG0 UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf] [rel revive] [ARG1 a failed labor-management bid] .
- But in recent days , Columbia has edged up , *-1 closing at 5 1\/4 , up 3\/8 , yesterday on [rel revived] [ARG1 speculation] that the thrift might restructure .
- [ARG0 The Big Board] is considering *-2 [rel reviving] [ARG1 a curb on program trading] [ARGM-TMP when the market is volatile *T*-1] .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 a lot of investors] [ARGM-ADV clearly] have [rel revived] [ARG1 their interest in gold and utility shares] .
- The [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel revived] [ARG1 enthusiasm] among small investors for stock mutual funds has been damped *-1 by a jittery stock market and the tumult over program trading .
- [ARG0 The pending bill , introduced * by Mr. Thurmond ,] [ARGM-MOD would] [rel revive] [ARG1 the long-dormant federal death-penalty laws] [ARGM-MNR by *-1 instituting legal procedures required * by the Supreme Court] .
- *-1 Describing this and other grisly killings , Sen. Strom Thurmond -LRB- R. , S.C . -RRB- recently urged [ARG0 fellow lawmakers] *-2 to [rel revive] [ARG1 a broad federal death penalty] .
- By *-3 providing workers with the opportunity * to move into the private sector where wages tend *-2 to be higher *T*-1 , and by *-3 holding out the promise of more consumer goods , [ARG0 Mr. Gorbachev] hopes *-3 to [rel revive] [ARG1 the popularity of the party] .
- [ARG0 The troubled disk drive maker] aims with the new 3 1\/2-inch disks *-1 to [rel revive] [ARG1 its reputation and sales growth] .
- Analysts agree , *-1 predicting that the [rel revived] [ARG1 market] could significantly boost Westinghouse 's bottom line in coming years .
- [ARG0 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega] may have accomplished over the weekend what his U.S. antagonists have failed *-1 to do *T*-2 : * [rel revive] [ARG1 a constituency for the Contra rebels] .
- [ARG1 Activity] has [rel revived] [ARGM-LOC in the largest U.S. gas-producing regions , such as the Gulf of Mexico] .
- [ARG1 The Ku Klux Klan] was [rel revived] *-1 [ARGM-TMP in the 1920s] [ARGM-PNC as a national organization aimed * at Catholics and Jews as well as blacks] .
- Their reluctance * to support the proposal is another blow to the capital-gains cut , which *T*-1 has had a roller-coaster existence since the beginning of the year , when [ARG1 it] was considered *-2 dead *T*-3 and [ARGM-TMP then] [ARGM-ADV suddenly] [rel revived] *-2 and was passed *-2 by the House .
- The results underscore Sears 's difficulties in * implementing the `` everyday low pricing '' strategy that [ARG0 it] adopted *T*-1 in March as part of a broad attempt * to [rel revive] [ARG1 its retailing business] .
- [ARGM-DIS Still] , [ARG0 Hugo 's impact] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel revive] [ARG1 unsuccessful proposals * to give local governments authority * to levy sales taxes] .
- [ARG0 Other lawmakers] are busy *-1 trying *-2 to [rel revive] [ARG1 the recently lapsed Paperwork Reduction Act , which many feel 0 *T*-3 benefited small enterprises] .
- The announcement seemed *-2 to further damp prospects that [ARG1 talks between Qintex Australia and MGM\/UA] [ARGM-MOD might] be [rel revived] *-1 .
- [ARG0 Philip Morris] , trying *-1 to [rel revive] [ARG1 the Benson & Hedges franchise] , put the account up for review in 1986 .
- When [ARG0 Rune Andersson] set out *-2 to [rel revive] [ARG1 flagging Swedish conglomerate Trelleborg AB] in the early 1980s *T*-1 , he spurned the advice of trendy management consultants .
- One floor trader noted in astonishment that nobody seemed *-1 to mind the news that [ARG0 British Airways] is n't making a special effort * to [rel revive] [ARG1 the UAL buy-out] .
- Such efforts -- unheard of only a few years ago -- are the latest attempts [ARG0 *] to [rel revive] [ARG1 the sagging $ 1.76 billion *U* U.S. ski industry] .
- [ARG0 British Airways PLC , a crucial participant in the proposed buy-out of UAL Corp. ,] washed its hands of the current efforts * to [rel revive] [ARG1 a bid for the parent of United Airlines] .
- The United flight-attendants union agreed to negotiations that *T*-1 could lead to the flight attendants contributing concessions to a [rel revived] [ARG1 bid] in exchange for an ownership stake .
- [ARG0 The leaders] expressed support for * trying *-1 to [rel revive] [ARG1 the bid] following a briefing Wednesday by the union 's advisers , Lazard Freres & Co. and Paul , Weiss , Rifkind Wharton & Garrison .
- However , in response to the British Air decision , [ARG0 United 's pilot union] vowed *-1 to continue efforts * to [rel revive] [ARG1 the buy-out] .
- Mr. Rosen said 0 [ARG0 the quake] [ARGM-MOD will] [rel revive] [ARG1 consumer interest in a little-publicized 1972 state law that *T*-1 requires brokers to disclose to potential buyers how close a property sits to a fault line *T*-2] .
- British Air 's move raised new questions about [ARG0 the buy-out group 's] efforts * to [rel revive] [ARG1 a stalled bid for UAL] .
- He added 0 the airline is n't committed *-2 to *-2 going forward with any new bid , and has n't participated in [ARG0 bankers '] efforts * to [rel revive] [ARG1 the transaction that *T*-1 collapsed] .
- In the event that [ARG0 the buy-out group] stalls in *-1 [rel reviving] [ARG1 its bid] , the UAL board could remain under some pressure * to seek another transaction , even without any legal obligation * to do so .
- UAL fell $ 6.25 *U* a share to $ 191.75 *U* on volume of 2.3 million shares in composite trading on the New York Stock Exchange as concern *ICH*-3 deepened among takeover stock traders about the length of time 0 it *EXP*-2 will take *T*-1 [ARG0 *] to [rel revive] [ARG1 the purchase] .
- Stokely says 0 [ARG0 stores] [rel revive] [ARG1 specials like three cans of peas for 99 cents] .
- For more than 50 years [ARG0 the federal government] has tried various ways 0 * to provide housing for the poor and [rel revive] [ARG1 cities] *T*-1 .
- [ARG1 The economic life of the region] is expected *-1 to [rel revive] [ARGM-TMP in a day or two] , although some transportation problems may last weeks or months .
- [ARG1 A 300-year-old play] may be easier 0 * to [rel revive] *T*-1 than one merely 25 .
- While Steppenwolf was in London with `` The Grapes of Wrath , '' Bruce Sagan , the president of its board of directors , quietly returned to Chicago *-1 to buy a piece of real estate in the city 's [ARGM-MNR rapidly] [rel reviving] [ARG1 North] Halsted Street restaurant and theater district .
- [ARG1 The derivative mortgage-backed market] [rel revived] [ARGM-TMP after a brief hiatus] [ARGM-TMP as two new Remics totaling $ 850 million *U* were offered *-4 and talk *ICH*-3 circulated about two more issues that *T*-6 could be priced *-5 today] .
- The plunge followed a drop of $ 56.875 *U* Monday , amid indications 0 [ARG1 the takeover] may take weeks *-2 to be [rel revived] *-1 .
- The effort 0 [ARG0 *T*-2] to [rel revive] [ARG1 the bid] was complicated *-1 by the unwieldy nature of the three-party buying group .
- Although it may not be legally obligated *-1 to sell the company if [ARG0 the buy-out group] [ARGM-MOD ca] [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel revive] [ARG1 its bid] , it may have *-2 to explore alternatives if the buyers come back with a bid much lower than the group 's original $ 300-a-share *U* proposal .
- Separately , [ARG0 bankers representing the group trying * to buy United 's parent UAL Corp.] met with other banks about * [rel reviving] [ARG1 that purchase] [ARGM-MNR at a lower price , possibly around $ 250 *U* a share , or $ 5.65 billion *U*] .
- [ARG0 Photographic companies] are scrambling *-1 to tap the resurging market , *-1 [rel reviving] [ARG1 some black-and-white product lines] and developing new ones .
- [ARG0 Zaire 's President Mobutu] met in southern France with Angolan rebel leader Savimbi and a senior U.S. envoy in a bid * to [rel revive] [ARG1 an accord 0 *T*-1 to end Angola 's civil war] .
- If only we could get America 's wastrel youth into at least a psychic uniform [ARG0 we] might be able * to teach self-discipline again and [rel revive] [ARG1 the spirit of giving] .
- [ARGM-ADV Most notably] , [ARG1 several of the regulatory steps recommended * by the Brady Task Force , which *T*-2 analyzed the 1987 crash ,] [ARGM-MOD would] be [rel revived] *-1 -- [ARGM-CAU especially because that group 's chairman is now the Treasury secretary] .
- [ARG0 NBC 's interest] [ARGM-MOD may] [rel revive] [ARG1 the deal , which MGM\/UA killed *T*-1 last week when the Australian concern had trouble *-3 raising cash *T*-2] .
- Even if [ARG1 that deal] is [ARGM-NEG n't] [rel revived] *-1 , NBC hopes *-2 to find another .