frames- [ARGM-TMP A year ago] , [ARG0 the company] [ARGM-MNR completely] [rel revamped] [ARG1 its near-luxury sedan , the $ 17,699 *U* Maxima , which *T*-247 competes against a broad range of upscale sedans] ; it replaced its boxy , pug-nosed body with sleek , aerodynamic lines .
- [ARGM-DIS But] [ARGM-TMP this year] , [ARG0 Honda] has [rel revamped] [ARG1 the Accord] and made it a midsized car .
- Nissan will introduce a [ARGM-EXT completely] [rel revamped] [ARG1 Sentra] next fall .
- But Japanese investors say that their reluctance * to invest stems not only from concerns about Mexico 's economic outlook , but also reservations about Mexico 's [ARGM-TMP recently] [rel revamped] [ARG1 investment] law .
- So far [ARG0 neither the Bush administration nor Congress] is prepared *-1 to lead the way toward * [rel revamping] [ARG1 health care] .
- Any major attempt [ARG0 *] to [rel revamp] [ARG1 the health-care system] is likely *-1 to trigger opposition from politically powerful interest groups , particularly the American Medical Association , and perhaps from the public as well , if Congress takes steps that patients fear 0 *T*-2 will limit the availability of care .
- [ARG1 The first three major areas] of the service sector 0 *T*-2 to be [rel revamped] *-1 were expenditures by foreign students in the U.S. . -LRB- net after expenditures by Americans studying abroad -RRB- , some exports by professional firms -LRB- a law firm billing a German client for services rendered * in * watching legislation in Washington is as much an export as shipment of an American jet engine -RRB- , and improved data from travel and tourism .
- Congress sent to President Bush [ARG0 an $ 8.5 billion *U* military construction bill] that *T*-1 cuts spending for new installations by 16 % while *-2 [rel revamping] [ARG1 the Pentagon budget] [ARGM-PNC *-3 to move more than $ 450 million *U* from foreign bases to home-state projects] .
- The Citizens Coalition for Economic Justice , a public-interest group leading the charge for radical reform , wants restrictions on landholdings , high taxation of capital gains , and [ARGM-MNR drastic] [rel revamping] of [ARG1-of the value-assessment system on which property taxes are based *-1 *T*-2] .
- `` [ARG1 The company] has been [ARGM-ADV completely] [rel revamped] *-1 , '' said *T*-2 Frank Knuettel , analyst for Prudential-Bache Securities Inc .
- [ARG0 Ramada] gained 7\/8 to 11 1\/4 after *-2 [rel revamping] [ARG1 the terms of its restructuring plan , which *T*-1 calls for the company to sell its hotel operations for $ 540 million *U* and spin off its casino business to shareholders] .
- The Boston Globe says 0 its newly redesigned pages have a `` crisper '' look with [rel revamped] [ARG1 fixtures] aimed * at * making the paper `` more consistent '' and `` easier 0 * to read *T*-1 . ''
- Beantown scribes , who *T*-1 spare no invective when * taking on local luminaries such as Michael `` Pee Wee '' Dukakis , or New England Patriots Coach Raymond `` Rev. Ray '' Berry *T*-3 , yesterday poured ridicule on new drawings of Globe columnists that *T*-2 replaced old photos in the [rel revamped] [ARG1 pages] this week .
- Those changes in its condition meant 0 [ARG1 the reorganization plan previously presented * to creditors] would have *-2 to be [rel revamped] *-1 .
- The move reflected the growing confidence of the [rel revamped] [ARG1 Supreme] Soviet .
- But now , the magazine is attempting *-1 to fight back , with an ambitious plan including a [rel revamped] [ARG1 sales] strategy and a surprisingly aggressive ad campaign .
- [ARG0 Greece] [ARGM-DIS also] [ARGM-MOD must] [rel revamp] [ARG1 major pieces of legislation] [ARGM-PNC in preparation for the 1992 targets of heightened Common Market cooperation] .