frames- They will have *-1 to revisit this issue , and [ARG0 they] 'll have *-2 to [rel revisit] [ARG1 it] [ARGM-TMP before long] .
- [ARG0 They] will have *-1 to [rel revisit] [ARG1 this issue] , and they 'll have *-2 to revisit it before long .
- He adds , `` This is n't [ARG1 1987] [rel revisited] * . ''
- `` [ARGM-TMP Each time] 0 [ARG0 the court] [rel revisits] [ARG1 an issue] *T*-2 , the justices will be forced by a dissent *-1 to reconsider the fundamental questions and to rethink the result , '' he said *T*-3 .